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Posts posted by liauce

  1. Can PDA encryption be trustworthy? Or those softwares that claim to store and encrypt your password. I'm looking around for one, so that I can change my password very often. I know with Google, people these days can just snoop around and find your password or credit card number very easily. Though I doubt most of us will be prone to major attacks, we may be the unfortunate target of a few pranksters.

  2. yep this sounds much like what I read in prey. This is real scary, but anyway what is the current state of things with such research. Our body is very intricate and there are many things about it that we still do not fully understand, it is extremely dangerous to put things in us that are living, this nanobot could be another virus and since the immune system won't help, we'd be a gonner

  3. queer the guy didnt ask for permission and now not only is his effort wasted, Google may just steal the idea and allow people to build their own search engine using the script php.google, but this time with catches. Anyway, compare to the effort google put in, his was nothing, so lol, what was he thinking man, to do such a thing as this.Then again, I really do not think google has much to lose if it uses a script on its system which obviously can be adjusted to refer the person to google site results page or at least pop some google ads in.

  4. I think the results are still shown in a google fashion right or at least have some of googles own ads on them if not why would google be willing to share its API and indexing service and let you market and put your logo to its service.Given that google is so strict on the adsense service and copyright laws, not wanting to infringe on intellectual property or step on anyone's toe (it wants to be in everyone's good books) what if someone misuses this indexing system. Anyway I still do not really get why google is allowing this.

  5. This idea of nanotechnology and nanobots invading your body to heal you or do whatever to you rings a bell with Michael Crichton's book - PREY.It is an interesting science fiction that probably arouses the feelings that science and this nanotechnology may be just another step forward that destroys the environment and depletes resources, but is worse this time. It kills. Go read the book.

  6. The above article is from Fortune and you can read it here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    "We must recuperate our natural resources so they are in our hands and no one can tell us how to use them"

    and another major line

    "Gas has become an instrument of populism which got out of hand."

    The article discusses or rather just reveals issues that I think most thrid world countries face. They are constantly manipulated by foreign companies and in this particular cased Oil companies from the US and Europe such as Repsol, Total, British Gas, Exxon Mobil, and Pan American Energy.

    It is funny how the oil belongs to them yet they are still so poor and get such a low percentage cut on the huge amounts of money earned by these corporations. I think it just shows its not what you have but your ability to use what you have.

    Funny thing is, like most political leaders, inspite all their promises "I don't think much will change" as Abel Mamani, president of Fejuve, the association of neighbourhood organizations in El Alto puts it.

    What do you think? Is this fair treatment to third world contries? Is grace from the Oil Companies in the form of paying them more and waiving some debts, the only way for them to break out of this cycle of poverty? That seems to be what I'm thinking now though.

  7. I agree with Cerebral Stasis. Anyway this is old news and now its time to see how the new leaders, his deputy Olmert can rise to the challenge. We are all quite certain that Sharon will not return to office and that his contributin was major. The pulling out of the Gaza strip was a major move that required a lot of courage because not many were supportive of it and the immediate benefits could not have been assumed or predicted. To be able to make sacrifice and concessions is the first step towards peace making and in that, we are sorry for his depature from office.

  8. I wouldn't really dare to tamper with the services incase all the things stop working. Especially since I have wi-fi and other components to worry about. What I usually do is adjust the programs that run on start-up getting rid of iTunes and quicktime as well as other useless detectors. I haven't experienced any problem from meddling with startup programs (though I've played safe and not touched Microsoft ones), this part of MSconfig seems fine.

  9. That is part of the demo page for the google sms service, part of the page displayed. What I'm keen to find out is, is google's https://www.google.com/microsoft or /linux really searching for help stuff on the respective items? because when I tried searching stuff like schools, or whatever it just produced results with schools related to microsoft. Some of the results are within microsoft's website and some are not. Nonetheless this is a very cool service with seemingly dedicated searches to a fixed catergory.

  10. There is no mention in the bible of God creating any other intelligent species. And up to now there are no signs of such stuff. The only thing we have done to ourselves is imagine and get self absorbed in useless day dreaming. Hah! let's get practical and down to earth shall we and stop thinking about alien species. We do not need aliens to invade us, we are already killing ourselves. This world needs more love, peace and tolerance as well as moderation.

  11. money becomes an issue in countries where the government is trying to conserve whatever and chrages high bills for exceeding a certain limit. This is done here in Singapore. would be too expensive to leave the computer on 24/7 it may just add another S$100 to your monthly bill. Why must you leave it on anyway. Unless you are downloading something like a video or your software is processing something which has to be done only when idle.

  12. however, some stuff are way too expensive and actually catered to a more prolific market. For example, state of the art video editing and sound recording software are in thousands charging such high prices becasue industry users have no choice but to pay. However, if we use it for like hobbies, non-profit, personal, I don't see reason in paying so much. I may only be able to afford a lousier program and that means this program is wasted. What they can do to prevent piracy is sell a version that only liscences people for personal use and not for industrial use. That version could cost much less since you know its the average interested guy that purchases it. Then again it may not be cost effective as the market for this version may be too small to even bother ensuring the industry giants do not use this lite version.IN the end, I support warez for this kind of stuff because you just have not choice. However, for things within affordable range (i.e. less than 500) than you should purchase them if you want them. However if you think its too expensive then dont use them because it is most likely not the fault of the company to price it so high (producing it may be expensive). They may know such as software is aimed at the layman, normal guy market but have no choice. In that sense using warez will make them lose money. However, if their price is structured not to target buyers like ordinary people (you and I) then it will not make them lose money to pirate it. They will just have less additional revenue.

  13. I read the article and it says this thing is not only exploring Pluto but other stuff around too. Hey wouldn't that be wonder and exciting. However I still question, what is the monetary value of all these knowledge? Does it spur the economy on? haha and even if there is no monetary value we are so caught up with our lives and the stupid wars I think very few people even know about this launch. Probably if they launched something into deep sea and found a new species, then more people would care to know bout it

  14. do you really receive payment from google? What if you are not in the US. Anyway I think google pays very little for this ad clicking thing. Are there other services that pay more? Google ads are springing up everywhere and I personally never click on any of them, because they are so ad like and will want to sell you something, so most of the time I dont bother. Not sure if I can apply this to others...

  15. Wow, I wonder why this news doesn't appear in the press or TV. 10 years is a long long time. The universe is so big and there is so much to discover. In fact I think there are lots more stuff in the deep sea left undiscovered.Mankind is getting more developed and building rockets out of our scarce natural resources to fly them over to planets for study. So is knowledge worth that much? Or are they going to do something tangible with the trip. Nonetheless, no astronauts may be getting there but it is another small milestone in humanity.I always wonder how much exactly these things cost. When will it be feasible for tourist trips to the moon? I think I read about it somewhere it could be soon, but way too expensive and one needs to train and all that before he can make a safe trip. What a big beautiful universe out there!

  16. Its extremely expensive to run the parks. Though one might think most of the rides are a fixed and sunk cost, which means attracting more people with lower prices would over time pay it off, but the maintainence (I think) is the one that's very expensive. Of course there is also staffing and advertising they have to pay for. I think these theme parks are always overcrowded, with long queues and such and hence if you follow with consumer demand, then lwering the price would mean more people and longer lines. I wouldn't want that. Though a best of both worlds, lower price and shorter lines would be good :blink:

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