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Everything posted by Ronin6767

  1. You know, I'm going to have to go with Call of Duty overall. The two main facets that all FPS games have are the campaign and the multiplayer online. While both -are- rather fun, I would have to stick to my guns (See what I did there) and say Call of Duty. The gameplay in Call of Duty is phenomenal when it comes to both Campaign and Multiplayer. But it's the Mulitplayer mode in Call of Duty which put it over the top. The problem I have with Halo multiplayer is due to the overshield. You can unload 2 clips of the Assault Rifle into someone and it only removed their overshield. It was because of that, that I basically stopped playing Halo multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, I still bought Halo for the campaign, but that's about where the fun ends with me to be honest.
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