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Posts posted by CrazyRob

  1. Wow... no.
    I've done a ton of drive wipes. What you just said doesn't make any sense, because Windows won't allow you to delete files that are in use... which would be what you're doing if you even successfully do it that way. Then again, I've never tried that way because it doesn't make any sense for it to work.

    Actually you can... you will need notepad and know how to write binary. I will not post the code on here as it could be exploited.

    If you save the notepad file as batch file then run it from command prompt in windows you system will get wiped whilst you are still in it.


  2. Yesterday a Blazing Car was driven into Glasgow Airport at high speed. Luckily it didn't get into the actual building, it only hit the main doors.

    Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.

    Eyewitnesses have also described the drivers being Asian and one was on fire from head to toe. When he was taken from the car he was also on fire and tried to resist help from the police who finally managed to wrestle him to the floor and put the flames out.

    An eyewitness told the media the man was throwing punches at the police whilst on fire trying to resist help. every punch the threw he was shouting Allah...Allah.

    The vehicle was also carrying Gas cylinders and lots of fuel so imagine the devastation that it would have caused had the car penetrated the doors and exploded inside the main terminal.

    Police have linked the events with Glasgow with that of the attempted attacks on London. Because of this the UK threat level has been elevated to Critical and the new Prime minister - Gordon Brown has called another emergency meeting of Cobra - the emergency committee.

    Source adapted from BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/6257194.stm

    Also looking at the MI5 (UK Security Service) Website i can see that the Critical Security Level means that 'This means that an attack is expected imminently and indicates an extremely high level of threat to the UK'

    So maby these attacks are just drawing the police's attention away from a possible huge attack - who knows i sure don't

    What are your views and opinions?

  3. There is WinAVI that has DVD creation software in it. I have also got Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator that will do what you want from ground up. It has a simple wizard which will guide you through the process. If you dont want to pay for the software you could always look on sourceforge for DVD Creation Software.

  4. My servers cost me little over $100 custom built by me. I don't usually buy from companies like dell (although i have in the past) Once you have got one you could co-locate it in what's called a Data Centre. They will handle the looking after of it, provide support, general maintenance and configure it and provide you with about 15 IP addresses to connect it to the net. if you want i can PM you with the provider i use - cannot announce it on the forums as it could be viewed as advertising :)

  5. I think its plain stupid. So Manchester has a history of gun problems. Look at Baghdad they have a history of gun problems and they still do and i bet if sony based the game their they wouldn't care. However I do see RedAlert's point of going to the trouble of copying an existing building when they could have built their own. Also i know for a fact that Sony will not recall the game so legal proceedings are likley to follow and i cannot see either party winning.

  6. They should try comparing Vista to CentOS or Trustix or Ubuntu. In my eyes they are the most secure Linux operating systems around. I cannot believe Microsoft's XP has been running for nearly 6 years - it only seems like 3. Like Truefusion i am also a Linux user - well i have a fleet of Linux servers if that counts :)Linux communities are also quicker at fixing bugs as they have so many developers spread across the globe so it wouldn't be long before someone released a patch.As truefusion said Microsoft should be given some sympathy... which they should as its at least doing better than XP. Apparently the code base has been completely re-written so its harder to hack. These known exploits should be fixed in service packs like XP service pack 3... Yes there is one being built by Microsoft and is due to be released some tiem this year hopefully - so those who cannot afford vista will be safe in the knowledge that XP service pack 3 should fix most of the security vulnerabilities if not at least 5 :) If i dint rely so heavily on Vista for my computing i would be constantly using my Linux PC its so much more flexible. The only downside with using Linux is the Drivers. Microsoft's Vista supports over 1.9 Million hardware devices and wireless works :) i dont use wireless any more but i used to which meant that i couldn't get internet on Linux as there was no driver for the hardware.All in all i would say that Vista would be best suited to the normal people lol and Linux would be best suited to people who want a challenge unless you pick Ubuntu which is basically like a Vista version of Linux.

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