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Posts posted by sujith

  1. My friend is an avast addict, he says he use it because it is skinnable. l <_<

    I use avast now . It is brilliant in detecting virus through real time monitoring . For your question I prefer to use some other anti-virus because both are memory hogging . I prefer to use avast home edition which is free for home use or buy a pro version .But if you need firewall etc zone alarm is my choice but their anti vir is not that much good.

    But when I tried avast, it was giving me a lot of flase alerts (it is called false positives or something like that, I am not sure of). Now I am running Kaspersky, version is 7.*..

    It seems good, but the interactive firewall is not very easy to handle, so I just disabled it.

  2. I also struggled quite a bit when I needed to install my CDMA modem in Linux. But finally I made it. But now I am not using Linux as my primary account.The most amazing thing is that in Windows I need to install a hefty driver to install and make the modem detected and make it working, but if it is in Linux it is a simple text file (*.txt) that I just need to paste the data in that to a configuration file using any editor.But finding how to do that initially was a bit difficult for me..But now I am happy.. <_<

  3. I didn't get this. What do you mean by "..yahoo and other competitors are using google as their source". Yahoo! has its own index, and they use it for searching. Correct me if I am wrong.

    I and I believe everyone else here probably agrees that google is the most used search engine on the internet. Even websites such as yahoo and other competitors are using google as their main source of a search engine.

    I use Windows Live search a lot these days due to its stunning interface. If you haven't tried it give thier image search a try it looks really nice. Great for finding images quickly.


  4. I spend about 2-3 hours, if I am surfing. But I don't always surf the web. Because I have to go to school, studies etc. Browsing all the time is a strict NO - NO. Most of the time is spent reading and replying to online forums, on topics like windows, linux, c, c++, and little bit of science.

  5. Well although this works, i don't really care for the method.
    For one, I found that doing this makes my computer really slow....(Detecting proxy settings....) takes forever for the first time I start up Internet explorer every time I turn on my computer.

    Second, getting rid of ads really isn't all that fair to the owners of the web sites. This is because they no longer earn as much income, also it makes it so that advertisers themselves don't get their ads shown as much.

    I prefer to browse the internet with ads, you never know when you can find something useful through an ad.

    If you use ad muncher, a software that can block all the ads in tha page the PC will work just fine as it is a specialized program for blocking advertisements.

  6. I do not know why you are not choosing to use a CMS, once you get used to the CMS it will be very easy to manage big sites/ or content rich pages.Dynamic pages are tough and time consuming to be made in a desktop application like Dreamweaver.I think you should go the CMS way, select a good one (Joomla! ???) Find a nice and unique template/theme then you are ready to go.--knight17

  7. I will reccomend you wordpress OR pMachine, with the first option you will get many addons and zillions of free templates as the community of wordpress users are very huge you will get good support aswell if you ask nicely.
    Wordpress is being developed very rapidly and is a very nice piece of script tp work with..so go with wordpress

    make your own blog-script! haha! learn php and do it yourself. you'll have more freedom about the layout and stuff.

    One can achive all that with good templating skills.It will take a lot more time and energy to develop a new system



  8. Getting to know the number of visitors on your site will really help you to understand more about what your visitors need and how you can provide those.The more advanced script you use more things you can get to know about your site visitors/users

    Coming back to your question I will surely reccomend you Google Analytics, it is one of the best piece of script around to check your website OR page stats.It is completely free.

    Visit https://www.google.com/analytics/ for acquiring more information about this service.I think you need a Google Account for using this, but hey that is easily available.

    Good Luck



  9. I wish to add another one :




    CTR is a measure of the effectiveness of an advertisement and is expressed as a percentage. The click-through rate refers to the percentage of people who "click through" an advertisement to visit the page it is linked to.



    The cost per click is the amount you pay (or charge) per click-through of an advertisement.

  10. You got it all wrong my buddy,You must use a CMS to know the power of it.Wordpress is just a bloging system, which is not really powerful iconsidering content representation but for a blog we need that.Say you want a site that have some users and need to setup up those users acess to post news stories you need to code heavily to make this happen but if you use a CMS with user support it is simple.But some CMSs are hard to learn Drupal, Typo3 are very tough (I haven't tried but from what I read).I don't have designing ability so I get a theme upload it.Another good thing is that you will get many addional stuff , say you need RSS function it is automatically available.Less work more power and control..

  11. CMS means Content Management System, it is a web script that will allow you to create content for your site.The difference between a handmade site and a CMS powerd site is that once you learn a CMS you can manage, create and edit the content of the site easily without caring about the design or the template.

    Once you select the template and customize it the CMS will look after everything for you, you are creating the content not the design so it is easy.

    You can tryout some of the popular CMSs such as
    Joomla - https://www.joomla.org/
    Drupal - https://www.drupal.org/
    Wordpress - https://wordpress.org/
    You can tryout these live at http://www.opensourcecms.com/

    Ask if you have anymore questions :)

  12. I don't thinkn your idea is going to give you profit from your hardwork, there is already many directories including extremly massive like dmoz and Yahoo! directory that contain everything..I think you can get all the data from dmoz(they will give you) and represent it in some unique way, that is my suggestion..

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