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Posts posted by emma

  1. Well, I was looking at my friends site and she used a redirection survice so that she didn't have to buy a domain(obveously) and she was talking about how much she LOOOOOOVED her host. I dunno, I was hosted at the time and still are there but, I needed a reliable pic host so, that's what I use as my Xisto.com domain. I looooove it too cause my friends love looking at the pics I take with my camera and I put them on my xanga! woohoo! lol

  2. ok basically the poem exaplins it...gah let's just say it sucks right now....sitting beside me,all alonea little nervousmostly, feelings unknownit was like a jokeand nothing at firsta little laughonly playing nervousbut when I never got said yesyour hand on my cheekyou lean in for the killour lips meetfeels like heaventhere with youwhen it endsfeelings astrewbut then you say it's a secretand not to tellnot knowing whyI said surenow finding outI'm a little dissapointedonly to now knowyou had a girlfriendeh, sad I know...lol

  3. Once again with the reasearch! Stop reasearching and ask real people. My aunt, didn't have an abortion and killed herself. My friend had an abortion and is now top in our school and loving her life. She knows that she shouldn't have had sex, but, it's all over now. Ooooh wow, a horror story! There are SEVERAL operations that go wronge. ANything, can go wronge! A Toe surgery can go wronge? SHould we say docters shouldn't exost anymore!? NO! We deal with what can go wronge and do our best to fix it.

    Besides, let's fight fire, with fire!

    1)  the first argument is that abortions will happen anyways and that if we make them illegal then women

    will get unsafe illegal abortions.  well first of all, you are creating a false dilema and judging by the tone

    of your forward, you know what that is.. and if you dont, then too bad, you're a moron.  but, we're not gonna

    get  into the False Dilema issue because it's not the most important.  take into consideration Kant's

    Categorical Imperative.. what if we made everything that is going to happen anyways legal?  well, people

    are going to continue to rape and murder other people.  should we make them legal?  of course not you

    may say rape and murder are very different from abortion but essentially they are not.  abortion encroaches

    on the most universal. inalienable right of every human being.. the right to life.  murder and rape also

    encroach on the right to life and also the right to safety.  -just think about it-

    2)  the second argument was that abortion is good for women's health.  the most obvious problem here is

    that abortion is acually very detrimental to women's health, both physical and mental.  many women have

    either gotten horribly ill or died from complications due to abortion.  and i believe i am safe in saying that

    almost ALL women who have had an abortion have had horrible mental side-effects to it. -think about that

    one too-

    3)  the third argument was that making abortions illegal diminishes women and that women are more

    of a "person" than babies.  but i ask you, what is your definition of a person?  strictly philosophically, a person

    is something with rational capabilities and a self conciousness.  babies have both of these.. babies have

    the capacity to be rational, they just don't know how to use it at first and is has been proven that fetuses

    have a self conciousness by how they spend much time looking at their hands and other appendages.  what

    makes women more of a "person" than babies?  because they are more developed?? well, then i guess a

    30 year old deserves more rights than a 12 year old??.. doubt it -more food for thought-

    4)  the fourth argument was that abortion is an option and that women can do with their bodies what they

    want.  well, what about the babies option to live?  have you taken that into consideration?? i guess not.

    arent you glad your mother gave you the option to live?

    5)  the 5th, and probably most ludacris, argument was that anti-abortion laws are discriminatory to low-

    income women. what the hell?  if laws against women were to be made, NO women.. not even the rich

    ones.. could have abortions.  and if these low-income women do not want to get prognant, either get

    protection, or if you cannot do that, don't have sex.  i mean stop running away from responsibility here,

    people.  if every mistake we made in life were as easy to get rid of as babies, imagine where our

    society would be.  people need to step up and either practice some self controll, or reap what they sow.

    and if these women are so terribly low-income that they cannot afford protection, chances are they cannot

    really afford a high-quality, safe abortion.. seeing as insurance doesn't cover abortions--much like it does

    not cover other negligent acts.  -and yet something else to ponder over-

    6)  the sixth argument that i would like to counter is that anti-abortion laws are not akin to a free society.

    well, i have pretty much answered this statement in my responses to 1 and 4.  but, i will recap.  there

    are many laws today that put restrictions on human actions.. such as laws against rape and murder.  now,

    if you think about it, those laws deny humans complete freedom to do as they choose, much like you

    say that abortion laws do. does that mean that anti-homicide and anti-rape laws are not akin to a free

    society?  of course not.  "freedom" does not only mean "freedom to..." but it also encompasses

    "freedom from..."  anti-homicide and rape laws give everyone the FREEdom from rape and murder.

    much like anti-abortion laws give babies the FREEdom from being murdered and the FREEdom to life.

    ((notice the horribly obvious parallelism here))

    7)  the seventh argument is that if we abolish abortions then more children will bear children.  well, before

    we even start on my counter-argument to that, we will address your blatent contradiction.  in your first

    argument you said that if someone wants an abortion, they will get one whether its legal or its not.  so, if

    we had anti-abortion laws, then these children who would have gotten a legal abortion will get one ilegally.

    so, with or without the laws, these pregnant kids aren't having other kids... see the contradiction now??

      on to my argument.. more and more teenagers are beginning to have sex outside of marriage whether

    they think it is wrong or not.  abortion laws make it very easy for these teenagers to escape responsibility

    for what they have done, instead of stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility.  what kind of values

    are we teaching our teenagers here?.. that every time they screw up they can wipe it away and rid

    themselves of their mistake with no consequences?? that is not how real life is.. in the real world, when you

    make a mistake, you have to deal with the responsibilities.  people who are pampered and are allowed to

    rid themselves of responsibility will not know how to handle their other mistakes in life.  ---hhhmmm...---

    8)  the eighth argument in the forward was that abortion rids us of unwanted kids.  oooooh, wow.  well,

    first of all, over 20,000 requests for the adoption of a baby in the U.S. go unanswered every year because

    there are not enough babies to go around.  yet, hundreds of thousands of people get abortions in the

    U.S. every year.  some may say that they could never give their baby up for adoption, so they have to get

    and abortion.  so lets clear this up one cannot give their baby, whom they do not want in the first place, to

    a loving home which will supply them with love and everything else they need but one can sit with her legs

    spread in a doctor's chair and have their baby's brain sucked out or have their baby painfully dismembered..

    talk about a contradiction.. HHMM?  others may say that "group homes" for children are overflowing with

    unwanted kids.. yes they are.  key word here: "KIDS."  these homes are not filled with unwanted babies,

    because all babies put up for adoption are adopted.  the kids here are runaways one orphans.  still others

    would say that they would put the kid up for adoption but it will have a deformity and no one would want it.

    au contrare, mon ami.. over 1/3 of the requests for adoptions each year are for babies with abnormalities

    and terminal illnesses.. wow never knew that did you?..  --now you're thinkin, right?--

    9)  the ninth, and final, argument on the forward was that everyone deserves a choice.  BRAVO everyone

    does deserve a choice.... the most important choice a person has is the choice to live or die.. now are we

    giving that baby a choice to life?? nope nope.. just giving that to an irresponsible mother who doesn't want

    to deal with her mistakes.. gosh.  ((refer to 1 and 4 for further reading on this topic))


    There are approximately 46 million abortions conducted eacy year, 20 million of them obtained illegally.

    Personhood at conception is a religious belief, not a provable biological fact. Mormon and some Fundamentalist churches believe in personhood at conception; Judaism holds that it begins at birth and abortion is not murder; ensoulment theories vary widely within Protestantism. The religious community will never reach consensus on the definition of a "person" or when abortion is morally justified.
    We are pro-choice. "Pro-abortion" is inaccurate, as it implies favoring abortion over childbirth. We support reproductive freedom, which means that an individual woman should be able to make her own choice.

    The "pro-life" concerns of abortion foes are only for fetal lives, not the lives of women or unwanted babies. "Pro-life" is a term used to make anti-abortion and anti-choice seem positive and good.

    Laws have never stopped abortion, but only relegated it to back-alley butchers. The hypocrisy is clear: when illegal abortion was the leading killer of pregnant women in the U.S., there was no Right to Life (RTL) organization.

    Most Americans reject the absolutist position that it is always wrong to terminate a pregnancy and believe that abortion may be the morally right choice under certain circumstances.

    The same people who oppose legal abortion are attempting to cripple federal and state family planning programs both by defunding and by administrative regulations. The "human life amendment" would outlaw birth control methods, such as the IUD and mini-pills, which act after fertilization. The charter of Birthright, the anti-abortion "problem pregnancy" counseling organization, prohibits referral for contraception.

  4. Why the hell do men think they know all?! Just because they can research and crap doesn't mean they have life experiences about things! They don't! They're people just life every other frekaing perosn on this planet!!!!!!I just don't get it! THEY DON'T RULE THE WORLD ANYMORE SO STOP ACTING LIKE IT!God! Okay, it's not too long of a rant, but, here goes.Men don't rule Earth, at all! Okay, so stop saying that they are all knowing and crap and get the hell over it! Women are just as good as men so, GET OF YOUR *BLEEP*ING HIGH HORSE!gah! lol<<removed>>guys, Love Emma ^_^

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    This is the Vent section, but don't abuse it. Suggesting "go to a place" is not tolerated, no matter how sarcastic it may. Refrain from tripping the censor filter next time.

  5. But, was it the mother's fault that she was raped? NO! I can stand a debate but, when you would know nothing and the only way you know these things is RESEARCH then you shouldn't be on this board. Abortion is not a mans job to decide. Abortion is a WOMENS debate. I don't see you walking around any time soon with a 4 month old thing inside of you. Getting fat and making you sick. They HELP with expenses. But, what about the girls who can't even afford a new pari of shoes every year. Why should they have to be homless while they have a life inside of them they didn't even want. If you take abortion away women will kill the baby some other way. Rich women will go to another countries. Poor women will kill it with a hanger. Normal women may keep teh baby but, they'll just be stuck with it...or kill it themselves or fly to other countries.One baby becomes a gonvernt official and now every life in the world is precious!? No, ONE out of Millions. The world is over populated already. Look at China. They can't have abortions and they are WAY over populated and have a kid limit.Now, please leave the dabate because you don't belong here anyways.Go to hell, Emma ^_^

  6. Because having a baby is expensive. Docters visits, going to a hospital! It all costs money and not eveyr is rich. Also, please just leave the board! Nobody is ever going to take a man seriously when he talks about keeping the baby. Its horrible to be pregnant. Sickness, fat, life down the drain! Just leave! Nobody is taking you seriously. You can't talk at all! How about we rape you and tell you to keep the baby and enjoy 9 months of your life down the drain waking up every morning with that horrible reminder of what happend. Not being married and being sick! YOU TRY IT AND GET THE *BLEEP* OFF THIS BOARD!

  7. lol wild20 I don't see why you are even here! lol Men couldn't possibly grasp the fact of rape or being pregnant. People ake bad choices why can't they fix them? People do kill 8 year olds, but, that child knows the world. The baby inside of the mother isn't even a living thing after 3 and a half months.Also, when did I say that the baby was living before 3 months? It isn't formed yet therefore it can be destroyed and not killed. Now after three months I believe that would be HORRIBLE!

  8. honestly who gives a crap it's a sin!? People have sex before marrige, it's a sin. People Lie, it's a sin. People do tons of things that are in teh eyes of god a sin! Why not abortion? Pro choice means choice that does NOT mean that the baby will always die. Giving a person choice means giving a person the right to change how their life will be. You choose everything in your life except parents and siblings. You choose the family you raise, so, why can't they decide WHEN they WANT a family.

  9. to say teh honest truth I would love not to be here! Actually I would love my brother not being here. I mean honest to everything. I think it's choice, you may call it pro-death, but, why not call those who think we don't have a choice pro-controal? Cuase that's al it is complete controal.

  10. I'm a singer as well and I'm about the age of these kids and I was sick once and their commercial came on and in the middle of it I had to run to the bathroom and throw up...lol it was sorta funny but sucked at the time cause I coud hear the kids in the background and I didn't stop throwing up...lolAnyways, I find it annoying and I bought a cd once and I hated it! I burt the cd after three songs of listening to it...ick

  11. Ah, now we add in religion. Not everyone is christian. I'm not, personally I hate religion. I'm not rude to people that have any religon aand I'll listen to what they have to say. But, this will never change, it's all about CHOICE, maybe you cna't afford to go to the hospital and have the baby. Maybe it's against your religion to get pregnant, I don't know, but, no matter what it is you will always have the choice to have the baby or not. No matter how long we argue the fact still remains, America is Pro-Choice.

  12. Then they can adopt but, sadley I will always be a firm believer of choice. Every baby may have potential yes, but, couldn't that potential just to die horribly? You don't know it could be a terrible fate! We should have choice! We live in America, home of the FREE! Which means we are free choice. Therefore we are never going to be without choice. Ther eis always going to be some rich snobs that kill their babys, be it on their own or by a trained professional. Either way, the baby will die if she chooses that.But, I do think that unless it's NOT at ALL what you want, then use protection and you can have an abortion. But, unless it's an extreme have the baby!My mom was told she could NEVER have kids and yet here I am

  13. I don't like it a lot.  Can't get through some of the tougher levels, like the one you have to find this dude and kill him.  Im pretty sure it was like stage 10, anywayz, i was stuck there for like 30 mins running around in circles trying to use force on everything.  Then i was like F this, I'm going online to find some cheats.


    LMFAO! lol I'm sorry this made me laugh lol! Ok, I hate game like that. When I get into them I tend to get a lil crazy, "RUN B**** RUN! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" lol....-sigh- anywho, just adding my two dollars...humph


    -Love Emma! :)

  14. Actually Kitty, I completly agree. Not only does maturity need to be a big issue on the dissision, but so does money, time, and such. If your working 3 jobs just to have enough to feed yourself and have bearly time to sleep. I believe having a baby is a bad choice. But, also, if your a rich, timefull women by all means HAVE THE FLIPPING KID! lolLove, Emma! :)

  15. No matter how long we sit and discuss how evil or how much of a choice it is the fact still remains. We have no say untill one of us gets pregnant and has a choice. Or, we become president. But, I suppsoe I want to go into this.I do know the baby tries to scream. And honestly it doesn't change a thing for me. My aunt was brutilly raped by 3 men and was beaten and left for dead. She was pregnant and chose to keep the baby. Every night she sits in front of the mirror and cries looking at all the scars she still has from that night. Its horrible! She wishes every single day of her life that she had an abortion. She commited suicide when the baby was 14 and she grew up knowing how her mother came to have her and she married an evil man who hit her and beat her. She sits at the mirror every night crying wanting to kill herself but, not wanting to face her mother again so she takes it. My cousin died when she was 34 after killing her husband.Sad isn't it? I think so and those things SHOULDN'T happen! My family prays for them both. We loved both of them!Now, I'm PRO CHOICE just because I enjoy having a choice on my destiny and don't want 18 years of my life wasted for something I sit in fron of the mirror crying about anyways.emma :)

  16. Heart brokenmy love has been tornanger spokenhidden no moreI feel like I'm deaffrom yelling so loudno love leftyou're no longer proudtears down my faceas you shut the doorleaving me brokenhappy no morelove in a tairheart rippedthings aren't fairfeelings are flippedyou are my fatheri do your choresbut, you have no daughterjust a son, mothing more*tear tear* :) Emma

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