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Posts posted by disklaimer

  1. Your point is completely irrelevant.Although FPSs should, theoretically, be similar in style, they have MANY different aspects to them. Someone who plays say UT2k4 like twice a day and is AWESOME at it may then play a completely different style of game, say Counter-Strike.Your logic is that because the person is amazing at UT2k4, and it is a FPS, he should logically be good at counter-strike aswell..But this is not the case, counter-strike guns more recoil, more realism, slower in pace, more tactics based.On the surface, games look the same, but in depth, they are actually very very different, and if someone has taken alot of time to master the skills of one game, they are often not going to be very good in other similar games.

  2. You realise that by posting this topic you are going to get every spotty teenager who reckons he's a funny bastid and going "loollololo yuo aer teh sux!!!1one i hope you die nubcake roffle cake"But yeah, i hear you man, this crap gets to me aswell, not the l33t speak as much but the girls texting like :"hya hw u? im gd tx i wz jst out wiv mi m8s n we saw dis shop n it was wl nice! tb lyl xx"aaarrgghhghg!! I also hate people that randomly spell words wrong, when its not quicker to type it that way, or whatever but stuff like "mi" or "bi"die >:{

  3. Wales kicks *bottom* :] Cardiff is a very modern beautiful city by the river and very close to the sea. The bay is just beautiful and many modern structures really shape up the city, Millenium Stadium, New Opera House,


    But that's a silly question. If you have the choice of staying in your own country on vacation, or going abroad, it's like uhh.. let me see. Unless your american and have no need to experience the world outside neon lights and commercial high-streets, people want to experience other parts of the world and see new things.


    I'm quite a wide traveller is my father is a successful commercial pilot working out of London Gatwick (currently where I live now, but Wales is my hometown), so I am very fortunate in my ability to see many places of the world.


    Salzberg in Austria was a beautiful place around Christmas time, i really loved it, lots of steep valleys with snow and a medieval castles and what not.

    New York is a good place to visit, and i do semi-regularly, but i'd never wanna be in Manhattan for more than 3 days, the noise the smells the rush of everyone trying to get places... bah

    Aruba is the nicest place i've ever visited. A small island just north of Venezuala, beautiful caribbean weather. I lived there for 5 months when i was a teeny-tot, and went back there recently. It's just gorgeous, clear blue waters, palm trees, little tourists (although there are alot more now than there were 13 years ago), gorgeous coral reefs (if you scuba dive)


    I recommend looking going to aruba for a week or two to anyone in the US, not that far away and really really nice.

  4. Quite simply, google.com is your friend.A simple "futuristic fonts" or "classic fonts" or even "website fonts" should bring up a fair number of pages with fonts able to download, and if it brings up lots of sites where you are asked to pay for fonts, then type either "free ___ fonts" (__ being the style you want) or even browse around for a specific font you may like and then search for that filename on google might get some naughty download pirates offering it for free :].To be honest though, you don't wanna use too much custom stuff for the actual main text of the website, it will make it hard to read and might make people lose interest. For logos and headings though, yeah sure.

  5. dreek i would LOVE to join your clan i played with you guys the other day you're pretty damn good i would say you're gonna be like bursting onto the top division 1 scene soon enough within the eu and uk. I am a heavy mostly but i can play light or sniper. I've had previous clan experience in american clans but i play european now.

  6. Your site needs some serious grammar re-furbishment, seriously. I don't wanna sound like an *bottom*, but nobody will take you seriously if you cannot construct a sentence properly.

    Also we have a forum where you can ask question,comment or just chat.

    If you have a comment about our wars,the site or just want to have a word with us

    Plus hundreds more that are driving me insane. You also go into far too much silly detail on your "info" page :/

  7. At the same time though, you HAVE to be harsh if you need to make sure they realise your point of view. If you feel sympathy and try to be all "listen im sorry i really like you still it's just blablbal" bull, then she will get the wrong idea and she might think you still have interest for her, which in the long run would hurt her even more.I know if I was in someones shoes where they just seriously broke my heart, i would wanna just get over them, and if they acted like a b*tch to me and never wanted to speak to me again, it would be so easy to get over them, you wouldn't be like oh god i still want her you'd jsut be like wow screw her she's a b*tch im better off without her anyway.


    Posted Image



    As for Gmail, it's nice, i'm impressed with it. Looks almost identical to Yahoo! mail and the user interface is kinda bland and boring, but hell, Google make millions of visitors every day with one of the most basic website designs out there, wouldn't make sense to go all technical for their email. It's a nice simple layout just looks a bit, text-ish and boring with the blue and purple hyperlinks and etc.



    Yahoo and Google are almost identical, so the term "much better" doesn't really seem to justify the need for me to have to translate lots of chinese just to read my email. If they are both free, and both have huge amounts of space, who gives a damn :]

  9. I've been following this games progress for a while and it's just been released today. It looks pretty fcking awesome but i've heard kinda bad things about it too... stuff like it's too focused on the action, not much management or 'strategy' involved.I haven't played the demo yet but it's just finished downloading.Do you guys have any opinion on it?

  10. Ever since like, the age of 9, i've been wanting to get an RPG game, but i've just never really had the money or just been too busy playing other games.The last year i've been craving a mass multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) sooo bad. And i've been hearing various names thrown about the place and stuff.What I want is : an RPG where you are just a plain old human, no stupid races or classes or universes or monsters i just wanna be a human, with other humans. I wanna be able to customise his face, his hair colour, his build, his skin colour, etc. I wanna be able to go through the world picking up thousands of opportunities of armour and clothes for him.Essentially, i wanna play a game that is like Ultima Online, i loved that game. But more, modern.Any suggestions?

  11. Toxique, You shouldn't have started with as many forums and catagories as you have. You should have started with the bare minimum amount, say 2/3, get some friends on there, and then you will get lots of topics building up in 2/3 forums.This makes your overall forums look alot more active than they actually are, and other people might sign up.Instead, what you have at the moment is like 3 posts spread across like 20 forums. Even if you get 10 people on there there is going to be lots of 0's and 1's around the place and your entire forums are going to look baron and wasteland.Delete some of the forums and catagories, and then when you have more members that start requesting somewhere to post about certain things, then add them.

  12. dreek you are so secksey :( << seanyHL2 is either gonna kick some serious *bottom* and the entire world will be orgasming in their computer chairs, or is gonna be one giant huge big let down where everyone is going to be like holy hell we waited this long for this?!?!Alternatively it could turn out to be doom3 where it was, in fairness, nothing all that special but lots of people call it the best game ever because the marketing hype makes them think the game is better than it really is.

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