Keeping in mind, of course, that this is one persons opinions and observations.
I am, on the other hand, a big fan of Gnome. Contrary to what you say, I find it very easy to manage. In fact, I would say that it is KDE that is harder to manage, as there are just too many tweaks, buttons, switches, etc. Gnome is much simpler. As simple as it is though, it is still very customizable. I can transform it into something that resembles Windoze, or something more like a Mac.
KDE is slightly more popular, however I would say that is largely due to new Linux users wanting a GUI that more resembles something they are familiar with (ie: Windoze).
Keep in mind though, that most Linux distros are either based on Redhat (RPM), or Debian (DEB). Both Redhat and Debian use Gnome as the default desktop. I am sure it's not by accident.
Anyway, in the end, it all comes down to personal preference. To say one is faster or easier, is largely a subjective opinion. Gentoo running Gnome will blow the doors off of Redhat running KDE in a speed test any day of the week. See what I mean?
GNOME is the official desktop of the GNU Project and the correct pronunciation of the name is "guh-nome".
GNU is actually pronouced "guh-new" and is a recursive acronym that stands for "Guh-new is Not Unix". Of course now the question is, if "guh-new" is not Unix, then what is "guh-new"? Answer: "Guh-new is Not Unix" .... hence, it is recursive .... sort of like the old Abbot and Costello "Who's on first"!
Anyway, GNOME is the GNU ("guh-new") Network Object Model Environment. Therefore, it is pronouced "guh-NOME".
That is the official pronunciation, however, I don't think anyone really cares if someone feels more comfortable calling it "NOME".