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Posts posted by traitz

  1. hey people, judging by my avatar and my signature you can see im addicted to angling (fishing if you like), and i'd like to know if there are any other members online who are themselves dedicated to angling. put up for all to see any pics of fish you have caught, let us know you'r favourite species of fish to catch (or would like to catch) whether it being a saltwater, freshwater or marine fish (depending on where in the world you live) whether your a particular type of angler or whether u have any questions to ask me! im always happy to help, anything related to angling can be posted on this topic, only if its good, whether its from stories of fishing yourself or something related to angling you'd like to share with everyone!

  2. I don't recommend you follow my advice first, but if it's the last advice left.. then go ahead. Go make friends with another group of the big guys that'll probably protect you from them. Trust me it works. :) Even making friends with big guys at my school makes everyone scared to even touch me.



    unless you're one of those big guys like me!!! lol im 14, 5 foot 11 and weigh 12 stone, (and not fat!) yet i dnt have a 6-pack lol

  3. Try to be proactive. Before they get to you, let an administrator and if your are comfortable, your teachers know what is going on.  That way, the teachers can keep their eyes open, and the administrators can intervene before something happens. 

    One thing to consider is the 'snitch' factor. You probably don't want the other kids knowing you told on them. If you're worried about that, talk only to a teacher or guidance counselor you trust, and ask the teacher to go to administration for you.


    Another thing you can do is avoid these people. Figure out  when they're in the halls and don't be in the same hallways as them. Be very aware of your surroundings so you can turn a corner or duck into a supervised room on a moments notice.  You may need to be the first one out of class and get to your next class quickly, or be the last and take a route the other kids don't take. If you have a friend who is in the same classes, walk together and both of you be aware of the people near you.


    Students should feel safe in their schools. There is legislation requiring your school to take steps to ensure YOUR safety.  Let the school know what's going on so the staff can do their jobs.


    Good luck...


    thats what you call the geeks way out, get a group of strong mates and confront them, they'll be so surprised that you had the guts to do that that they'll shut up and not touch you again!

  4. Theres this new girl at school. I like her alot.


    But I don't know how to say it. I've tried but felt really shy.

    Everytime we sit somewhere, I try coming next to her and say that I like her.

    But its too hard to say it. Any advice on what i should do.


    BTW: She lives on my street, and shes behind me when I sitting on my desk. :)


    look mate, dont just go up 2 her and tell her u like her, thats can lead a gal off, get to know her a bit, then chat to her a bit and get to knoww her a bit more, then wen u close tell her u liked her for a long time (in that way) and hopefully she'll feel the same way as you''ve respected her enough to get to know her a lot before just being an idiot and givin it "ye i like u wanna f**k?" u no wot i mean and hopefully she'll say ye wen u ask her out init! hope its helped m8 :P

  5. Group of people at my school. There teenagers but only one of them is the worst.

    They would come up push you, then swear then call names about your mom! So Nasty as well! Any tips on what I should do?


    well mate if it were me, i'd pick up the nearest heaviest object, confront them and shout and swear at them and threaten to hit them, and if they still did call you names etc, i'd hit the leader with the weapon to let the others no u aint messin about...always worked 4 me!

  6. hey people, myself being an angler i have a lot of interest in fish. for all the anglers on the site, what is your favourite fish to catch? whether it be mainly based on appearances, the fight you get out of the fish or just the enjoyment of catching them! personally, for best looking fish (coarse) i'd have to say pike, and as well for favourite to catch for the fight, and barbel.for sea fishing (for looks) i'd have to say a ballan wrasse and for fight i'd say a conger eel.lets hear your opinions! :)

    Notice from jlhaslip:
    Moved from the "What is " forum to General.The "what is" forum requires that the original poster has the correct answer of definition. Read the pinned info in that forum. This topic's "what is" question is best here in General Talk.
    im also up for answering questions here on this topic as well people!
    Notice from serverph:
    posts merged.

  7. habbohotel is ok as a chat room but the idea of using little characters etc in it gives it more of a game feel. the downside to it though is the reason that its so expensive to buy points for furniture etc but other than that, its a quite fun and interesting new way to introduce chat sites on the web. :)

  8. i used to have adi as well, like some weird alien thing person lol. i had the 4 disc set for gsce's ages ago ubt i never really used it much as i was only 10, it was the only one i could find and i could surprisingly do some of the questions on it, but i wasnt really too keen on it as it was educational :)

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