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Posts posted by Webviper2005

  1. Hi please help me. I got Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Flash Professinal and they are all the best (8.0) how can I get an great or good banner and logo?I still have very stupid ones. Like basic. It looks like a kid that drew it. Really. So please if you have any tips, videos, websites, and more or teaching me how to be good at makeing Banners, logos, and images. Please help me. :)

  2. WOW. That's cool. I can't cuss, lol. I know another place to do that it is Macromedia Dreamweaver and Flash. Mostly Dreamweaver. Just download the demo from http://www.adobe.com/ and you can get more downloads. Or you can buy. (Very expensive) About $300 to $400. But it is like worth it! Go under Flash Apps and you can get the Image hosting program. Just add many pictures (About 60 MAX) and post it on your website and it is cool. Or you can get the image done on the page and then go to CODE side and then finally Copy the HTML or code and post it on your website.

    Thank you for ready,
    Webviper2005 :)

  3. Hello! I wonder how I can get my google searchbox working with /you, does it works at all? Thanks! (https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9879?ctx=as2&rd=2&ref_topic=1705820 if you not know how to get a search box klick there)


    Oh, something is wrong. I think it is a scam or it is not avaible. The website does not show. Try posting it agien I will check it agien. And please check if the link works 100%.


    Thank you,

    Webviper2005 :)

  4. These rules were re-written by Dooga




    This forum is a forum to post tutorials that YOU have written. You are NOT allowed to post a tutorial copied from another site, regardless of any reference you make! (However, you may PARAPHRASE it with correct referencing). Your tutorial is going to be moderated (that means, anything you post won't be viewable until a moderator has accepted it). Do not re-post your tutorials if they don't show up! Any pictures you include must be thumbnails or links to the pictures. In other words, YOU CAN ONLY POST IN THIS FORUM IF YOU HAVE AN UNCOPIED TUTORIAL TO SHARE WITH US!!!


    NOTE: You may not post any requests for tutorials! Doing so may result in a warn (a possible removal of posting rights and hosting credits). You can however, reply like you do with other forums.


    Board Rules apply with replies and new topics.



    Ok Thanks for the head up. Very thanks.



    Thanks for reading,

    Webviper2005 :)

  5. Oh Linux is a very popular operationing system like : Win98, XP. But it is quite expensive. Also Linux is great for high servers. I see like web hosting (paid) and say that people like lunix. But sorry I don't have one. I had but then it shown it needed to take about 7 GB space to be installed.Thanks for Reading, :) Webviper2005

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