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Posts posted by danielhep

  1. I've used IE, Netscape 7.2, Mozilla Firefox and Opera, and I say that hands-down Opera not just transfers pages the fastest, but also renders them the fastest. that means from the time a web site's HTL gets to Opera, the browser gets to work displating the page ASAP, and does it faster than anyone else.


    The runners up are as follows, in order from fastest to slowest:

    1. Firefox - any version

    2. Netscape 7.2

    3. Internet Explorer 6 (I don't have IE 7 so I can't judge it)


    You forgot Google Chrome. It's faster than Firefox.

  2. I'm using Google Chrome on Windows right now, and I use the same on Ubuntu. Google Chrome is fast, efficient, and safe. I once did a full on, isolated browser test (I reinstalled the operating system image every time I tested a browser), and Google Chrome came out on top. Not only is it fast, it's also open source and expandable. It has a huge extensions gallery where you can add on to the browser as much as you want. It also has artist-made and Google-made themes for you to use which are also all free. A newer added feature is Apps, which let you open a new tab and have a bunch of web-apps that you can choose from. It's like Google Chrome OS in an application! It also scores 100/100 on the Acid3 test.As a web developer and application developer, I suggest you use Google Chrome.

  3. I personally use Safari, both because I have a Macintosh computer AND because it's the default browser... It's pretty good, I suppose, though I hate it when they couldn't "find the server"... Other browsers don't have that type of problem. The only reason why I like it is because when you got to a certain site lots and lots of times, they "bookmark" it by putting on a screen shot of it, and I think that that's pretty good.
    I don't really know about the other though... but anyway...

    I have tried Fire fox before... It's not that good in my opinion. I haven't tried Google Chrome though. I just think that Google is trying too hard to expand their audience and earn lots and lots of money. They just put ads everywhere, and I don't like it at all... (notice how they even embbeded ads onto the videos on Youtube??? I reckon the video makers should be given credit for that and be given a portion of their profits...)

    So I'm like, against Google Chrome.

    But for me, I prefer the default browser on each different computers respectively, Safari on Mac and Internet Explorer on Windows.

    a) When it can't find the server, that's a problem with your computer/internet connection, not Safari. It would happen on any browser.
    B) Google Chrome is the absolute best browser ever. Right next to Opera. And there's no ads in Chrome at all, except in the websites, of course, but you'll see those in other browsers too. Chrome also has a lot of extensions and themes. You can even block all ads with the extensions!

  4. I'm currently hosted with ******, and they're great. Xen VPS, cheap, but very little disk space, but you can try asking for more when you need it, the guy is very friendly. Just don't go with Nordic; they are terrible. Just look at the reviews. Also, if you're getting something 5 years in advance, you need to make sure it has a good return policy. Oh, and this is my first post here. I hope I'm not breaking any rules by saying this other company's name, it IS related to the topic. Good luck!EDIT:After looking around, it looks like I'm not supposed to post the name of them. Could someone tell me if I'm wrong and I actually can post it?

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