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Posts posted by chuya

  1. How I feel about betrayal is... Complicated. For some odd reason I like to make myself believe that the world is a perfect place and that my friends would never hurt me intentionally... And this keeps me happy. Well, I'm happy most of the time at least. But because I never expect to be 'betrayed', and also because my pride is easily hurt, I don't take criticism well. Direct criticism is alright, well I don't like but I don't usually let the other person know I'm unhappy and deal with it on my own afterwards... (woah, that sounds sinister) But anyway, what I can't stand is when I'm criticised indirectly. For example, if I'm with a friend and third party, and the friend says something negative about me (that she hasn't told me about before) to the third party. I know it shouldn't, but it kind of makes me feel betrayed. This happened once when my friends starting telling a third party about how it was unfair that I never study but still get good grades. It's nothing serious, and they said it jokingly, but still. It's a lie. I *do* study, it's just that I also happen to listen in class so I get stuff more easily when it comes to revising. What hurt me the most, I guess, is that I just wasn't expecting it. I was living in this perfect world. *sigh*

  2. I really don't agree with love being attraction. Attraction is when you like how someone looks. Granted, some teenagers determine love as attraction but I find that it really doesn't work that way. Maybe I am a bit naive, but I love people that I really know, and the interests we share.


    Either way, my definition of love might be kind of strange. So I would like to know what you think.


    I totally agree that there are different kinds of love. But when it comes to lust, I think our genes/nature has a part to play. We just tend to be attracted a certain type of person. I've actually found a video of the t-shirt smelling experiment and apparently the results seem to indicate that their is a logical natural basis behind 'love at first sight'.




    Sweaty T-Shirts and Human Mate Choice:



    Maybe it's not similar interests, horoscope signs, looks, or proximity that make women and men fall in love. According to evolutionary scientists, when people throw up their hands and say "it was just chemistry," they may be on to a fundamental factor in mate choice.


    Subtle chemical signals, or pheromones, have long been known to draw pairs together within the same species, and for a specific reason. In mice, for example, experiments showed that pheromones acted as attractants between males and females who were genetically similar except that they differed in a certain type of immune system gene. That difference is actually a survival benefit: The combination of two individuals' different MHC (major histocompatibility locus) genes gives their offspring an advantage in beating back disease organisms.


    So the mice could smell a genetic difference. But could modern humans, who aren't known for a particularly good sense of smell, also make that distinction?


    In the first "sweaty T-shirt" experiment, a Swiss zoologist, Claus Wedekind, set up a test of women's sensitivity to male odors. He assembled volunteers, 49 women and 44 men selected for their variety of MHC gene types. He gave the men clean T-shirts to wear for two nights and then return to the scientists.


    In the laboratory, the researchers put each T-shirt in a box equipped with a smelling hole and invited the women volunteers to come in, one at a time, and sniff the boxes. Their task was to sample the odor of seven boxes and describe each odor as to intensity, pleasantness, and sexiness.


    The results were striking. Overall, the women preferred the scents of T-shirts worn by men whose MHC genes were different from their own.


    The experiment did not test men's perceptions of female scents, but the results certainly suggest that evolution has provided humans, not just mice, with a transmitter and receiver for genetic information that could influence mate choice.


    And all this even before the first date!

    Of course, not all love is based on lust. Platonic love between friends and family members exists. This is probably because we are caple of reason and so we are not the slaves of our impulses/genes. We can value the shared interests or the differences of others.


    IMHO, true Love is finding someone who fits both criteria (biological and intellectual). LOL


    Of course, according to a book about evolutionary psychology I read recently, generosity and intelligence may also be fitness indicators that people look for during mate selection. Not only this, you inherit a big portion of your preferences from your parents. So if generations of your ancestors choose witty/tall/short/funny/bulky/slim/charmismatic people for mates you are likely to be attracted to witty/tall/short/bulky/slim/funny/charmismatic people. In this case, we really are the slaves of our genes :) .

  3. Well maybe Love at first sight doesn't exist but I do believe in what you could call atrraction at first site. Sometimes, something clicks the first time you meet the person. It doesn't have to be physical appearance but it could be. It's only natural that we are more attracted to certain people than to others. My bio teacher was telling us about this experiment where hundreds of t-shirts worn by different men were taken and women had to choose which ones they liked best. I'm not sure what the results were, but if I remember correctly but all the women were attracted to different kinds of men. It was totally random, but a smell that was appealing to one woman wasn't to another. Maybe had the woman (let's call her X) had met the guy (Y) to whom belonged the t-shirt she liked maybe something would have clicked. Admittedly, this is most definitely not Love. But it could be the factor that makes you interested in the person in the first place. Then you get to know them better and who knows maybe you fall in Love with them.Hmmm... I'd like to see the results of the experiment. But it does seem to indicate that whoever came up with the twin soul idea might not be so far off. Lol, someone out there likes the smell of your t-shirt.

  4. I don't mind reading articles and short stories (*cough* fanfiction) on the computer screen provided it's LCD. If the story's too long or my eyes are dry I won't be able to distinguish the letters after a while. One of my contact lenses popped out of my eye once. Basically, nothing beats a nice big paperback book. Besides, unless you're reading off a laptop, you have to be sitting to read off a screen whereas you lie down to read a book.

  5. I've had roughly the same routine since I was seven. I vaguely hear my Dad's alarm clock at about 6h10 but try to go back to sleep anyhow with the vain hope that 10 minutes of sleep is going to make a difference. He wakes me up at 6h29 (usually at the point when I've finally managed to go back to sleep) by opening the door, turning on the light, and then calling my name as he goes to put on the computer. I grumble, get out of bed, grope around for my glasses (I don't have a terrible eysight but my eyes are usually glued together at this point), and stumble my way to the bathroom. By the time I come out five minute later I'm fully awake because I've rinsed my face with cold water and soap and my contacts are on. I get dressed and try to remember all the things I remembered forgetting to pack into my schoolbag the night before. I brush my hair and try to tame it into a pony tail or somethign neat like that. I decide to leave it down. I've spent too much time in front of the mirror and so my Dad's shouting that I'm going to be late. I run down the stairs, grab the Nutella sandwich my Dad's made me and plop myself in the seat next to him to watch the news. At 7h14 I leave the house to get my bus. My Dad goes back to sleep. I'm so spoilt :P.

  6. I wonder why we find eye colour more important than eye shape. Everyone in my family has varying shades of the same brown/black so we talk about their shapes more than their colours. Like, I have long, wide almond-shaped eyes which I'm very happy with ^^, one of my sister has less long but wider eyes and the other had Chinese eyes. I'd look strange with any other eye colour I think, but I wouldn't mind having slightly wider eyes. Some people have lovely eye colours but the shape of their eyes kinf of spoils it.

  7. In holland we had 2 Eurocent, exastly!!. But thank god they banned those stupid little cents. I like 50 cent better :P : Go! Go! Go! shorty.. its you birthday!! :P


    Just kidding.


    You're extremely lucky, here in France we still have 2 cents and 1 cents. They're so annoying and hard to get rid of!


    I don't think there is a French equivalent to giving one's "two cents" but we do have the saying "une blague ? deux balles" which is an insult. It basically means, literally that the joke is worth "two Francs", that's it's stupid.

  8. Woah... A lot of people have sanskrit-based names... Mine is indian too.Chandrika. It means 'daughter of the moon', 'moonlight' or something to that effect. It's the feminine version of my Father's name, Chandran. I was supposed to be a boy and my parents were going to call me Siddartha (just so that they could nickname me 'Sid' >_<)... And so when I came 3 months early and was a girl I think they didn't have time to be creative and just gave me his name. I don't mind. I like my name. It's better than Sid anyhow ^^. It's pretty common name in India but I've never met anyone in France who has my name so I've always felt pretty unique in that regard.

  9. Its funny, you see you're the first person I've ever heard say that men think they are better than women, this wasn't even an issue untill you brought it up, anyway calm down take anice deep breath and instead of wasting your time spouting such rubbish go do something usefull you never know you might impress yourself.


    Well, I guess it depends on the maturity of said men. We were studying A Room of One's Own, which tried to explain why women before the twentieth century had not achieved as many great things as men. Well, the guys in my class felt victimised and began making snide remarks about how the author was probably ugly and hated men. And then the girls all got angry, not understanding what her physical appearance had to do with anything. A debate ensued... And when the guys couldn't come up with any good arguments they began chanting: "Women are inferior". We could do nothing to shut them up.


    So there are some guys who can be quite unnerving... Though I suspect that they weren't serious but just trying to annoy us (the girls).


    Perhaps those are the kind of guys Emma was complaining about?

  10. In sixth grade this weird music teacher called me 'Globulous Eyes' for most of the first term which is crazy since I have long asian eyes. >_>Either because my name is incredibly long or incredibly hard to pronounce for French people (who always try to convert it into a variant of 'Sandra'), I've had about a thousand nicknames.Rika, Pika, Frogpie, Sandrika, Riki, Shreeky (^_^), Shreak, Humongous Bighead, Conquerer of the Fatheads, Saturated Fat Head killer, ChopSuey...Oh and online I've been called "the evil cat lady" and "Chewy".

  11. Don't worry, it's just a fad XD. It will pass. I remember this obscure point in the history of online forums (or at least those I knew back then) when everyone was 'meep!' crazy. I don't think people do that anymore.Then there was the age of '>^_^< '. Now it's <3 and XD and ^^. Everyone's being cute and happy. I still like boring ol' ^_^ the most though.

  12. I also learned from Neopets. I was about 11 at the time, and having fancy shop fronts was all the hype (fancy backgrounds, fancy text, fancy music). I learned first from the basic Neopet's HTML help (how to make text bold, italic, underlined... How to skip lines, etc.) and when I saw that other people could do fancier stuff, I made it my duty to find out more about HTML. Funky-Chickens.com was my best friend for a while ^_^. Then when I had the jist of it nothing could stop me... I made mini HTML help sites, a site which offered copy-paste midi songs for neopets shops...

  13. I totally disagre  about this one. Women know if you are interested (and a wuss). So dont give her your power. Stay calm, keep your composure, be funny, frinedly, bust her balls, tease her like a sister. Lean back.

    Another one that says to her uncociousness: "I'm a wuss, I like you, and I laugh at anything you say because I like you". And the girl goes:"What a looser!"

    Don't show her that you are interested at all (in the beginnig). She's a female, she knows it. If you ask her for a phone no. she know why you asked. If you ask her out, she also knows. You dont have to ask her for her aproval, period.

    I wouldn't do this to early on. It show that you are needy and insecure which is a HUGE turn off.


    Well I guess it does depend on the girl and how confident she is about herself. Some girls think everyone fancies them so I guess your efforts would be lost on them. But others (like me!) tend not to notice subtle hints and need more 'proof' that we're not delusional before we can open up. So it really depends. Teasing for fun is a good way of attracting her attention too but may not be enough. She might think that this is the way you treat everyone.


    Another one that says to her uncociousness: "I'm a wuss

    Not a wuss, just a guy who's a bit more sensitive/perceptive than the others.

  14. TALK is the important tihng in courtship

    I concur !


    why would you ask a girl on a date that you don't even know?


    Well you would if you were somewhat superficial but this doesnt seem to be the case ^_^ . How well do you know the girl? If you find it easy to have a conversation with her, then I think it's crucial that you don't ask her out abruptly. Have a decent conversation with her, drop a few hints of humour here and there, maybe subtly compliment her. (keyword: subtle) Get her to smile once or twice...


    And then say something like

    "Listen, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while. I really like you. I think you're [insert compliment, preferrably something positive about her personality and not her looks]."


    Wait for her response. If its positive then go ahead and ask her out!


    Best of luck.

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