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Posts posted by TerranUp16

  1. K I wanna get some shooter games but I'm proabably only gonna end up getting 2. Here are the ones I want, but can't decide between:


    Counter Strike Source

    Battlefield 2 (pc or ps2?)

    Star Wars Battlefront (which system?)

    Conflict Global Terror


    I have (well I'm gonna) have PS2 online and I'm interested in the onlin segments of these games. Any recommendations?


    Battlefield 2 is easily the best of those (who cares if the single-player sucks? It only matters if you have a 56k modem or below). I'm going to get Modern Combat for the Xbox 360. Battlefront 2 is good. It's better than the original (for both single and multiplayer. Battlefront 2 is probably best on PC (even though the PC version got the lowest rating, that's only b/c the PC version is being compared to stuff like Battlefield 2; the PC version is still the best of the 4 versions). Battlefront 2 is even less realistic than the first one (in terms of what constitutes realistic in the Star Wars universe). The vehicles are weaker now though (much, much needed), the theme is darker, there are a ton more planets, space is fun (even if it is rediculously unrealistic), the new weapons, bonuses, and heroes are cool and well-implemented as well.


    I'd recommend both BF2s (lol).

  2. If you play a good enough mod map, like Balance Wars or WM: RM; they're even more challenging than the regular game. Anyways, I deleted all my replays a WHILE ago, about 10 months ago when I uninstalled Generals. I suggested Act of War: Direct Action b/c it seems like it might fit more of what you're looking for (AoW is kinda between WCIII and DoW in terms of gameplay; AoW combines many "traditional" elements, but also adds things like PoWs). If you go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ they have I think both a Single-player demo and a Multi-player demo. You might consider trying it out, but then again, you might not. Doesn't matter to me.

  3. Being someone who can play both games with the highest detail, resolution, etc...Act of War: Direct Action does look better. Even Battle for Middle Earth looks better, or is at least on-par (mostly b/c of the really nice lighting effects in that game). The thing that hurts AoE3 the most is that the terrain and stuff is nice, but the units models suck. Even WarCraft III has faces on their units. You can't really see faces on the AoE3 ones. Gameplay-wise it's horrible as well. What might have been ok 4-5 years ago is far outdated now. I'm so rediculously glad that I only downloaded the demo and didn't buy the game.

  4. I should also mention that from the previews and stuff about the Xbox 360 version of 2K6, they are actually adding features as opposed to removing them (EA is taking some key features out of the 2006 Xbox 360 version, and I don't think they're doing anything to the graphics either). The NHL 2K6 Xbox 360 version's graphics have gotten super-amped. They look really, really good, almost like watching TV (but not quite, not yet).

  5. I've still got 2K3, but I can tell you this: It's an excellent game (why am I stuck on 2K3? B/c that's the last one to come out on the GC, I'm getting an XBox 360 when that comes out so I'll get NHL 2K6 on that). 2K3 is actually pretty realistic for the most part, much better than NHL 2002 (which I also have). 2002 is way too arcady, far from realistic. I'd say that 2K3 is more professional than 2002.From what I've read, the rosters on the Xbox and PS2 versions are not up to date even as of when the season started. I'm hoping that the Xbox 360 ones will be for 2K6 (btw, 2K6 is getting better rating if that helps any; and as a hockey player I can tell you that 2K6, from what I've heard, and from what I know from having 2K3, is a much more realistic simulation; they've pretty much added everything that 2K3 needed to be more realistic).

  6. OK, b/c you said TFT is a good game I retract the noob comment, lol. You really do need to learn how to use the SW General if you're going to continue to play Generals (I stopped about 8 months ago though). I should also ammend the statement to: "if you can't stand up against basic rushes as the SW General, and even if you do, if you cannot then use the combination of Auroras and Particle Cannons to win, you are a noob."You sound like a person who would be able to do that, so I'll retract the statement. I actually learned how to counter those advanced rushes by using them myself. The Technical rush is pretty easily countered if you can get 2-3 EMP Patriots up. To counter the RPG rush, make sure to have a few Rangers handy, and maybe a Humvee, but keep the Rangers handy first, and if you think it's going to be a full-out infantry rush, make a War Factory, some Humvees, and put Rangers with Flashbangs in the Humvees. For the Demo Bike rush, it's tough to defend against, but make 2 EMP Patriots instead of 1 in each spot you'd normally place them. Also make some Missile Defenders and put them near the Patriots. That pretty much covers your main advanced GLA rushes; there are a few more, but there's no need to go into them.I highly suggest Act of War: Direct Action even if you just bought Generals, regardless of whether you liked it or not (the thinking behind that being that if you bought Generals, you are interested in that kind of game). Make sure to check the Act of War requirements and your PC's capabilities b/c AoW is rather new and utilizes all the advanced technologies currently available (the AoW graphics are better than AoE3 ones; my personal opinion of AoE3 is that it sucks, and I'm glad I only played the demo and didn't buy the game).I should mention that I got my 760/0 Generals record b/c I played a lot of unranked games on Generals Online before I started entering the ranked ones (so I got well-accustomed to stuff before I played anything that counted).WCIII: TFT is quite good, but I like it more for the mod maps than the actual gameplay. In terms of the actual game itself, I like Dawn of War and Act of War better. My favorite two mod maps are Balance Wars and WinterMaul: Remade. They are both easily the best in both their respective categories.

  7. Bad: (continued)

    -Online servers are quite laggy; couple that with the fact that the game is extremely hectic (and as it is, you will barely know what's going on anyways, even for the most experienced FPS players it will be quite crazy and hard to keep track of)

    -The ground vehicles are not so much affected by this (although they still are a bit), but they've gone in and implemented classes: (Scouts, Medium, Heavy Assault, Heavy Transport for vehicles; Scouts, Fighter, Bomber, and Transport for spacecraft). The problem is with the starfighters in that their weapon loads are all exactly the same (and somehow bombs sucuumb to gravity in space...). This means there are TIE Fighters going around shooting Proton Torpedoes... (for those that don't know, according to just about any SW source, TIEs have 2 laser cannons, and that is their only armament, no torpedoes)

    -In Capture the Flag mode, if the computer gets the flag, they just run in circles firing at random enemies instead of returning it to base...



    -Interface is totally new; confusing at first, and overall has too much clutter in one area, making it rather confusing even when you have it down well (especially painful when you are using a Jet Trooper)

    -Special units now must be unlocked during the course of a battle (each time you play a battle, you will have to unlock the 2 special units by using the other 4 to kill enough enemies first)

    -Space combat in general can be rather agravating; it seems to be a stepping stone that will either be fully capitalized on in Battlefront 3, an expansion, or a patch

    -Massive number of locations, some using day and night

    -Very dark theme to the game

    -Lasers on vehicles may have been weakened too much as they have virtually no area of effect

    -Vehicles can only be controlled in 3rd person (with the exception of starfighters)

    -Control lay-out is odd, you have to either double-tap A or D, or press alt to roll instead of holding A or D and pressing spacebar

    -Some will find the campaign interesting, others will get bored; it's basically your standard one-man-army game with a lot of allies that you can accidently shoot (your allies do little for you except occasionally distract enemies)

    -Bothan Spy seems to be a little rigged (can't tell you how many times in the campaign one has just cloaked himself, snuck up behind me, and taken away 7/8 my health before I could do anything)


    Overall, it's very different from the original Battlefront, and they seem to be trying to make it more like Battlefield 2 and less like a console FPS (you die with fewer shots now, which is more like Battlefield 2). I give it a rating of 7.5/10 at the moment due to some poorly thought-out controls, a confusing HUD, TIE Fighters with Proton Torpedoes, and the fact that battles get way too cazy at times (well, most of the time).


    By the way, Jedi aren't too hard to kill actually. The hardest thing when confronting them is that they can sprint so quickly that there's nothing you can do (now, the flipside of that is they can sprint rather quickly and miss you, which is disastrous for them).

  8. I just got the game, so here's my thoughts so far (I've only played the single-player campaign so far, but it shows a good range of things). Note that this is the PC versions:



    -Graphics are a little better than the original, but the game still runs smoothly enough that I can still get 1280x1024 32 Bit High Detail with 4x Anti-Aliasing

    -Darker mood overall is more appealing than the light, airy mood of the original Battlefront

    -The guns seem to fire more realistically, and overall it comes off as smoother

    -Vehicles are no longer the behemoths they once were; they now mainly provide support, and can still take out a great many enemies, but their lasers don't have a large area of effect and about 6 missiles can take out the CIS Tank Droid (long thing with a giant tread)

    -Missiles from vehicles such as the Republican Fighter Tank do area or effect damage now and are finally more useful than the lasers, as they should be

    -The jedi are cool, and the system for which you get them seems to be good as well

    -When you have a weapon that can lock-on to something, if you press Q, you will lock-on to that target (in the orignal BF it auto-locked, which took longer and was more-easily broken)

    -The new, wider range of vehicles and starcraft is cool and better-balanced

    -Space levels



    -Fighter controls are different and rather odd now, as A and D control your spin, while left or right with the mouse/joystick controls your rudder (reverse of Battlefront and Battlefield 2)

    -Space combat is hectic

    -Campaign levels can get rather confusing with what they want you to do even with yellow arrows


    (To Be Continued... when I get more time, lol)

  9. The game is quite good, but it is a major system hog. 1 GB of RAM is barely enough, even when coupled with a GeForce 6800 Ultra graphics card and an AMD 64 processor. I can only get the game to run w/out lag on 1024x768 32 Bit High Detail with no Anti-Aliasing (but, surprisingly, with Battlefront and Battlefront 2 I can get 1280x1024 32 Bit High Detail with 4x Anti-Aliasing).My personal favorite part of BF2 is flying fighters (F-35 JSF is my fave for the game, wish they would put F/A-22 Raptor in though...). My favorite class alternates between Assault and Anti-Tank depending on which is needed more.

  10. Well, Super weapon generals has more powerfull auroras then any other USA army in my opinion and I bealive u meant on them too when u said AIR general. They are not really that overpowered, yes, they are great unit with huuuuge splash damage, but it also depends which map u actually are playing. If u are playing big map with little places where army can come to u, super weapon has good advantage, but if map is smaller, u will have no chances in short games versus some GLA army, especially GLA stealth. Just pick first worker and send him to oponnent's base, but try to do it on that way so ur oponnent doesn't see u. Build network tunel somewhere near his base and when u get some quad cannons, take them out in his base and first destroy his airfield and supply chinoks... after that, he will have no chance to get back to game. Also, if u stealth ur supply center ( GLA stealth ), workers which came out from it are also invisible, so u can go to his base when he doesn't have good defense. If map is bigger or u can not enter his base, then make a bike and put ur worker on it and take it to his base. Bikes can go over mountains... There are numerous tactics with GLA stealth... They are the best race if player is good...


    I'm with rok, it is very sad that you think Generals has balance, or that you think it's a good game. Act of War owns it in every way.


    I highly recommend Act of War: Direct Action for anyone posting on this topic.

  11. Terran told me about this one (he said our Clan, Clan PMM, might expand to it once it's released).  Anyways, it looks really good (kinda like Rome: Total War).  I heard that the demo is coming out in December.  Also, it's going to be like a Galactic War.  What I mean is that there will be like 80 planets that you try to capture.  You gotta like bring your ships into a  system, fight it out in space, then bring stuff down to conquer the planet (or just use the Death Star to blow it up).


    Aye, rokhan's pretty much right.
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