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Posts posted by beg4mercy

  1. Yeah casanova, you're right, they said it was kinda awkward and uncomfortable to wear on the wrist, but if you had a long enough headphone cord/extender, I could just put the watch in my pocket or something... but then it'd be defeating the purpouse of having a watch on it... so it'd be a very bulky MP3 player in my pocket.What's with the USB cable hangin out? Does it just dangle around when you're just walking around? Talk about ghetto... lol

  2. I agree wit u bro... I do the same thing, but I'm alot slower at it since I'm just moseying my way along.I use a Scandisk 256mb lil drive-thing, it's not real stylish, but IDGAF really.. I just want something that'll get my data from Point A->point B in the simplest, but most reliable way, and if it happens to look nice too. then that's just a perk. Kinda ghetto to go out and buy a disk-drive cuz it looks nice.. u kno?I don't mean to put anyone down tho.

  3. im looking for more of what trystim said, but kinda not.. like i mean i want a log-in where people can join and when they log-in it shows latest news and stuff.. kinda like the Xisto portal but for my site

    This is probably a stupid answer, but why not just use PHP-Nuke, or PostNuke to run your whole site? I mean you obviously want to script it personally, but why not just use one of those two CMS's?

  4. How do I create a script in PHP that will take the information that i'll input via the form (in this case, a e-mail address) and send an e-mail to it, with specified contents of the e-mail? I know it's possible, and i've scripted alot of PHP, but it seems that this has just slipped my mind, or it's right in front of my face and I don't see it. Plz help.CDX-Blk PandaEDIT-Also.... I want to know if there's a tag I can insert into a PHP enabled page, that will call on ANOTHER PHP script and kind-of insert it into a spot, without me just copying the whole script and inserting it.... That sounded confusing... HereOkay, so i have this script, that is my home page (page 1 for our purpouses).... and another script, that is a HUGE insert to put INSIDE of that page (page 2, for our purpouses), how do I tell page 1, using PHP, to insert page 2 in a certian spot?Regards, I hope i didn't confuze ya'll homiesCDXBlk PandaBeg4mercy

  5. That's true, but right now, u could get that ps1 for almost like 80 bucks, or less, I'm not sure, and besides, considering most of the Ps1 games have suckky graphix in comparison to the Ps2 (but then again, most of us thought the graphix rocked on the PS1 when it was new.) i'm talking in a circle.. someone stop me...It's kinda pointless if ur ONLY gonna buy the PS2 for just the graphics, cuz well.. you understand.. OH god this was so stupid..I get what ur saying man, but i'm trying to tell everyone that you shouldn't just by the ps2 if ur thinking of it, only becuz of the ability to play ps1 games because most ps1 games have lame-o-graphics.

  6. Ya'll had some weird *BLEEP* happen to ya'll. i'd probably die of fear up there somewhere. I have a low tolerance for fear, high tolerance for pain.. which sux.My worst experience was when a friend of mine, and I, who WERE involved in the same gang at the time, went out gun shopping together, cuz we wanted new guns.. lol so my bud was probably high, or drunk, or both, and we go to the gun shop, pick up some shizit, and pay and whatever, and get out of the store.. my bud goes crazy waving a ruger around and pointing a loaded rifle at random people in the parking lot.. And i knew that soon, someone'd call the cops and we'd be screwed. So I tell him to calm down, and we jump in the car and i drive like forever away from there, and he threatens to shoot me while we're in the car, going down the highway. And I'm so freaking stunned right then.. I could've died without him shooting me.. So I Pulled over, stepped out of the car, and kinda-gave up to him... and he cocked the gun, but never shot it... he just drove off. I was so freakin scared then I thought my buddy was going to kill me, i mean ya'll gotta have been there. And i've been told b4 that that sounds fake, and I admit that it does, but it's real. I dont kno whi i tell this shizit newayz... PEACE UP-A-Town DownCDX

  7. I don't wanna diss nobody's stuff, But I use frontpage for EVERYTHING, and it's a lil' under-featured, and the templates *BLEEP*... so I want to know from someone that has dreamweaver, whether or not it's worth my time downloading (Yeah it's 20 minutes of my life wasted.. lol i have DSL) But still, before I waste time downloading this product, I want to know if it's decent from anyone that's used it.I'm not particularly "skilled" with HTML editing, i've just been around it a LONG time... and I felt that since people like Macromedia and Microsoft are going to make programs to make that job alot easier, why bother learning it so you have to type every single peice of code into notepad... I can only barely stand doing Java like that, and It annoys the shizit outta me. LOL, so I've had no reason really... Plz comment.. lol :( Hey look, i'm a terrorist... (not funny)

  8. It didn't hit world news, but he was on Good Morning America a LONG time ago, but all he had then were sketches and stuff... I slightly remember that..It's real.. If you go to the mini cooper website, i forget the address, you can "design" your own robot, and If it wasn't real, then Mini-Cooper wouldn't CoSign it.. Don't you agree? And besides which, he had no reason to make that up, he's got a freakin life, as far as I can tell. (If he was joking) He could quit the lil' robot gig for ever and still make a killling as his normal job. And yeah, he worked on a group of peepz, which means, one of them could have the PhD in Comps, other PhD in mechanics, other PhD in yadda... yeah, and be smart together, but it turns out he just got the credit.. lol Did I make any sense?

  9. I saw the new Mac at the CompUsa out by my house.. Real sweet.. Kinda heavy though, and Even though I run a P4 XP 256 Ram 30-30 hard drives, on my laptop.. I still look for minimal portability in desktops. If i have to be somewhere, like go out of town for a business trip, and I let my buddy use my laptop, I don't want to be stuck with the equivialent of a Movie Theatre screen to move around. Now that's all fine and dandy if you're going to chill at your crib all day, but otherwise, stick with something that CAN be small when u need it to.

  10. I dunno if ya'll support this kind-of thing on your forums, but I know that there's plenty of places to find CD keys, serial codes, cracks, the like on the internet. I run opera (latest version) and have Serial codes available for this, and many other products available now... PM me or somethin if you want a crack or serial to something
    Mods- admins- such,

    If this kind of stuff isn't appropriate for these forums, my bad.. i did'nt kno.. and it won't happen again.. aiight?

    Not supported mate, don't try that here...

    You risk being thrown out. I suggest you edit your posts immediately, if you want to stay here...

    This is a clean forum and let us keep it clean.

    Thanks for understanding.

    A responsible forum member :(
    Yeah, thanks bud, i noticed that noone was PM'n me or E-mailing me for info.. lol So i had to stop and think.. obviously it's not right.. even though I've seen people do worse stuff here.. but like i said. My bad. won't happen again... I'd like to point people in the direction of Download.com's Cool Download Site which is where I get EVERYTHING I download. Even though it seems kind-of obvious, but download.com is overlooked by many people.. and by looking at most of the pages, it seems like it's a pay-site where everything has to be paid for.. but yeah.. it's not.. it's 70% freeware/shareware... and it's real cool.. So check it out..

    Oh, and if someone was going to ban me or whatever, i really think they'd've done it by now (jeez double contraction, what AM i thinking of?) so thanks for ur concern tho.

  11. Well all of us homies living in the USA can't say much because there's alot of stuff on that side of the world, that we don't have. So like lil' buddy in singapore said, it's probably existant in a way that people could by it cheaper or something, but I doubt that Microsoft would Release a new version, and not at least INFORM the general U.S. public about it. I mean, they could make a lil' cash here first off of a release like that.

  12. naturally. but i'm just saying that If I can help ya'll out, I'm glad to. I mean some peeps don't know about the places to get CD keys and such like that.. and If all else fails.. go to COMP USA and take ur phone and take a picture of one of those CD keys on their CD's... :(Thx for reminding me a3k..EDIT-Favorite Browser - OperaFavorite Anti-Virus- Norton (it came wit my comp So it's Kinda freeware

  13. HEYI'm Chris A.K.A beg4mercy and I'm rly excited to be involved in this community and yadda yadda.. right acceptance speech over. I'm definitely going to be a huge influence on these forums, and plan to use the webhosting capiblities to their fullest. From the few posts I've made, I can tell this is going to be an incredible group, and I want to stick with ya'll.Thx again...ChrisA.K.ABlack PandaBeg4mercyCDXyadda yadda (even tho noone calls me that)

  14. I dunno if ya'll support this kind-of thing on your forums, but I know that there's plenty of places to find CD keys, serial codes, cracks, the like on the internet. I run opera (latest version) and have Serial codes available for this, and many other products available now... PM me or somethin if you want a crack or serial to somethingMods- admins- such, If this kind of stuff isn't appropriate for these forums, my bad.. i did'nt kno.. and it won't happen again.. aiight?

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