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Posts posted by Kirakid

  1. wow...thx i never would have thought that the gaps were caused by the spacing of the coded images...and that also fixes the gap at the bottom because it gets rid of the space between the end of the marquee and the next coding...your advice has been an unbelievable help!! ill see what it looks like as a gif...although your probably right that it would increase the loading time too much.if i run into anymore problems ill be sure to post themthx for your help =)

  2. to tell the truth i just graduated high school after taking my first webpage design class...even though it was considered an advanced web class i managed to keep up. i decided to make an anime website for fun...thats why i wanted the scrolling banner of pictures...so i could show a lot of pics at once without taking up much room.
    i realize that most of the stuff im using while i creat the site is pretty old...but with my lack of knowledge its the best that i am able to do...and that is also why i joined this forum...to find out the most up-to-date programs and formating.

    getting to your reply...i have only tested out the site with internet explorer...but i figured that if i couldnt get the site to look the way i wanted in a single web browser than there was no point in trying it in a different one. and to be completely honest im not sure exactly what "static width" is.
    since you havnt used marquee in years and didnt know that it could contain images...i think this will help a little (its part of the html codeing)

    <marquee bgcolor="#5B09D6" width="100%" scrolldelay="100"><img src="Top bar pics/double.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/edward.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/neko.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/G2.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/GHOST.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Orotimaru.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/school girl.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Monkey_D._Luffy.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/sakura.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Angelic_Wings.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/backround pic.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/blades.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Bloody_Drop.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/claymore.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Ichigo_Kurosacie.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Bloody_Happy.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Fire_Within.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/flames.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/guns.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Torment_Blade.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Misato.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/water.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Urameshi.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/violent.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Punkin_It.jpg" width="85" height="120"><img src="Top bar pics/Upsidedown.jpg" width="85" height="120"></marquee>

    with this being everything involved with the marquee im not sure how the padding or margins are increased...especially since it is in no way involved with a table.
    i adjusted the sizes of the photos by pixels because they all had very different dimentions to begin with...so i thought that pixels would be the easiest way to make a standardized size.

    incase u cant quite picture what the gaps look like in the marquee ill attack a small picture of it (the gaps im talking about are the ones between the pics...but also the gap at the bottom of the pics...about a 10 pixel gap, although im more conserned with the gaps between the pics)

    thank you so so so much for your reply...i hope i keep getting replies that will help me learn more
    your friend Kirakid


  3. my problem is that i can NOT find a way to adjust the size of pictures so that they spread across the screen without gaps between them. i made the pictures a defined size and when i opened the page on a different computer there were gaps between the pictures. does anyone know of a way to adjust the picture size with a precentage so that there would not be gaps no matter what computer or browser opens the page?if anyone can help let me know...if you dont quite understand what i am saying but you would like to help then please let me know what you dont understand about my question and i will happily let you know.another problem that i have run into is about making the pictures into a marquee type format... i want the pictures to already be showing when the page loads...but once it loads i would like it to scroll across the table like a marquee would. my problem with that is the fact that if i use a marquee code then there wont be any pictures on the screen when it first loads...if anyone can help with this problem either then let me know...or if u have a problem just like this i can let you know when i get a reply on itthank you for at least reading this even if you cant help...at least you cared enough to read all of this =)

  4. hi im new...and i havnt gone to a con yet but im planning on going to Setsucon this comming january in Pennsylvania.even though i personally havnt gone to one yet, i have several friends who have gone to several...they are all very fun and there is always a lot to see and do...im planning on going to Setsucon in cosplay. although if you want the best then you should go to Otacon...its one of the biggest conventions in the US and i hear that the hotels get booked up fast...so if your planning on going to it then you might want to plan a few months in advance.By the way...im Kirakid...and the Kira is from Death Note.

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