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  1. Any other zine editors out there? This is going to be a monthly thing with creative writing (fiction, satire, whatever I get that's good), book and website reviews, blog reviews, hopefully some regular columns. I've worked on zines before but this will be my first attempt at starting one. I have a couple of specific questions:Where should I promote the zine and post calls for submissions? I've done this on a few message boards and classified ad sites but I know I need to cover a lot more ground in order to get a good selection of material. And, anyone have suggestions for design software programs that work well for zines? Or web resources with good tips on webzine design?
  2. cool. I love Photoshop too, even though it takes me forever to come up with anything good -- graphics are not my strong point. I'm always amazed at the brilliant things artists and designers can do with image editors.What kind of art are you studying? Any samples of your work to share? I'm in the process of putting together a new webzine, and I want it to have some really great art. --Sage
  3. Hard to know where to start with this one, there are so many terrible things people do to their sites.Some that haven't been mentioned so far:Sites that use frames without providing a no-frames version. I hate frames.Same thing with Flash; if I can't skip a Flash intro I never wait for it to finish, I just move on. No CSS, or CSS that makes no sense and is no better than tables. The scrollbar thing is a good example of this. Too much clutter and clashing colors. That hurts my brain. Then again, in my own designs I can get carried away with minimalism. I love black and white.Oh, and then there's bad writing. Some sites have great code, perfect scripting, but I find I have no idea what the written content is supposed to mean.
  4. Thanks... That's the plan! And asking questions in this forum is a much better way to get help than waiting days for tech support to reply. Good idea. I'm going to send a list of questions and requirements to hosts before I sign up or pay for anything. Seems obvious now, but it's way too easy to make impulsive decisions on the web.
  5. Hi,I got my domain at Aplus and wanted to point it at memebot's free hosting, which has nameservers a.ns.memebot.com and b.ns.memebot.com. When I tried to enter those at Aplus, it said something like "Must be valid Domain NS1."I'm pretty sure this means it requires nameservers to start with ns1 and ns2, because I tried entering ns1.memebot.com and ns2.memebot.com and those got saved. Only problem is they are not the right nameservers!The customer support guy just said "lots of sites have nameservers that start with a and b, it should not be a problem." What's that about.
  6. Try writing styles for each of the following: #navigation, #navigation ul, #navigation ul li, #navigation ul li a, and #navigation ul li a:hover. Put size rules in #navigation ul li -- that way they will carry over to #navigation ul li a and a:hover.
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