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Posts posted by g2konline

  1. Muslims For A Safe America conducted a survey at the Islamic Society of North America’s 43rd Annual Convention in Chicago from September 1, 2006 to September 4, 2006.307 Muslims who are American citizens participated in the survey at the Muslims For A Safe America booth at ISNA. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the views of American Muslims on issues relating to Islam, Muslims, and American national security. It is important to let Muslims articulate their varied opinions on these issues in order to encourage dialogue within the Muslim community and with the rest of American society.However, this was NOT a scientific survey, because ISNA Convention attendees who visited the Muslims For A Safe America booth are not necessarily representative of the American Muslim community as a whole.:P

  2. Well Mocrosoft isnt really going to give people much choice after a while it will stop selling XP, and as people are almost always buying 64 bit now on new PCs there wont be much point for them getting the 32 bit XP or worse the 64 bit XP. And microsoft will also eventually stop the updates for XP and its will force many corporate and government customers to switch as it has done with XP and SP2.Also Vista is still in the early betas its not possible to tell what its going to be like exactly alot of software changes drasticaly after beta testing is completed. And the security features are hardly likely to be worse than XP at worst they will be equal and since most users tolerate the security for XP its not going to be its biggest issue.

  3. Adobe is working hard to release Creative Suite 3 before the end of [2006]
    Photoshop CS3, code-named Red Pill ... Adobe is still leaning towards releasing two versions of the software, with the Premium edition packing additional functionality geared towards the video and science markets. Both versions will offer Live Filters, providing non-destructive editing, as well as speed enhancements that will take advantage of video card (GPU) acceleration, Camera RAW 4, and Rotating Canvas.

    They also have some info on Illustrator 13 (version 13 already? I'm still using v10 ...)
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