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Posts posted by dhi

  1. Hello Guys,


    While I was searching for some dummy text for a module I am currently working on. one of the websites I tried stealing content from had this "FreePosted ImageBanner" so I looked a little more into the website.


    so with this website http://www.copyscape.com/ you can find out where content is duplicated... Try it with wordpress.org and you'll understand what I mean. Who knows, maybe you'll find out that your data is present on someone else's website :P


    Do let me know if someone finds something interesting

  2. So Im fully versed in pre-fab php models like e107 and php nuke but I lack the intimate knowledge of the code itself. Whats the best way to immerse myself into the details of constructing and designing code? Im thinking about hitting up the books a million, any rec. on books? links?

    well for online tutorials from basic to end you can visit to http://www.w3schools.com/.
    you can even get a pdf boook named "BEGINNING PHP 5.3" by "Matt Doyle". This is the best book to learn PHP from bottom to top.
    I have given you the link for the book. Enjoy dude.


  3. Can anyone please guide me in installing mysql and connecting j2ee with mysql from the beginning(step-by-step),im using tomcat 6.0?How to create a datasource name in mysql?please it would be of great help....advance thanks :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    the above tutorial will surely help out. I did the same with help of this tutorial.
    but first downlaod the connector from http://dev.mysql.com/ than install the .jar file that comes with Connector/J in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib so that it is available to all applications installed in the container.

    Next, Configure the JNDI DataSource by adding a declaration resource to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml in the context that defines your web application:
    <Context ....>  ...  <Resource name="jdbc/MySQLDB"               auth="Container"               type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>  <!-- The name you used above, must match _exactly_ here!       The connection pool will be bound into JNDI with the name       "java:/comp/env/jdbc/MySQLDB"  -->  <ResourceParams name="jdbc/MySQLDB">    <parameter>      <name>factory</name>      <value>org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory</value>    </parameter>    <!-- Don't set this any higher than max_connections on your         MySQL server, usually this should be a 10 or a few 10's         of connections, not hundreds or thousands -->    <parameter>      <name>maxActive</name>      <value>10</value>    </parameter>    <!-- You don't want to many idle connections hanging around         if you can avoid it, only enough to soak up a spike in         the load -->    <parameter>      <name>maxIdle</name>      <value>5</value>    </parameter>    <!-- Don't use autoReconnect=true, it's going away eventually         and it's a crutch for older connection pools that couldn't         test connections. You need to decide whether your application         is supposed to deal with SQLExceptions (hint, it should), and         how much of a performance penalty you're willing to pay         to ensure 'freshness' of the connection -->    <parameter>      <name>validationQuery</name>      <value>SELECT 1</value> <-- See discussion below for update to this option -->    </parameter>   <!-- The most conservative approach is to test connections        before they're given to your application. For most applications        this is okay, the query used above is very small and takes        no real server resources to process, other than the time used        to traverse the network.        If you have a high-load application you'll need to rely on        something else. -->    <parameter>      <name>testOnBorrow</name>      <value>true</value>    </parameter>   <!-- Otherwise, or in addition to testOnBorrow, you can test        while connections are sitting idle -->    <parameter>      <name>testWhileIdle</name>      <value>true</value>    </parameter>    <!-- You have to set this value, otherwise even though         you've asked connections to be tested while idle,         the idle evicter thread will never run -->    <parameter>      <name>timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis</name>      <value>10000</value>    </parameter>    <!-- Don't allow connections to hang out idle too long,         never longer than what wait_timeout is set to on the         server...A few minutes or even fraction of a minute         is sometimes okay here, it depends on your application         and how much spikey load it will see -->    <parameter>      <name>minEvictableIdleTimeMillis</name>      <value>60000</value>    </parameter>    <!-- Username and password used when connecting to MySQL -->    <parameter>     <name>username</name>     <value>someuser</value>    </parameter>    <parameter>     <name>password</name>     <value>somepass</value>    </parameter>    <!-- Class name for the Connector/J driver -->    <parameter>       <name>driverClassName</name>       <value>com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</value>    </parameter>    <!-- The JDBC connection url for connecting to MySQL, notice         that if you want to pass any other MySQL-specific parameters         you should pass them here in the URL, setting them using the         parameter tags above will have no effect, you will also         need to use & to separate parameter values as the         ampersand is a reserved character in XML -->    <parameter>      <name>url</name>      <value>jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test</value>    </parameter>  </ResourceParams></Context>

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