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Posts posted by Achieve

  1. It's good to hear that you enjoy music, and more importantly that you are taking on something like building an instrument, all for you Cerb - good luck. I once attempted, and note the way I said tempted to create an acoustic guitar in my tech school group (yep - im only 14). I carved it out fine and stuck on everything that needed to be there, built a bridge and to be honest I was very impressed with my efforts, I think it looked pretty good in my opinion - Only problem was adding the strings, didn't really go that well to be honest... I've added strings before because as I said, I am very fond of guitar. I added the strings, tied them up, threaded them through and tuned the guitar. It all sounded perfect. Then I realised something was up... There too much variation between the frets. So I went back to the original plans, they looked fine. I also compared them physically (appearance wise) to my real acoustic and it looked fine, then I compared the plans to that of the real acoustic and again it looked fine - just didn't work that's all... Anyway - I aint really to upset to be honest, I'm much happier with my proper acoustic, lol - good fun though... It's an exspensive game though isn't it? Anyway, I think your instrument will be totally awesome Cerb, and once again best of luck. Sean.

  2. Hey, So i know that there is always hundreds of posts on this but Ijust thought I'd add to that list...I was looking out of my sky light, lying on my bed watching the rain hit the window (lol - what can I say, I live in Britain) and I was thinking about it all. I was thinking, well, what is the meaning in life - is it too raise a family, is it too find true love, is it to fulfil your dreams. Then I started thinking, is there really a meaning too life? I dont mean to say that life is a waist of time, but perhaps were all kind of like a science room experiment. Maybe we are all test tubes, and our life is the experiment, and when the experiment is done, we die because the chemical is no longer needed. So then perhaps, after it is known what type of chemical you are, how you can be used and what you are not effective at, perhaps you can be used commercially, or in our case - the next life. So perhaps there is no point or specific meaning to our life, maybe it's just a case of leaving us to react with the open air and see what we are doing. When a baby is being born and the water is draining the baby must feel as if it's life is over, because the life inside the womb is the only life it knows, perhaps its the same with us. We spend 9 months in the womb and 90 years on the earth. Perhaps we got longer to spend in our next life? Anyway, what do you think about life and if there is a meaning etc? Thanks for your time. Achieve.

  3. Hey, Ok... so - I am sat here now at my computer and I got some nice music going, you know: - I got mostly Aerosmith, bit of Guns'n'Roses - you the get the sort of stuff. I was sat here listening to one of my favourite tracks (I don't wanna miss a thing) and I had the excited tingle run down my spine. Often when I listen to music that means alot to me I get this feeling. Now isn't that incredible, that a sound - that vibrations can shape our live's? Think about it, if you here a really inspirational peice of music then it can mean alot can't it right? So why is that? How does that work? It is beyond my comprehension how something like vibrations played to a rythm with 'words' can mean so much to us as human beings. And what's more, think about it, as human beings we all like music, even if your not a perticular music fan and don't really care, there will be some music you don't like and some music you do like, so what is it about the music that makes us as the most powerful organism on the face of the earth connect with it. Everytime I sit down on my computer I will always turn on music, and everytime (well - almost everytime) i was always take my MP3 Player with me. So that brings me on to my question... Music- what does it mean to you? How do feel when you hear some music you really like? How much effect does have music have on your life? Well, if I was answering the question then I'd have to say that Music means everything to me. I don't want to make it sound sad, but were would the world be without music? Even the abiriginees dance to the rythm of their drums, I think it's like a primitive urge to like music, but to be honest I have absoloutley no idea why... When I hear inspiritational music I feel really incredible. It is the most un-describle feeling on this planet, I really can't describe it but I can say that it is amazing. Well - music has a massive effect on my life, because --- well --- simply.... I LOVE IT!! Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  4. Hey, as a martial arts follower, and someone that practices karate I have always had a strong urge to achieve something in this field, but I've never really known the words to well... to describe the feeling. When I mean the mind I mean the mental side to our souls and bodies. I dont mean the brain, but the soul and spirit inside the mind. You see:A very good friend of mine had a trial for our county in Rugby, but turned it down. This was quite some years ago. Now I've managed to persuade him to take up rugby again, but he has just got himself kicked off the team because he has just been kicked out the school temperorily for bad behaviour. I promised him that if he played well or trained hard that I would enter a Karate competetion for the title ' County Champion'. Now - I am only a 5th Kyu (Purple Belt) and this will require fighting Black Belts. I don't suspect I'll win, but it's the dedication - it's the principle that I am willing to do something like that to show him that sacrifises are worth it. It's just started me thinking - how powerful is the mind? How much can it really achieve? If we try hard enough anything is possible right? I have been reading several books by great Karate masters, and it's astouded me by the dedication in their lifes. Now i've started to change the way I think about things and it's really opened the door to a new style of training. How powerful and effective is the human mind? How much can it really let us achieve? We all here all these fantastic stories about super human power, and all these wonder quotes, but how much of it is real and how can it be used?To cut a long story short, have you ever had any drives of pure, deep dedication from your mind, or have you ever achieved anything amazing because you believed you could? Because I believe that this is something that we can all do. For instance: in my last Karate grading I was a temporery green belt (6TH KYU).Now, I was stepping up to the intense training and grading process with that vision - that it was only possible for me to get a temp purple belt (5th kyu) if I got lucky - instead I choose to believe that I could do it, and I managed to get a full belt and a half, making me a full purple belt. I don't believe that I got this high grade through physical efforts, but more through meta-physical drive. I believe it happened because I had the fighting spirit to believe I could do it..So: tell me what you think;+How powerful do you think the mind really is?+Do you think it is capable of anything?+Do you have any stories?+Do you believe that you are capable of anything?Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  5. I have also never been to hospital or seriously injured, although I did have to go to hospital for a check up once when they felt that I may have damaged my leg doing Karate. It was actually very frightening, and it makes you wonder how much pain actually can hurt? It makes you appreciate just how brave people that over come serious injury do it, and most importantly how most of the time they do it so modistly. But I'll answer your question anyway, emm... worst injury: It must have been in Primary school when I stepped funny and sprained my ankle it did really hurt, by funnily enough I could still walk on it, just with a limp and nasty pain. I'm still waiting for the day that I get seriously hurt... (elimant of truth in that...). I am always wondering how it will happen, I did believe that it would be during Karate, but I now have the fear that it will be a injury outside of my home with my friends... I work in a strange way with pain, it doesn't seem to effect me much, I don't know why, it doesn't get to me so to actually class my self as 'injured' it's going to have to be pretty extreme. Anyway - thankyou for your time, Achieve.

  6. Hey, This is a little weird, but at school nobody seems to get angry with me EVER and I NEVER seem to get angry at anyone (appart from the occasional teachers..lol, only joking) but at home or in my personal life I do get stressed just like anyone else does. I just go to my room, lie down and think about what has happened, reflect on what I have done and will listen to some nice loud, Heavy Metal (being my choice in music) or - when I am angry mostly Aerosmith. I have very recently started Reiki and am adapting to meditition, I would reccomend it to anyone... So when I am next fumeing I will just go to my room and meditate as silly as it may seem. Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  7. Hey, First of all just let me say how utterly brillaint I think your posts have been up to now...To sort out my problems I just take them as they come. To be perfectly honest I dont usually get into problems, ok, granted we all have problems, but I usually don't have serious ones. The way I see it is:If you have a car and hear a funny noise and take it to the garage it'll cost you perhaps ?100,Now - imagine you leave this car for ages and the problem grows so great that the car wont start.. It's gonna end up costing you like ?1000. So you can see how I address problems, I am 14. I do martial arts and I am physically well built, most probably the most in my year, but I NEVER have and NEVER will use that against someone. If I have a problem, I will not run from it, but I will just find the route of the problem, and sort it out with calm, sensible talk.At the end of the day anything and everything can be sorted out, no matter how big or bad it may be. That's why I believe people at school turn to me in times of need to help and for a deep talk, because (trying not to boast...lol) I believe that for someone of my age I have a unique mind...For instance - I was at school one day and someone was having a really tought time, it happened to be a girl that I happen to really like. She was had alot of problems, so sat down with her out of the way and started to talking to her sensibly and maturley about her problems and possible solutions. I have done it several times for many people, and this how I sort out my problems, by talking about them carmly to people.I believe that this is what the Lord would want of us, that's why I believe that after we help someone like this we have a great feeling of satisfaction, because I believe that it is a praise from God.Anyway, thankyou for your time, Achieve.

  8. Hey, Well, I'm only 14 and to be honest, I have a very 'exciting' life and so I have alot happening in my life, but one accasion, it may not be the most dramatically changing event of my life, but it was one that I didn't think anything of until a short while ago. I always used to just play football at brake and lunch (like u do.. lol) but the people I played it with were, and I hate to say this, but they were very shallow people, and I wasn't satisfied that they were friends, at the time ofcourse I was, but now I think of it, they we were all just shallow people. One day I went to another group of people, a group that another one of my mates had starting hanging around with, and that's when I met the best selection of my friens I have EVER met in my life. They are loyal and dedicated and I can trust them with my life and also visa-versa. I can't exspress my gratitude enough towards them, and I can't explain how amazing they all are, it's not just a case of friends in school and choosing your 'best friends' like kids do, it's real, it's deeper than that. I have found myself through my friends and their company. We can discuss the most deep subjects with ease and I trust them soo much it is un-describe able. I can only thank them and return the favor for them... They have supported me through all my martial arts and have never douted a word I have said to them. They have made my life complete... It goes to show, that it's not always dramatic events that change your life, it took time meeting these people and building such a wonderful relationship with them all, but I feel that if I hadn't met these people then my life would be a COMPLETELY different story, 100% different, and for this I can only thankthem. Thanks Guys... Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  9. Hey, Well, I'm going to try and tell the difference between goal and dreams. I would always dream (like anyone else I suppose) to have a good paid, enjoyable job and a nice family, but my actualy goal, or atleast what it is at my age (14) is to pass my 1st Dan blackbelt by my 16th birthday in two years. I am a purple belt now. By March 06 I should be a brown belt, so taking my black will be a little tuch and go but I would really like to achieve, especially before my 16th birthday like I said. It's always been a dream of mine, but now it's becoming more of a reality, it's just a distant light at the end of the tunnel, but it is moving my way, and I'm running towards it with leaps and bounds so hopefully I can manage it. Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  10. Hey, Well, fortunatly for me I have never had any type of illegal drug in my body, and also I don't drink (I'm 14 - you may say well I would hope not but I know that almost all of my friends enjoy a drink, although they don't drink to stupid amounts) and my parents quit smoking, infact - it's my father that stopped smoking exaclty a year ago today ( HEY - GD FOR HIM! ). So I'm in the best shape of my life right now with alot of training that I am doing in the Martial Arts.I'm just wondering, what is it that made you feel that you needed to start drugs, and also - well done for talking about it, to my knowledge being able to talk about what you have done like that is a very commendable thing. Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  11. Hey Guys, Well I think that fortunatly I have never had to use self defence for me or my friends. I often wonder how I'd cope now that I have achieved a high belt in Shotokan Karate, but most certainally I don't want the chance although I'm sure it'll appear sometime. I have had to brake up a couple of fights around my school and did have a very close incident with a man but like I said fortunatly I haven't used any of what I have learnt yet. Well Alive, I feel that what you did was deviable. It may appear a little harsh to the untrained eye, but I understand and appreciate martial arts and I know that that is a sequence always well practiced. If he had pulled a knife out on my girl friend and I was capable of pulling off such an attack then believe me I would, but I think I would have to right now, with my current knowledge of fighting have to try and talk them down and result to basic punching and kicks with possibly soto-woki's (knife hand blocks) if it became physical. Thanks for your time, Achieve.

  12. Hey, I my self have had plenty of experience in Karate, but I haven't quite got to my 1st Dan yet, I am currently a 5th Kyu in Shotokan Karate, although I have also tried Kodokan Judo and several other martial arts. I really want to get into Judo like you did, and I wanna congratulate you on your achievement in Judo. Although I am not a first dan black belt, I have achieved a life changing path, I have found my self I feel and now that I am getting to higher ranks I feel that I am on a journey. I have recently read a book by a great Karate master, and I am reading his wisedom and obsorbing it. I am also taking up Reiki. I know what you mean by the adreniline, I was a green belt (6th Kyu) only a couple of weeks back, and whats more is that I had a temporary grade. I was worried I wouldn't even get a temporary 5th Kyu (Purple Belt) but instead I got a full purple belt, that's a belt and one half. Like I said, it's not quite first dan but I am really proud of it. I also had that insane adreniline rush that kept me going, but as soon as I was up there I was completely focused and not atall nervous. I got see the Sensei (that was an amazing guy) watching me more than the younger children around me, so I gave it everything I have. Like I said, I am a very deep person and believe very strongly in mind of matter, so he was impressed by that I think. I think it's all fantastic, although I get really, really nervous before gradings and sometimes I don't feel like training I will not give it up, because I feel that it is my mission to get my first dan black belt. I am scheduled to get it in about two years if all goes well, but as I'm sure you more than aware of you can't but a time on something like Karate. Anyway - thankyou for your time, Achieve! :ph34r:

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