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Posts posted by MBokhari

  1. Printing on cd is very easy if you get a cd labelling kit. It's cheap too. It comes with a very easy to use software and the paper thats the perfect size for ur cd. After buying that basically all you have to do is install the software and open the pic ture that you want, and put it here you want it and it does the rest by itself...it's really easy.

  2. I think windows is for like normal use because it's hard to find every software for mac. Mac is basically for entertainment. Like if you like editing movies/music and you are into stuff like this, then mac is perfect for you. It also doesn't crash, freeze, and bug you that much. It is also easier to use and looks wayyyyy better. Mac is better than windows according to me and theres no doubt bout it but if you just need a compputer for normal use then windows is perfect because its really hard to find softwares and stuff for mac. And really asy with windows.

  3. Ya don't listen to those guys.....none of that stuff is free....they just want you to complete their survey.....The only free stuff you can get is by like draws at the store.....Ya, so never fall for these tricks ....Its all a lie...they just want u to complete their survey....and 1 more thing....PSP's are AWESUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. My friend has a psp, and i think it is the best portable gaming system out there. It looks a little pricy but it's really worth it. The only thing i don't like is that you can't play Dvd's, because you have to get the movie in the form of the psp cd's or whatever it is. But its really worth it and really fun to play and it looks pretty nice too.

  5. I think the best software for any sig making or to edit pictures or sumtin like that is adobe Photoshop becuz it is the best for this type of stuff...and i always learn it and use it in skool, so i know everything and this software can do a lot.....i think this is the best one out there and this is wut i reccomend..

  6. Google and yahoo are both good and same but the thing is that google is more plain and simple ....doesnt confuse u, really easy to use!!!!! and 99% of the time gives u wut u r looking for ......so if i wuz reccomending one i would sooo reccomen google......and google is comin out with so much new stuff like their sattellite sytem thing and gmail the 1gb mail system.....so ya google is gunna get really big tooo...give them like 2 years..

  7. I think Ipod mini is the best thing out ruight now....i understand how it is useless for pictures and stuff....but really who actually puts pics on an ipod.....its also a lil pricy cuz its like 20$ cheaper than 20 gb and i would personally buy 20b cuz o the memory and i dont like hving music players too small......but if it had more memory and they didnt make it look long then it would have been better but its still looks nice...and when people see that u have it ...they go crazy..and its the latest thing out right now..

  8. Trap 17 reminds me of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , like the layouut and everything is just like it but i find thi better becuz it's pretty new and looks like its gunna stay for a while.....buildtolearn looks old and has toooooooo many users and u need to post too much to get in so ur sites will be slow and after u post u still dont get the good websites..u need to post like crazy for the amazing website...so i find this a lil better. but this is almost like build to learn. :ph34r:

  9. Man i'm a pro at Cs......i used to play a lot on my cuzins before....i dont anymore.....but i am really good at that game......i dont have a compp good enugh to play it perfectly but when do ....i am gunna go all out....my fav level is the one where the terrorists r inside the house and the ct forces are on that street thing and then u can go through sum tunnel into the house......i love that stage......Cant wait till i start playin it again man...

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