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Posts posted by AliceInWonderland

  1. Okay, I'm a girl in 7th grade so I'll help you out with some advice. Here are some ways to tell if a girl likes you:?This is the most obvious one: she tells you she likes you. -Well duh. She likes you. ?She touches you somehow, it can even be an innocent brush on the shoulder. Most girls like to make themselves seen, I know I do.?She flirts a lot with you. Touching, complimenting, joking, laughing at totally not funny things... These are all good signs.?She stares at you. Okay, not many girls do this because lots of guys do this to us so we find it kind of creepy, but it happens sometimes. But also, she could just be in a daze.?She crosses a crowded room just to talk to you. This depends if she's in a good mood or not. If she's mad, that probably not very good...?She smiles a lot at you. Smiling is a good thing because most girls I know, which includes me, do not smile at boys unless they are our boyfriends or you made us laugh. Most girls just don't smile at boys for no reason, unless they are like high on something.BAD SIGNSThese are some bad things to watch out for.?Mean remarks about you.?Her yelling or raising her voice at you.?Her punching or kicking you. ?Her telling you she hates you. ?Her ignoring you.Hope that helps!

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