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Everything posted by Thrawn

  1. I think Humanity has a very serious problem. not from the beginning, but a problem that has developed over time. we have a tendency to compete with one another and worry about the stupidest things, a good example religion. we are currently trying to fix the cause of so many religions and forget that we are killing ourselves and our planet! what humanity has is an addiction for quelling these small thing we care so much about.How do we fix this virus? In my opinion, where we are right now is on the brink of nuclear war with four possible factions. The United states, Russia China and Israel. Someone needs to pull the trigger and kill everyone. What we have is an addiction and you have to kill the addict to kill the addiction! Once the world has calmed down the survivors will finally unite no matter who they are and humanity can grow controlled but strong and freely. What I mean by controlled "putting all matters of racism and religion aside and we can all focus on the true goals we need to survive which is science and technology.Science is coming along but is constantly halted by RELIGION!
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