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Cesto Ode

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Posts posted by Cesto Ode

  1. Wel, i told hollie what you suggested, but now she seems to either sending me ona guilt trip on purpose, or honestly thinks it is her falt. she keeps telling me she is sorry and she can change i dont know what to do, ignore it? it is rather annoying that i find myself here, talking to you about it, but honestly if anybody else knew i just dont want them getting pissed with me. as all my friends are her friends now, so if i was to split up with her now, i just wonder whos side they would take, there would be no way of us remaining friends would there? as i pretty much want to leave her for somebody else.

  2. well thinking about what you said, every computer is a client, the thing is to have them all as servers as well, would be stupidly hard to network a load of servers. plus you would need a domain server, i suppose for internet hosting it would be done, for for an internal network or gaming LAN you could do it, but it would be easier to stick to the one server and the clients connect to it.

  3. Well, im not too sure on how to put this one, its alittle bit of a tricky situation.


    to be blunt about it, and not bore all of you to death, i have not accidently got two girlfriends... and i really dont know how to sort it out.

    It started last year, i was 16 and went on hoilday with this girl "Sammy" that i have known since i have been born, my best friends cousion. i have liked her for a while, but the weid thing is, she is now 19 im still 16. We started out just talking like normal, but we experenced some amazing things together, we travelled around egypt, diving, sky diving, sailing, and getting drunk at the pool and going to bed in the early hours of the morning. i dont know weither it is "Love" as such, but i do know i feel strongly for her, and she clains to love me too.

    Due to the MAYJOR Problem of her living in france, st Tropez, yes i know, thats rather far from brighton where i live, but that did not stop us, for the first month she came to england for a weekend and i went to france for the weekend, everything was amazing. But then she was given a placement on a course of hotel managment for 6 months, so we slowly lost contact, four months into it, i kind of gave up on the idea of her still being intrested. and started seeing this other person " Hollie" for the two months i was going out with her, we had not argued once and everything was so amazing, i was suprised with how well it was going..


    Than BANG the problem, guess who turns up on my doorstep, sammy, we had alot to catch up on, and it is as if all my feelings for hollie have gone out the window and sammys have flown back in. and as we 'WERE' seeing each other, and we did not end it, she assumes we are still seing each other, i have not told her im seeing somebody else, because i do not want to lose her, or for her to lose intrest in me. i think that i love her, i want to be with her, im starting my apprentiship and she is moving to england (She can speak english as well as french) i really dont know what to say to who, i was wondering weither anybody could possible help me out on that one?


    Thanks for reading,


    <LEFT " RIGHT>

    <Jacquie (her god-mother), me (Yes i look like a n*:), Sammy (The girl i like), Jamie (Her cusion)

    Posted Image

  4. The hole tree hacking thing, well there is a way about going around that, what i did was download hotkey.This program will allow you to record your movments, and then it will automaticly do it over and over again....so basicly if you program it to cut a tree then drop it, it will basicly just keep on doing it, i left it going over night, now thats a hole lot of wood!but i do not play anymore, i just liked to annoy people with my macro programs..

  5. You said he worked for your Internet Service Provider...That would be why.All your files downloaded and uploaded through the internet (not on an internal network) can be traced. They will store everything you do on the internet i think it is for something like 15 years, this is some act made by the govements in most countrys, this is how they catch pedo's e.t.cTherefore, if you downloaded these files from the internet, they will be stored on a server at the datacenter from where your internet it connection through. Which would mean if your Parent works for the IPS they can easily go through the content of everything that you have done from their work computer, but only if they had access to the right area, by the sounds of things your dad basicly looked through your history...and i will asume by bad movies, you mean porn..

  6. Dreamwave X is an own production. It's for all kind of designs.

    link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    They offer


    as well are they into gaming as PS2/3, Xbox (360, all consoles, they have a pro reviewer etc...
    the third and last admin is a profesional who is working on his own 3D MMORPG. The game will be released in 2006 and will be available to download at there forum. When te game is out we'll be able to get 1,000 new members each month... seems good doesn't it.

    some info about that game:

    -Many standard MMORPG features built in, such as animal riding, item crafting, and more.
    -Player vs. Player support: PvP can be turned on/off on a per-area basis.
    -Support for secure trading between players.
    -Up to 4,500 visual combinations per character with different genders, beards, hair, faces, clothes and add-on equipment.
    -Players can have pets or henchmen.
    -Merchants buy and sell items.
    -Characters can walk, fly or swim around in your game world
    -Players can buy houses to live in, and to store their items.
    -Players can buy a house with a salesman NPC, and set up a shop selling their items, even while they are offline.
    -up to 65,535 items for players to find, trade and use.
    -virtual worlds with unlimited areas, allowing your world to be as large and detailed as you like.
    -Allow players to create their own guilds, and send their guild members on quests.
    -MMORPG Chat system with typical chat commands and functions
    -Create classes and races, or use a skill based system instead
    -A robust monster and Non Player Character (NPC) Artificial Intelligence.

    as well are we searching for some more jobs
    -1 more coder
    -1 more template designer
    - some advertisers
    - Some MMORPG Admins to Help build and run the MMORPG-Ancient Realm
    They are very well organised, have stricked rules, if you follow them it's pure fun if not.

    link: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I hope you will join this forum and tell all your friends about it. The more souls the more fun!!


  7. sorry about that i have nw found where i saved itI suppose your wondering what this mmorpg is going to be like well, firstly it is going to be 3d!And it is going to have the following features on it,-Many standard MMORPG features built in, such as animal riding, item crafting, and more. -Player vs. Player support: PvP can be turned on/off on a per-area basis. -Support for secure trading between players. -Up to 4,500 visual combinations per character with different genders, beards, hair, faces, clothes and add-on equipment. -Players can have pets or henchmen.-Merchants buy and sell items. -Characters can walk, fly or swim around in your game world -Players can buy houses to live in, and to store their items. -Players can buy a house with a salesman NPC, and set up a shop selling their items, even while they are offline. -up to 65,535 items for players to find, trade and use. -virtual worlds with unlimited areas, allowing your world to be as large and detailed as you like. -Allow players to create their own guilds, and send their guild members on quests. -MMORPG Chat system with typical chat commands and functions -Create classes and races, or use a skill based system instead -A robust monster and Non Player Character (NPC) Artificial Intelligence.You dont know anything about making a mmorpg we just want your idears concisting your going to be playing it, forum update coming soon so dont join now because were about to re-start our forum due to logging in problems, thank youSo please help, in this new era of rpg history!p.s. im making it myself

  8. Hi my name is Cesto Ode ande im trying to create a mmorpg which is good to play and makes life that little bit more intreasting.

    The reason for me posting this topic is that i dont want all of my ideas in this mmorpg, but i want the public's, because your the people who are going to be playing it!

    Firstly, the mmorpg will have the following features;

    -Many standard MMORPG features built in, such as animal riding, item crafting, and more.

    -Player vs. Player support: PvP can be turned on/off on a per-area basis.

    -Support for secure trading between players.

    -Up to 4,500 visual combinations per character with different genders, beards, hair, faces, clothes and add-on equipment.

    -Players can have pets or henchmen.

    -Merchants buy and sell items.

    -Characters can walk, fly or swim around in your game world

    -Players can buy houses to live in, and to store their items.

    -Players can buy a house with a salesman NPC, and set up a shop selling their items, even while they are offline.

    -up to 65,535 items for players to find, trade and use.

    -virtual worlds with unlimited areas, allowing your world to be as large and detailed as you like.

    -Allow players to create their own guilds, and send their guild members on quests.

    -MMORPG Chat system with typical chat commands and functions

    -Create classes and races, or use a skill based system instead

    -A robust monster and Non Player Character (NPC) Artificial Intelligence.

    If you think that you have any idea's which could help me on my mission to build a mmorpg that everybody will like, then please post a reply in here or join the ancientrealm forum,

    or email me

    the mmorpg is going to be based on an ancient realm, which is about monsters and quests and that sort of stuff,
    im open to all ideas,

    thank you,
    Cesto Ode

  9. please can somebody make me a sig for my mmorpg ancient realm,
    if you can please pm me

    Notice from Becca:
    merged your posts and corrected the spelling mistake. If there's a mistake please report it in the future or something, don't double post, it's naughty. Also please explain further what you would like.

    Theme: Grunge, Abstract, etc.
    Render: Yes, no?
    Render Theme: Comic, games, etc.
    Color: Red, Green, Blue, etc.
    Text: Yes? No? What do you want it to say?
    Other effects: Explosion, scanlines, etc.
    Here comes the exsiting part!

  10. X-Box 360


    First out the gate, the x-box 360 is due to arrive in the uk this year.If that happens, Mirocoft will have valuable ime to get gamers buying its new console, without any competition.And the really good games should get here sooner, because progremmers will be used to the system earler.

    The downside? On paper, the ps3 is much more powerful. Still, the graphics look awsome (and are real - i've played two games) and x-box live is set up to be better than befor


    price gess - $300/350


    The vital statistics - free basic Xbox Live package, all titles run 720p/1080i high def, i teraflop overall system performance, detachable 20GB hard drive! DVD discs, backwards compatible to an unspecified degree, Wi-Fi Optional extra


    The Expert Opinion?


    'Plenty Powerful, Although showing early gameplay rather that lavish demos at Ł3 has muddied expections. The most cohernt strategy console connectivity yet.'




    Spring 2006 apparetly. We're betting that's

    May for japan,

    Augest for the US,

    November for eroup


    But when is dose arrive, the PS3 looks to wipe Bill Gates' Smirk of sharpish. It's packing theoretically double the power of the X-box 360. And sony has the big franchises locked already - including Metal Gear 4, Final Fantasy xii, and (proberly) the next grand theft auto. The catch? The visurals shown at E3 looked like movies not gameplay, the hard drive might be extra, the graphics processer dosn't exist, yet soneys online strategy is anyones gess?


    Price Gess - $400/450


    the vital statistics - 54GB Blue-Ray discs. 1080p high def supported, 2 teraflops overall system performance, backwards compatible inbuilt Wi-Fi


    The expert opinion!


    'potentially the most powerful consol. But grabbing the big brands really tips the ballance in sony's favour, final fantasy xii, the next gta and metal gear4


    well what games are you goin gto get? Well...



    Halo 3:Gears Of War


    Ghost Recon 3!


    Full Auto


    The elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion






    Killing Day


    Motor Storm


    Heavenly Sword


    + much, much more


    I will give a review of the games close the time of the being out!

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