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Posts posted by deadlytedly

  1. hey even i have it in my syllabus..its too irritating!


    It's one of the most powerful and flexible programming languages out there. I thoroughly recommend reading three books to get a grasp on this language:


    1) Thinking in C++ by Bruce Eckel (available free here)

    2) Code Complete - 2nd Edition - should be every developer's bible.

    3) Design Patterns - great for getting a grip on OOP Here at amazon.


    Of course, being a powerful and flexible language it can be so, so abused... those books will help prevent further programming atrocities - at least by your hand :ph34r:

  2. I haven't coded Java in a while.  But programming logic tells me your error is in here:

    for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { n = generator.nextInt(10); number += n * times; }

    Why are you doing "n*times"? 


    What you'll want to do is use variable times in your for loop...

    for (int i=0; i< times; i++)
    I seem to recall not being able to use a variable as the control counter in the loop, so you may be better off using a different loop. 

     do{  //your code goes here  value++;} while(value < times);
    Then simply concatenate the 10 digits with a newline.  Similar to this:

    number += '\n' + n;

    This code probably won't work as written, I'm at work and do not have a compiler here...but it should give you enough to get started.



    The above poster is right, but you can use a variable in a loop. The modification to make is as follows:


    for(int i = 0; i < times; i++)  // Loops the number of times inputed.{    n = generator.nextInt(10);    number += n + " ";           // int number will automatically get converted to a string here with a space added on or replace the " " with a "\n" for a newline. }

    The above code should compile fine

  3. As a heavily addicted Star Wars GalaxiesStar Wars Galaxies player, I thought I'd write a bit of an article on where it's at at the moment.


    Posted Image


    The game features the planets:












    Four of the planets are adventure zones (ranging from low-end to high-end PvE (player vs environment)), the rest are build zones - starter planets upon which player cities can be founded.


    In the game there are 39 distinct professions, including diverse things such as Droid Engineers, Jedi Healers, Teras Kasai Artists (a form of hand to hand combat), Shipwrights, Chefs, Dancers, Politicians etc, etc. Each character has so many skills points (250 at present) to mix and match between the professions - you could have a chef/smuggler that makes illegal cakes for instance, or a dancing bounty hunter, or even a Jazz musician saber specialist.


    With the Combat Upgrade at the beginning of the year, there was the introduction of a level system. This level system is not like you might find in any other game though. In most games you choose a profession and then advance through it's levels until you 'complete' your character. Once there you have to create a new one to continue to progress. In SWG your level merely determines how much of your template is devoted to combat. For instance spend all of your points in combat skills and you will be likely lvl80 (the max lvl), spend it all in crafting or entertainer skills and you will be lvl1 (the min lvl).


    This does a lot of new players heads in as they can't figure out what you are meant to achieve - I mean how does one 'complete' the game.


    And there lies the attraction and uniqueness of SWG. You set your own goals and targets. You might want to found a city, run a guild, become an amazing pvp'r. Lead people down into the feared Death Watch Bunker and craft a jetpack - explore the wilderness, or just become a reknowned image designer and run a boutique near Theed.


    With such an open ended game it is hard to reach a point where you have finished. Once you've mastered a profession and seen all it has to offer you can always switch over to another one, dropping your current one partially or completely. Then of course there are the mixing and matching possiblities. I have for instance mastered teras kasai profession over six times due to different playstyles and ideas - every time I've used it, it's felt different.


    The PvP in the game is again another attraction. Anyone, and I mean anyone can declare themselves special forces after aligning with the rebels or the imperials. Once this is done they can attack and kill anyone of the opposite faction who is also special forces. Bases are built and destroyed on the build planets and the faction with the most bases claims dominance.. for the time being. NPC troops of that faction will then patrol the starports and shoot the enemy on sight.


    Another route is the path of the Jedi. There were few Jedi at first due to the unknown method of obtaining them, but eventually they started to trickle in. The first Jedi were a rare sight - they only had to show their powers once and any player of the opposite faction could kill them on sight. Once a Jedi died three times they were dead. Forever. Of course the benefits were huge - a single jedi could take on twenty other players easily (once the profession was mastered) and one jedi could turn the tide of a whole battle, decimating the opposition.


    Of course as more players tried to become Jedi and more players managed to the path to jedi was eventually formalised to a long grind and a series of interesting quests and perma-death removed. A Jedi is now equivilant to about 1.5 to 2 normal professions in strength, though as they are generally wielded by a very experienced player, the skills can be deadly in their hands.


    The end game for Jedi is (or was) the Force Ranking System. In this, fully templated Jedi Knights compete with others of their faction for the place of Dark or Light Jedi Master - there can only be one for each side. This got disabled with the combat upgrade as people had been exploiting a design flaw to get ranks. This is currently still disabled.


    On the flip side of the coin is the bounty hunter, these ruthless killers (players :() Using droids they track the player Jedi that yield their powers too freely in public (just about all of them) and attempt to punish them (read kill) for it. If the BH wins, they gain a large cash reward and the Jedi looses a large quantity of experience.


    Just before christmas we had the JTL (Jump to Lightspeed) expansion - this added space sectors and ships to every planet. A long series of quests can be completed (all in a mmorpg environment). Various shipwrights construct ships for players which can be customized with everything from a new paint job to a souped up engine. Again there's pvp in space and in the next publish (about a week away), the multiplayer crewed ships will be having a toughness upgrade which should boost more play.


    Next we had the Rage of the Wookiesexpansion. this featured a new planet, the wookie homeworld kashyyyk, many new quests and asteroid mining.


    We are now awaiting (october 25th for subscribers and november 11th for the boxed edition) the next expansion, Trials of Obi Wan. This introduces another planet (the lava planet in episode III), lots of new quests, new jedi saber styles and it is rumoured the new force ranking system (though not as part of the expansion).


    Also around this time there will be a revamp of the ranger profession, turning them into a stealthy insertion profession with camoflage, traps, motion sensors and other nice little abilities.


    At the last fan fest we had an exciting sneak preview of the capital ships that are under development. These huge ships (think star destroyers and corvettes) are almost the size of a small moon and will potentially be guild/player controlled :ph34r:


    I'll try and keep this thread updated with new additions to the game. :D

  4. The guide who suggested sending an email earlier was on to something I think. Another possibility would be to ask for her instant messenger address.Talking on there you can take your time, she can't see you shaking and you can think a bit before you say things - I say many things to my g/f over msn I would find awkward to say to her face, lol. :ph34r: Good luck and let us know how you get on :D

  5. c mon people. what is the best web browser. i use google and i am satisficted. its fast and i always find what i m looking for.


    Well technically a web browser is the software you use to browse the web, e.g.:


    Internet Explorer



    Mozilla Firebird

    Netscape Navigator

    Personally I used Mozilla Firebird as it's small, free, secure and not Microsoft :ph34r: You can download it here.


    Google is a search engine, I personally find it to be the best but. DRM (digital rights management) people can get certain things excluded from your search and ad payers can change the likelyhood of their sites coming back - so Google is not necessarily a fair representation of the actual content of the net. I'd be very interested to hear of one that is.

  6. A horrible, horrible situation - my well wishes whatever happens.I believe it is down to your friend though. If keeping them alive is just going to prolong their suffering with no hope of recovering then they should be allowed to avoid that.If however, they can still have some quality of life, then I believe they should be allowed that choice too.It's all so subjective though - and must be so hard if the person involved is not currently conscious to make that decision, but may be in time.

  7. I would buy one if I were you. I saw that notebook on the television and I thought to my self that is an awsome notebook. It is from Dell a name that you can trust and it is the newest gaming laptop I have heard of. In otherwards by all means buy it I wish I could.


    I'm doing a games computing degree atm - just starting my 2nd year. So hopefully I can justify it, lol


    It's just a lot of cash to part with without a go on it first - hoping someone here can tell me what it is like after the initial wow factor wears off... :ph34r:

  8. So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,blue skies from pain.
    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
    A smile from a veil?
    Do you think you can tell?
    And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
    Hot ashes for trees?
    Hot air for a cool breeze?
    Cold comfort for change?
    And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
    How I wish, how I wish you were here.
    We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
    Running over the same old ground.
    What have you found? The same old fears.
    Wish you were here.

    - Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here

    Brings a tear to my eye every time...

  9. I'll be getting a laptop in a month or two and I've been extremely tempted by the one in the title.

    Tom's Hardware Review

    In the above review it says:

    What is the world's largest PC OEM's best gaming notebook? What is the most powerful notebook out there, period? Dell's Inspiron XPS Gen 2 notebook offers nothing less than superior 2D and 3D graphics performance compared to any other laptop we've seen to date. Need we also mention that the system offers far more horsepower than needed for office applications? Add to the accolades a sleek design and light weight, and you have what Dell is touting as its ultimate gaming notebook.

    I'm just wondering if anyone here has one and what they think of it down the road?

  10. Ok, corrected the typos here:

    #include <stdio.h>long a,b;main(){          printf("Enter a 5-digit number");          [B]scanf("%d", a);[/B]          b=((a%10000)%1000)/100; // Missing '(' inserted          printf("%dl",b); // Made 'b' lowercase. }
    The mistake in the code is in the scanf line. This needs to be changed to:

    This is down to the way pointers are handled, here's a quick summary:

    1) All variables are designated an area of memory.

    2) This area of memory's address can be refered to using a unique number the size of the local architecture's memory addressing.

    3) When referring to a variable by name (with no modifiers), the value at it's address is pulled out behind the scenes and passed to whatever situation it is being used in.

    4) Functions can be passed variables in two ways. The first is pass by value - a copy is taken of the variable, new space allocated for it and that then passed into the function. With this method the original variable is safe from unintended modification. The second is pass by reference. With this the location of the variable in memory is passed in so that the function can modify it. The reference of a variable is found by prefixing a '&' in front of it's name.

    So, what was happening here was that scanf requires a pass-by-reference so that it can place the keyboard input into the desired variable. You were passing in a copy of that variable instead. As the variable was a number, the function thought that the number stored in that variable was an address in memory for it to store things, so it went to that random location instead and attempted to write to it. Windows tries not to allow that sort of thing (one application randomly writing to bits of memory that other applications are using) and shrieked.

    Hope that explains it all.

  11. I'm going to purchase a laptop to take to work with me. It will have wireless capability and I was so excited that I will be able to access internet when things slow down at work. But, guess what, when I talked to the IT people about this they told me their wireless is encrypted and I have to have a key number to get into the network. I think this sucks!!!! LOL Very disappointing.


    Is there anyway to get around this? I'm not trying to do anything illegal, just surf the net!!!


    Would appreciate any suggestions or warnings (LOL)




    Well your best bet would be to see if they will give you one of those keys :P If you can justify your laptop for work, then most companies should let you. Only thing is some of the support contracts might specify that you have to have a certain install on the laptop.


    Although it is technically possible to hack 802.11b quite easily, it would also be illegal and probably get you into a lot of trouble.


    The entire network will most likely be encrypted so there is no piggybacking straight to the net.


    Have you considered using GPRS or WAP access with a mobile phone and then connecting that to the laptop via bluetooth or infrared? Only downside is that will cost you money.


    The last option I can think of would be to get a bluetooth dongle (about 20 pounds in the UK) and then get a kind person to plug that into their desktop computer. You can then share that desktop's internet connection if you laptop has bluetooth too.

  12. I was cleaning out the tech room at my school today, and I found a WorkPad c3 PDA. It looks like a palm V, but it is manufactured by IBM. I've looked on the IBM website, and I can't find anything about it, and not much turned up on google either. It's a nice little PDA, but without software and such, It does no good to me. Can someone point me to a website with some info about it?


    When I used to work at IBM they gave them out as prizes for internal competitions. They are basically rebranded Palm Vx (Palm V but with 8mb of memory).


    They should work fine with Palm Desktop 3.0 or above.


    Hope that helps.

  13. A while back (some time in the last year) I read an interesting news article about a string of robberies in Russia (I think it was in Moscow). Apparantly all of the victims rang the police in a confused state from their homes. They described how someone had knocked on their door and spoken to them in such a way that they were compelled to go to the nearest ATM and draw out all of their money and give it to them. None of them could remember what they looked like either. The police dismissed the first report as a crackpot, but after lots of them started to drift in with similar stories they realised it was serious. So it would seem there is a gang of criminals in Russia using NLP for more sinister means... :P I can't find the story atm, but I think it was on BoingBoing somewhere. Another interesting thing in this vein (fiction this time) is the classic film

    The Manchurian Candidate". A troop of soldiers in the Korean War are brainwashed into something...

  14. I know this sounds a bit of an odd request, but just wanting to know what experiences in MMORPGs have given YOU the biggest rush :PN.B. If you don't know what I mean by a rush then you've not had one, lol.So I'll start with mine:In SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) my character is a Jedi Knight, this means that at any time that I am playing, any bounty hunter I come across could potentially have my mission.If they have their mission they are able to attack me and attempt to kill me. On my death they will receive around 250k credits and I will loose half a million xps. The later at night I play, the more likely I am to be hunted. Bounty hunters have no honour (in general) and will stalk you, trying to catch you when you are weak.Now in normal PvP (player vs player) I normally don't get a rush as I control where and when the fight is - e.g. I choose to be there and am always ready. BH (bounty hunter) encounters are unique in the suprise factor.The other night was a good example, I was on Dathomir, 7km (a long way) from the nearest starport. Most characters don't venture there alone anymore, and a bounty hunter will hesitate to come find you. So I was riding back at about 3am to the starport with my friend and was half asleep, just about to log off for the night. Got into the starport and BANG, I'd been shot off my av21 vehicle. Myself and my friend hit the dirt and I noticed 2/3 of my healbar was missing :PCaught totally unaware, my force armour (gives me 40% dmg mitigation) was switched off and I had no pvp foods. My friend unable to help me anyway, still wasn't aware what was going on - a bh had camoflaged themselves near the ship terminals and waited patiently for me to return - as soon as we entered he ate lots of drugs and opened fire - 1k dmg per second and I only have a 3k health bar. So.. back to the fight.So.. the first thing I did was use my master enhancer ability, stasis - froze the bh in time for 45secs. Then I healed up and applied my force armour while hunting about for my drugs, lol. Then it was circling the BH brandishing my saber. Armourbreak, saberthrow to knock them down and then pummeled them into the ground. Deathblow and jobs a good un.My template is all about speed and dmg. Low defence but not really needed. Now most BH vs Jedi encounters last 10-15 mins for a 'normal' jedi template. Mine rarely last more than 30secs, that last one was 11secs. 2secs reaction time for me and 9secs to desimate them :P If it lasts any longer than that then I will probably be dead... :( So why have I posted that? Well, by the end of that fight, my mouth was dry, I was sweating, I was shaking like a leaf, I was elated and terrified.I had something to loose, the BH had something to loose, things were at stake. I went from being half awake to alert and ready to kill in the space of two seconds.No game has ever given me that much of a rush, it's like being almost hit by a car and knowing that one or two seconds either way and you'd be dead.... So I'm interested in hearing you guys' stories - where do u get your rushes from?

  15. Well, I guess I must be addicted...I play about 40hrs per week on Starwars Galaxies, I've two characters (had four at one point). My main toon is a Dark Jedi Knight with a perfect saber and lots of rare items. My alt is a bounty hunter.I founded a city and guild which I still lead (been going for over a year now with 80 members) and managed to get to #8 in the pvp rankings on my server...In RL I am a penniless student studying Games Computing. With many friends and a strong community ingame + ruling a quarter of a moon, you can guess which is more appealing, lol.Interestingly though, I completed the 'endgame' long ago, it's this community that keeps me playing. I suspect that EQ2 or WoW might give me more short-term entertainment fixes, but my friends are all in SWG.Hmm, that was a bit of a ramble, but I guess this whole thread is :P

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