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Posts posted by WolfLinkTLoZ

  1. In twilight princess Link is right handed in the Wii version but left handed in gamecube version so has Link really become normal or is it just a phase, also all of the TP screenshots show link right handed some times and left handed other and i got confused a lot anyway this is important so post now

    Link is actually left-handed. In the wii version of Twilight Princess, everything is completely mirrored compared to the gamecube version. In Ocarina of Time 3D, there is a master quest version of the game that you unlock when you finish the origianal mode where the entire world is mirrored and the dungeons are a bit different to the origional mode. On master quest Link is a righty but origianally he's a lefty. In Skyward Sword, I've noticed he's a righty. I'm a lefty and a proud Zelda geek. So overall, he is left-handed :D
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