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Posts posted by Birdie

  1. The utmost important thing is choosing a compatible partner..some might disagree and many of us have heard that opposites attract but thats not really true.Both should share atleast a few common intrests and above that they should learn to appreciate each other for what they are.After that comes trust you can never fall truly deeply madly in love with any person you dont trust because during your phase of being in a relationship there will be many situations that will demand your trust and faith in your partner.Patience is yet another virtue that is required for maintaining a good relationship.And for some fools to realize money doesnt buy love..TIME does!

  2. This is my first post :D

    Writing has always helped me pour my heart out n express myself..

    Preferably I don't share cause i'm scared of being judged or misunderstood..here I'm taking a shot :)


    Here it goes..





    Another beautiful day,

    Another beautiful you

    As i grow old with you I see the purity enlightened in you

    I just want to sit and stare in awe

    Your an example of almighty's masterpiece without any flaw

    I'm spell bound for all my life

    For the innocence in your eyes drives me crazy,calms me in my frenzy

    Everything that you do is perfect in its own way

    Every move you make has something to say

    Your eyes an ocean of joy I could drench in them

    Your heart overflowing with love i can feel it wen it beats

    When you hold me near and look in my eyes you just sweep me off my feet

    You unravel the enigma when i'm mused and speechless

    Your my life ...priceless :)



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