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  1. Yeah I saw her on campus the other day and she's completely fine, pretended that she didn't see me. Anyway, I still don't know what happened but I'm just gonna drop it. If she's not willing to tell me that I messed up or that somebody told her something about me then she's not the same girl I thought she was anyway. Thanks for the replies
  2. So I met this girl at a party about 3 weeks ago.We really hit it off and we've talked everyday since, until last Friday, when with no explanation she stopped talking to me altogether.I don't get it! We've slept together we have the same interests, her friends like me and she was always "talking me up". She won't answer the texts I've sent nor did she answer her phone when I called. I sent her a fb message asking what happened and why she won't talk to me. It's so strange. I've never encountered anything like this. Before if something like this happened I'd just blow it off and move on to a new girl. I can't with her and I've only known her 3 weeks! I need to know what happened. I'm good looking, smart and athletic, people say I'm hilarious but right now I just feel depressed. Don't I at least deserve an explanation? There has been no fight, I've done nothing that would upset her, I just don't get it! I could understand if I got a message like " I'm not interested anymore" or "you did this". But to just ignore me? whhhhhatt the heckkkk
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