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Posts posted by Choyan

  1. Um....According to the Timeasia magazine that featured Ayumi HAmasaki, she was 14.6% of Japan's market!!! :( And that if she stopped singing, her record company, AvexTran, would close down too!!! XDXD
    Oh~ here the link to it: TIMEasia featuring Ayumi Hamasaki

    edit: (well..no double posting so yeah~~)

    Anyways~ just wanting to let everyone know~ Ayu's next album is 'My Story' which is going to be released in two weeks~!!

    The track list (if streaming links to a part of the song~) :
    1.Catcher In The Light
    2.About You
    4.my name's WOMEN
    7.HOPE or PAIN
    10.walking proud
    16.winding road
    17.Humming 7/4

  2. Oooo.....XD I really like (haha~ If that doesn't describe me enough then...Love??? :() Ayumi!!!! AahhhH~~!! XDXD Have you guys heard her new songs? I'll try to upload it if anyone wants it, but are we allowed to upload stuff and post the links here? Also, have you guys heard of Utada's recent album Exodus?? All the songs are in English~

  3. waahh~~ You live in NZ death.mage????I love manga and anime~!!! XDXDXD....I've seen Inuyasha, bits of Fushigi Yuugi, Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii - a new anime this year~ :) read Ayashi no Ceres, err....what else???....some of Tsubasa, one book of Ranma 1/2 -.-''', tones of Korean ones my friends has~ (but I have no idea what i means!~ XD I read the pictures~)...

  4. Hm....Just bought the Da Vinci Code two weeks ago and I've only read, what? 3 chapters? yeah~ saving it for the plane trip in two weeks time...anyways~ I'm really keen on reading it, but my friend said that all the Christians she knows that read that book began Non-Christian~ :) I wonder why?I would recommend 'The Ancient Future Trilogy' for anyone that's interested in Fantasy books~ It's REALLY GOOD!!!!! by Traci Harding also, it has a sequeal to it too! Called 'The Celestial Triad' ...(well, something similar~ :D )

  5. I'd love to learn flash...just no time at the moment :)

    oh~ also, here's one way to code in music the HTML way:

    [br]<object width="0" heigt="1" name="url of your song" height="0" border="0">[/br]<param name="AutoStart" value="true">[br]<param name="Loop" value="false">[/br]<embed width="1" heigh="1" src="url of your song" AutoStart="true"> </embed></object>

  6. Literally, you just didn't have the

    You had

    .copyright {[/br]font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;[br]font-size: 10px;[/br]font-weight: normal;[br]line-height: 10px;[/br]color: #464c64;[br]}[/br]{ [br]scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FF6600; [/br]scrollbar-arrow-color:#FF6600; [br]scrollbar-base-color:#333333; [/br]scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FF6600; [br]scrollbar-face-color:#333333; [/br]scrollbar-highlight-color:#999999; [br]scrollbar-shadow-color:#666666; }

    And didn't have the Body before the scrollbar so it is being interperated as the scroll in the .copyright has those scrollbar properties...
    so to solve your problem, add the body in like this:

    body[br]{ [br]scrollbar-3dlight-color:#FF6600; [/br]scrollbar-arrow-color:#FF6600; [br]scrollbar-base-color:#333333; [/br]scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#FF6600; [br]scrollbar-face-color:#333333; [/br]scrollbar-highlight-color:#999999; [/br]scrollbar-shadow-color:#666666; }

    Simple :) ...:D:D

  7. hey, or you can use this:

    [br]<a href="main.htm" onclick="window.open('main.htm','1','width=800,height=600,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,sta[br]tus=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no');return false">

    main.htm = the page url[/br]change width and height to whatever size window you want~~ ^^

    resizeable: if you put 'no' then your visitors can't resize the window if 'yes'..then you know ^^
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