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Posts posted by .hack//GU

  1. I made this code to test isometric projection:


    #include <graphics.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>#include <math.h>float matrix[4][4] ={{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}};void vertex( float x, float y, float z ){	float n[4],r[4]={0, 0, 0, 0};   n[0]=x; n[1]=y; n[2]=z; n[3]=1;   for(int i=0; i<4; i++)   	for(int j=0; j<4; j++)      	r[i]+=n[j]*matrix[j][i];   putpixel(r[0]+(getmaxx()/2),r[1]+(getmaxx()/2),YELLOW);}int main(void){   int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode;   initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "");   errorcode = graphresult();   if (errorcode != grOk) {      printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode));      printf("Press any key to halt:");      getch();      exit(1);   }   int angle = 40;	do{      cleardevice();      //isometric projection      matrix[2][0] = -0.5 * sin( angle * M_PI / 180 );      matrix[2][1] = -0.5 * cos( angle * M_PI / 180 );      for(int i=-100; i< 100; i+=1)         for(int j=-100; j< 100; j+=1)               vertex(i,0,j);      angle+=10;      if(angle>=360) angle=0;   }while(!kbhit());	getch();   closegraph();   return 0;}

    this code is for isometric projection, can anyone help me to turn it to perspective projection?

    or maybe ones called that Mode7.

  2. After the annual event of Tokyo Game Show 2007, SquareEnix released the 'closed megatheater' for the new Kingdom Hearts titles. And for you who loved consoles or even PCs, this could be not a good news. However, if you had one of PSP or even NDS, then this news is a great news for you and me (I owned NDS by the way).


    The new Kingdom Hearts titles were released in PSP (Portable Sony Playstation) with the name of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. At the moment before TGS'07 I've ever watched a trailer of Kingdom Hearts, and that was when the news of Kingdom Hearts 3 were issued (even until now no official news of Kingdom Hearts 3 were exist). The secret trailers were for this new Kingdom Hearts : Birth by Sleep.


    After Sora, Kairi and Riku were back at Destiny Island, everything come to a good ending. That's when SquareEnix told us that Birth by Sleep happened in the past, for certain 10 years in the past, before the first Kingdom Hearts. The story followed that one man known as Keyblade Master named Xehanort was dangerous, and another Keyblade Master sent three of his students Terra, Aqua, and Vent to stop whatever Xehanort done.


    The trailer showed us a scene somewhere inside the game itself, the battle between Terra, Vent, and Aqua fought the follower of Xehanort, ended in defeat of the three. The graphics were stunning, really I had thought this was for nex-gen consoles, but turned out only an FMV for PSP. The gameplay sounds nice, where we could have three different stories for Vent, Terra, and Aqua in their pursuit. I've been trying to have a trailer for the gameplay, but I couldn't, only still images I found.


    The next one is for ones who didn't have PSP at the moment. This is Kingdom Hearts who had somewhat unique (or weird) name, Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days released for DS (Nintendo Dual-Screen). For the trailer I haven't found any of them, but from the info I had, this game based on the days Roxas had within Organization XIII, the days where Sora was sleeping from the event of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories in Oblivion Castle.


    Other than info for the speculation of the name coming from, which is we could use more than 1 player (yes, multiplayer so we could use Axel also), I have no other information of this game. I wonder when BlueLaguna.net or khinsider.com will share the new informations about this game... Well, for the gameplay, some said it is slight different than usual Kingdom Hearts and we could hope for the new usage for the stylus for DS. They better had more usage than just pointing (like in Final Fantasy III).


    Lastly, well so many of the fans were not very satisfied for the last of three new Kingdom Hearts, which released for handphone, which (maybe) only covered the whole Japan region only (like Final Fantasy XIII: Agito). This is Kingdom Hearts: Coded, where we played as Jimminy Cricket. I haven't heard about the story other than King Mickey told Jimmy to search for the lost pages of his diary... and the new battle system named Coded itself.


    So, there they are, the three new Kingdom Hearts title that I've found out at the moment. When I had new information (release date I presume) I'll share again.

  3. This is a simple shoutbox I created in the past for my class.


    <html> <head>  <title>  Projekt Shout!box  </title> </head> <body>  <form action="shout!box_prc.php" method="post">   <table border="2" align="center" width="400">	<tr>	 <td align="center">SHOUT!!!BOX</td>	</tr>	<tr height="300">	 <td align="center" width="300" > 	  <table border="1">	   <?php		$connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root","");	if($connection)	{	 $db="shoutbox";		 $query="select * from data order by id desc";		 $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query);		 $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query);$count=0;		 do		 {				  echo $fetch['id']."-".$fetch['sender'].": ".$fetch['message']."<br>";		  $count++;		 } while (($fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query)) && ($count<10));	}	else	{	 echo "Connection failed";	}	mysql_close($connection)		?>	  </table>	 </td>	</tr>	<tr>	 <td align="center">	  Sender:<input type="text" name="sender">	 </td>	</tr>	<tr>	 <td align="center">	  Message:<input type="memo" name="message">	 </td>	</tr>	<tr>	 <td align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td>	</tr>   </table>  </form> </body></html>

    <html><title>Processing...</title></html><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) {  $_POST[sender] =strip_tags($_POST[sender] ,"<b><i><u>");  $_POST[message]=strip_tags($_POST[message],"<b><i><u>");  $db="shoutbox";  $query="insert into data(sender,message) values('$_POST[sender]','$_POST[message]')";  $insert=mysql_db_query($db,$query);  if ($insert) echo "Success";  else echo "Failed to insert";  echo "<a href='shout!box.php'>Return</a>"; } mysql_close($connection); ?>

    <title>Admin Page</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) {   $db="shoutbox";   $query="select * from data order by id asc";   $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query);   $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query);   do   {			 echo $fetch['id']."-".$fetch['sender'].": ".$fetch['message'];	 echo "<a href=shout!box_edt.php?code=$fetch[id]> Edit</a>"." "."<a href=shout!box_del.php?code=$fetch[id]>Delete</a>"."<br>";	     } while ($fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query)); } mysql_close($connection);?>

    <title>Deletion</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) {   $db="shoutbox";   $query="delete from data where id=$_GET[code]";   $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query);   if($db_query) echo "Deleted succesfully";	else 	 echo "Failed";   echo "<a href=shout!box_adm.php>Return</a>"; } mysql_close($connection);?>

    <title>Deletion</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) {   $db="shoutbox";   $query="select * from data where id=$_GET[code]";   $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query);   $fetch=mysql_fetch_array($db_query);   echo "<form action=shout!box_edt2.php?code=$_GET[code] method=post>";   echo "<b>Update</b>:<br>		 Old:".$fetch[sender]."<br>	 New: <input type=text name=sender2><br><br>	 Old:".$fetch[message]."<br>	 New: <input type=text name=message2><br><br>	 <input type=submit value=Update>";   echo "</form>"; } mysql_close($connection);?>

    <title>Edit</title><?php $connection=mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if($connection) {   $_POST[sender2] =strip_tags($_POST[sender2] ,"<b><i><u>");   $_POST[message2]=strip_tags($_POST[message2],"<b><i><u>");   echo $_POST[sender2];   $db="shoutbox";   $query="update data set sender='$_POST[sender2]', message='$_POST[message2]' where id=$_GET[code]";   $db_query=mysql_db_query($db,$query);   if($db_query) echo "Update Succesful";	else 	 echo "Failed";   echo "<a href=shout!box_adm.php>Return</a>"; } mysql_close($connection);?>

    SQL Query

    CREATE DATABASE `shoutbox`;USE shoutbox;CREATE TABLE `data` (  `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,  `sender` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',  `message` text NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Data for shoutbox' AUTO_INCREMENT=13;INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (1, 'DivL', 'Hello');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (2, 'DivL', 'Alo');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (3, 'Alo', ' juga');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (4, 'fd', 'fd');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (5, 'w', 's');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (6, 'w', 'f');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (7, 'e', 'f');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (8, 'e', 'fd');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (9, 'e', 'e');INSERT INTO `data` VALUES (10, 'g', 'g');

  4. As a software laboratory assistant, I teach the class of Object Oriented Programming. Everything went well until one day a student of mine ask me a simple problem like this Q/A:


    him : Why must we use Object oriented Programming? I thought the usual one could do almost everything.

    me : Well, in Object Oriented Programming we could make a class, so basically eveything could be made to an 'object' in our mind.


    him : That's why I'm asking, why must we made everything an object? What's the difference?

    me : In Object Oriented Programming, Encapsulation is the basic part and because of that concept, we could make an object with parameters / data and methods / functions in just one object / class.


    him : Are you saying the programming will be simpler?

    me : Not really, but in our mind it is far easier when the class is made up and we just use the object freely in our program.


    (okay, that's the intro, now the things I couldn't explain...)


    him : Just in case I made the program in usual (not OOP), what's the difference?

    me : well, you can hide the data in data hiding concept of encapsulation.


    him : We hide data from our own selves as programmers, if we didn't let the user do something the data won't be shown and we don't need to hide any data.

    me : I guess... that's how we put it... hmm, in OOP we could use spesific methods related to spesific class I think.


    him : Instead of using like ball.animate() why don't we use animate(ball) (ball in struct)? It is easier right?

    me : But, to make animate() for several class inhereted from one, we can use similar name.


    him : Just use if... just like this void animate(struct ball ball) { if(ball.type==1) animate1() else if(ball.type==2) animate2(); } we could do it right??

    me : ...


    So I couldn't say anything to him, only to promise him to answer next time I teach them next Tuesday...

    I've questioned the same ones to my friends but none of them can help. Please someone help me...

  5. Right now I'm still in my way to finish .hack//GU episode 3. Well, at first (before episode 1, when I saw the trailer movie) I'm really longed to play this game because personally I really loved .hack//Saga from .hack//SIGN and all the 4 part of .hack//Infection till Quarrantine.However though, I'm not really satisfied with .hack//GU's way to deliver scenes (and I mean in-game scenes). I really like how the new cell-shading techniques for the FMV (Full-Motion Video) but the in-game scenes were just... too plain. So many scenes of the game only show characters from .hack//GU stand in somewhat-vast room / area, then the camera will go move around them...I guess the lack comes from the camera itself and the vastness of the area they were. Most of the area seems too big just for them, not like how the events came out in the anime. (just so you know, .hack//GU first hour of gameplay is also available at the anime .hack//ROOTS the later episodes).hack//GU character Haseo's growth to be the Player Killer Killer is shown well in .hack//ROOTS but, somehow in the game when he was deleveled to 1, his personality is somewhat... not really what I expect I guess. For the 2 episodes sequels from .hack//GU episode 1, CC Corporation could make a good epic advanture even though I guess the first 4 games were somewhat better in how they deliver the story. From what I got, I could say that storyline in .hack//GU is far more complicated than the first 4 .hack// games. But, this game couldn't make me understand that from how they deliver the story itself.

  6. I can't say that I am looking forward :P I really love what the game is from what I've seen but in Bulgaria consoles are way too expensive to afford so when it comes out I will only be angry that I won't be able to try it :P However I am looking forward to making a computer port of ff 12 B) not that this will happen soon or it will happen at all but hope dies last you know :DWish you all guys who has console to play on fun playing it B)

    So, that's in Bulgaria huh? Here in my country we always had the latest videogames available (even I don't like piracy myself but I guess because of console game piracy I could play all my games though...). That's why most people know my country is a heaven for videogame players (but hell for videogame developers...)

    I had a friend moved to America (California to be precise) several years ago, and he kinda envied me because I could play Dinasty Warrior 5 at the moment the game was released while at the same time he bought a legal copy of Dinasty Warrior 4 (wait until the game's price drop). So, for me to buy/not a game is not really a problem, not like people in America/Japan who must save up a set of time just to buy a videogame.

  7. Yea, I've used RPG Maker 2000, and 2003, and I currently have RPG Maker XP Postality Knights Edition (spelling?) installed on my comp. It's very handy, and fun to use, but creating a "full" game actually takes lot of time and it can be tedious to find suitable battle sprites, characters, faces, and backgrounds. Luckily though, there are a myriad of RPG Maker communities around the net that offer a vast array of tools and downloadable graphics. They help a lot. I never actually finished any of the projects that I started on (any version of) RPG Maker, but I had a lot of fun while trying.

    English-languaged RPG Maker XP comes in 3 forms, a first edition which still have dll in Japanese and have various bugs, the second edition called Postality Knights (anyone can tell me why they made this name???) and the latest is the legal English-RPG Maker that I had installed in my comp. (though I use cracked version)

    The greatest achievement is RPGMaker XP could have various battle system (compared to the predesessor that so many RPG-maker games have similar battle system), but becuase the legal is out, I rarely see the free games available (not like RPG-Maker 2000 that have abundant number of free games in various sites).

  8. Basically, me and a few friends are developing a /free/ PHP open-source RPG Engine, but we need ideas from real gamers.
    What sort of things do you like to see in an online game?
    What features would you expect to see?
    What kind of storylines do you like?

    I'd really appreciate it if you could answer some of those questions for us. To make this successful, we will need user-input, and that's what really matters.

    Thanks for reading and I hope you reply,

    You said an RPG, so I should say I would like to see the complex class / job system. And also, we as public gamers may feel the generic class / jobs are just... too plain. I took one of the examples, in Matrix Online everyone is not just like swordsman, mage, or any like them. We need some skils that are new to us, maybe in Matrix Online one can crack the path, or if one condition met, they could so something special or just like that.

    I also want to see graphics even though I don't see too much graphics (like in BattleOn) can give better fun, because some regions of the world may see wait too long loading means to quit playing your game. Graphics are good, but don't be too much for them.

    For storyline, I expect something more than just people wandering in a world than do nothing other than monster-slaying (like many browser-RPG). I expect just like in true MMORPG we could have more interraction with history that runs through the game, I mean in the game itself the story is updated in set of moments, so we could see something new more and more. I don't think for online game need for complex storyline, but storyline itself is needed.

  9. I got it and I think its a piece of **** The gameplay was horrible it takes 10 seconds to attack!! I am normally a FF Fan but I just couldn't stand this one. DONT GET IT!!!! YOU'LL SAVE YOURSELF SOME CASH!!

    yeah. even so many people throughout the worlds said this is one of greates Final Fantasy ever made or so ever, but for me, from Final Fantasy VII to Final Fantasy XII, I guess the twelveth game is the big failure when they try to migrate to action-intended RPG.

    face it, Square Enix (or should I say Squaresoft) is not a suitable developer for Action-gameplay games. The Bouncer, Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cerberus, and some more I forgot are not great game (despite the very cool graphics compared to others) but they are not good in developing the gameplay.

    so, FFXII is a bridge for SquareEnix to implementing action-gameplay to their masterpiece genre, RPG. (yeah, Brave fencer Musashi and Kingdom Hearts are great games thought...) but in the end, they made the worst battle system ever (from FFVII to FFXII). The animation is poor (despite the summoned beings) and the magic attacks seems so poorly made (I can't see my fireball not like the previous Final Fantasy..) and the worst of all, I can't stand to wait for seconds just to attack while you can move around so freely...

    well, when I saw Final FAntasy XIII trailers, I could be sure that FFXII is just a guinea pig or should be a bridge between Final Fantasy X (Individual Speed Turn Battle System) to a fully action-but-not-action-RPG like, just like the trailer shown me.

    and so, this is the only modern Final Fantasy that I didn't finished... (I'm fortunate not to buy, but borrow from my friend...)

  10. the relationship between man and dragon, a Dragoon is what Eragon told about and that's what I've been searching for so long.Eragon is one of my three novel titles that I read. The other titles were Harry Potter (all of them, right now read the last book) and DA Vinci Code - Angel and Demon. I've read Eragon and Eldest and in a long wait for Inheritance to come. I like how the way Eragon developed himself in his journey, I could feel his desire to become strong coming from just reading the book.However though, I'm not really like the movie of Eragon. I like how they made Sapphira but only her is the one I could give my 'ok'. I just could hope if Eldest is coming, they should make more than Eragon, at least how they made the romance between the elf and human in Eldest and of course the war that written in the last part of the book.

  11. Yesterday I went to a shopping mall with my friend (well, she is not my girlfriend...) and we agreed to meet at noon. But because of some work she had to do before, we met at the destination place at 1 PM. Well, that was my first date after all, so I was so nervous to be with her alone.At first, we agreed to play ice skating at the shopping mall, but due to a long public holiday (here) so the rink is packed with so many people, and that's why we went to the movie instead. There were 4 movies showing yesterday, but she had seen 2 of them before with her friends (I'm at works so I don't have time to watch movie at will...). From the 2 rest of the movies, she didn't really want to watch because "The Return" is a horror movie and "Rouge Assassin (starring Jet Lee)" is somewhat... what to call it... brutal? Well, anyway at last we agreed to watch Rouge Assassin because I don't know what to do anything more than that. (not my knowing, she had been to the same shopping mall for 3 times this week!! That's why she refused to take a walk around...)And,... one thing I've been so afraid happened... she didn't see the movie comfortable due to the murders are so... many. After we watched the movie, she returned home, but due to the movie itself, she became less talkative... I feel bad for my mistake in movie choosing... Well, I thought yesterday is not really a good date because of that...

  12. Thank you for all your advice. I'll think about it more, but for now I think maybe we may still be a best friend. Yes, my friend once warned me about "friend zone", as I might regret it when she would be with another man. To tell the truth, even after the long time, I still cannot let her slide from my mind. As long as she is beside me, I don't think I could forget her nor the feeling I have for her. I guess... maybe I'll see what the future give us then until I can know her more than today.

  13. All I can say is DROOL!! For that screeny :)
    Makes me want to get a PS3 :/ It'll be heck expensive, though.

    Well, I 've downloaded the trailer for FFVersus13, but I don't find it too interesting...
    I guess if that's the way FFVS13 will be, it will be another FFDirge of Cerberus dark-plot-like game.

    I guess, the name 'versus' really the opposite from FF13. If FF13 is called 'light crystal'
    then may FFVersus13 be the 'dark crystal'.

    (And FF13 Agito?? Let it be Ruby Version kay?)

  14. Three years ago, I like my underclassman, a girl 2 years younger than me. At that time, I was at my last year in senior high school. After a year passed, we had become a close friend or I thought I was. And that was the time I confessed my feeling to her, which she rejected. She said that she just wanted to be a close friend with me.Now, after three years passed, she attended to the same university with me and our relationship continued. I who cannot forget my love for her always give most of my time to her, until one day she referred me as her 'brother'. After some time passed, I confessed my feeling again to her and now she said that at this moment she didn't want to have that relationship with anyone...And that's the point, I don't know what to do. To continue as her 'brother' I could spend my time with her, but every time we part, I really scared that someday I'm gonna lose her and I don't know what I'll become that day. As I want to gradually forget her last year, she attended to my university and give me more of the false hope...So, what can I do? Let the time flow this way or what other thing I can do? Thanks for your advice.

  15. Being a huge final fantasy fanatic (and one which could never actually afford any FF games) I decided to buy the fairly new final fantasy 12 (XII). I've heard alot about the battle system such as that it is very slow, and has a kingdom hearts sort of feel. I've read heaps of reports but I need to know for sure what it's like by someone whos played it. Mainly the battle system but also the rest of it. Thanks.

    Even most of my friend told me to play this title, but in the end... I didn't really think this title is great after all. Well, this one had a VERY VAST world map and very deep intrigue of storyline...

    but that's all I can say other than the enormous graphics. Well, the intrigue sounds so good, but the relationship between characters of the group is poorly made up. Well, as you may know, no chemistry between both main characters here, and ... (sorry for Panello fan) I don't like Panello (as Vahn's girl) after all...

    Next, the battle system. Kingdom hearts is great for battle system and I wouldn't say otherwise. The action which called upon the battles drive me more and more time for play it. But, Final Fantasy XII is worse than any of modern Final Fantasy (from 7 till 10). It drove me mad when I must wait till the ATB bar to fill just to attack... even though we can FREEly move around the battlefield.

    More than that, the animation for magic is poor. I can only say great for the summoned monster (I forgot what the term now), other than that I can't say they are good...

    And those are the main reasons I could sum up... as I only played less than half of the game...

  16. For me, right now my favorite was still Transformer. That couldn't be changed, at least until I find another more interesting film in the future. I love how they mix the full-CG mecha and the normal world's environment and they felt very nice.My friend asked me to see Resident Evil 3 :The Extinction sometime near, maybe that's a good film too for you who loved Resident Evil (videogame or film lover) too. Even I'm not too good with horror movie, I think this title will be a good one to view.

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