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Posts posted by DreamCore

  1. The majority of college and school systems use adapted operating systems and user profiles which prevent you from accessing certain features, or installing programs. It can also provide extra features such as logon screens, internal message systems etc. Unfortunately one of the things generally banned is changing file and folder properties, as this would allow you to hide files, and to view hidden files. Try asking the IT department if they know of any settings or bans on the properties option and ask if it can be changed. Somehow I doubt a virus would have removed just that feature, so unless you have noticed any other symptoms then it is unlikely to be a virus.

    Yea.. So you shuld ask the Admin in your school, he can probably fix any problems that you may chance upon.

  2. Well Im using the e-mail that I got from my Internet provider xD and at the same time annother from hotmail wich is full of junk mail and adds. Hotmail is the worst e-mail provider I know, I registered a new e-mail with hotmail and after a veek it was fukll of junk. And the problem is that I dident even use it >: But the other one that I got from my internet provider is clean and works great and no adds.

  3. I've been on habbo a few time and it's not bad as a chat system to meet new people but in terms of a game it's quite expensive to purchase credits and then spend it on virutual funiture.


    I have also played it. And I agree with you, its not a bad game for chating and meeting new people. But the furnitures there are realy expensive and when you got them all, then you dont know what to do with it.. So that with furnitures is realy bad, but evrything else is good. :)

  4. LOL i heard about that on a programme called Black Hole High.  There is a black hole *hence the name of the school* in the school and these science nerds are trying to find ut how it got there, who is in control of it and why it was there instead of in the sky or space.  It was a cool programme and it helped my with my science.


    Well I have seen that program and I can tell you that the things that are happening there are not possible. But I think you alredy know that. :)

  5. All around the universe there are "black holes". It is not possible to see a black hole, but its gravitational power is so great that it "gobbles" up anything in its way. A star does not live for ever. It develops over thousands of million of years. The temperature gets higher and higher over the years and when it is hot enough a nuclear reaction starts. The star then starts to swell and becomes what is called a "supergiant". Then two diffrent things happen. If it is a small star it begins to expand and contract over and over again, and, finally, when the star has no more energy, it turns into a white dwarf. If, on the other hand, it is a big star it explodes into a supernova which later becomes a black hole. An object that is drawn into a black hole is lost forever. Noone knows what happens to it or where it goes.

  6. Well this is an very funny topic and I have never known that they are doing that evry 7 years. And it is interesting, if the earth will be alive in one million year more then 1 000 000 / 7 = XXXXX Then we realy get many more seconds wich are important. So the 1 second realy matter for the earths feature time.... Nice that you discovered this... :D

  7. Well that would be bad, beacuse if they do so then they are against the law. Beacuse if they told you that they are going to give you XXX Money for XXX Klicks then they have to do that. And if you dont trust them then try to put their Add in some Frame or some thing else that counts klicks and then if you can prove that they are cheating with that. You can try to sue them. But I dont think google is doing that as it as a huge company, so I think you can trust them. :D

  8. Well I agree with you beacuse some pepole abuse them. But cell phones are good too you can cell evryone from evrywhere, you can browse around on the internet with Wap or GPRS. And new with the new technology you can listen to music or see on movies with 3G when its booring. And if you are loost somewhere or cant find something and you dont have a map, then you can try to search on your mobile with GPS. So mobile can be very good if you use it in good way. ;)

  9. ok, you can try those free editions if you want. They are pretty good. But you shuld get a Purchased Anti Visrus after some time. Like Norton Antivirus/Norton Internet Security, Panda Titanium Antivirus/Panda Platinum Internet Security, Fsecure, and there are much more. Anyway it best that you have atleast one Firewall and one anti virus. ;) Hope you fix your computer, Good Luck. If you cant remove your viruses they you shuld try to restore you computer and if you cant do that then in worst case you shuld clean your whole harddrive. ;)

  10. Well I have tryed all kinds of antivirus and firewalls, and the best is Norton Antivirus beacuse it provides the best protect I think. But anyway I have tryed Panda booth Pantium and Titanium antivirus with the Truprevent ? Tecnologies. But my computer crashed beacuse it couldent protect me enought, beacuse my whole computer was full with viruses. So the best chooice for me is Norton Internet Security with Firewall, Spam Protect, Norton AntiVirus, Add Blocker, Parent Controll and much more that is good.

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