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Posts posted by rantsh

  1. Hi Everyone,After being away for a while I'm back, and I come with a big question for all of you. What do you use in your systems? MS SQL server, postgreSQL or MySQL...I prefer MySQL since it's very fast and it's robust enough for my aplications, how 'bout the rest of you?

    Notice from m^e:
    I added a poll to your post - so we'll be able to visualize the opinion better. Cast away... ;)

  2. From the templates you have there, I might've checked like 7 but, I have to say the one I got first (something green and white that looked if it was made in FP) that one was nasty. Soon enough I discovered the template chooser (VERY COOL Function, can you PM me on how to get it please???) and I liked the JavaBeam theme, and maybe the rhuk_planetfallI hope my opinion has been of help, because my site could be the next one on 'the chair' (when I finally finish it hehehe)

  3. I'll be damn... B):PB):P:blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:

    The page doesn't work with Firefox (or at least is not especified there), when I tried it with Firefox it didn't show anything in the box, in IE it showed what I had on the clipboard and then (after fixing it with Himanshu's solution) it said:

    No text found in clipboard. This is a good thing!
    Works with Internet Explorer and Netscape

    I wonder if firefox allows this same flaw??? Either way everyone should be aware that this is going on.

    I, personally chose to have IE prompt me if I wanted text to be autopasted from the clipboard, so I could detect which S.O.B. pages are trying to screw people up...

  4. rantsh,


    I am impressed to say the least.  You are taking this seriously and that makes me want to help you even more.  I guess I will have to get off my lazy butt and get to work on putting together some material.


    The material presented at HackR is not the most challenging but does show the biggest part to hacking, itâs the mind set.  Just because the system says something is not possible does not always mean it is so.  Go ahead and proceed to the intermediate levels.  If I remember correctly this will involve starting to reverse engineer pieces of software.  You will perhaps learn more here than the entire beginner levels combined.  Let me know when you get through this and get your books.


    I hope this is a good lesson for everyone reading this thread. Learning is an action that requires a person to actually do something.  Rantsh has taken the first steps and I commend him for it.  Perhaps I can get a few more people on board and we can have a very enlightening experience here.  I know that this is not a college class in box site but as long as you are interested I will lay everything on the line.  Once you get your cryptography books we will start discussing the first chapters and I will give further assignments, if of course that is ok with you.


    I have to say, that I might have more skill than what I thought (??? B) ) It took me a couple of days to figure out Intermediate challenge #1, but just a few minutes to complete #2. I'm only missing the 4 advanced challenges which are cracking challenges, and I have to admit this are going to take some serious time...


    Either way I invite everyone who reads this thread to try out hackr.org, as it was said before it's not the hardest site ever, but take my word for it... you learn a lot solving this problems...

  5. Your homework assignment for the next time is this.  Go to https://hackr.org/ register, and complete the first five (5) levels.


    Let's see if this reply goes does go through, I took your advise and got the first 2 books you suggested, I'm still trying to get a hold on the last one you mentioned...


    I registered last night at https://hackr.org/ and completed the first 15 levels (all the challenges in the beginner's section).


    Just to let you know, I haven't registered for my master's now, because the next semester is on january (at least at the only school I know teaches some security related degrees).


    Talk to you soon....

  6. Today I discovered that among the million things I don't really know how to do in linux, there's one thinkg I REALLY don't have a clue of how to even start.I just downloaded knoppix-std and wanted to use it with my netgear wg511t adapter, and I realized, I don't know how to install this device in a live CD distro, or how to install any other device in knoppix for that matter, can anyone give me a little hint please?

  7. If you hadn't been by Tom's Hardware dot com lately, then you haven't seen the Green USB flash drive with a windows logo on it (which really freaked me out).

    So to make it easy to all of you this is an article at tom's (click Here to read the article) about PE Builder which is a project NOT endorsed by MS

    PE Builder is not a Microsoft product and does not create Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment ("WinPE").

    In a nutshell I'm going to quote the author of the project so you may see what it does.

    Bart's PE Builder helps you build a "BartPE" (Bart Preinstalled Environment) bootable Windows CD-Rom or DVD from the original Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 installation/setup CD, very suitable for PC maintenance tasks.
    It will give you a complete Win32 environment with network support, a graphical user interface (800x600) and FAT/NTFS/CDFS filesystem support. Very handy for burn-in testing systems with no OS, rescuing files to a network share, virus scan and so on.
    This will replace any Dos bootdisk in no time!


    Please do not contact Microsoft for support on the preinstallation environment that has been created by PE Builder!
    Microsoft does not provide support for PE Builder or for the preinstallation environment created by PE Builder.

    The PE Builder program (pebuilder.exe) runs on Windows 2000/XP/2003/BartPE. It does not run on Windows NT4/ME/9x.

    Now there you have it, you may create a COMPLETE Win32 interface boot CD so you can boot Windows every other day (or everyday if you have XP home) when it *COUGH* dies *COUGH*... *Sneeze*MICROJUNK... [sorry I Must be catching the flu hehehe]... Either way, the point is that you could jumpstart your windows box, backup all your precious data and prepare yourself to format/reinstall windows for the millionth time (this year)

    On the other hand, one could've expect this kind of solution coming from Microsoft, but then again, is been years since knoppix came out and they still didn't get it... So one more time, the 'effective' solution comes from open source or independent projects... (I know it's redundant but I'm using this word here...) AGAIN!!!!!

    I'm willing to try this software later this month (when I have some spare time) and I'll come back to you on this one... for the moment I can just say that it has got potential (maybe if you boot from a CD everytime the registry can't screw up and then MAYBE we could get to the utopia of a windows that doesn't show a bluescreen... every 20 minutes...

    For all the MS/Windows lovers out there, I present my apologies for making fun of windows, but is just to DA*N easy to let the chance pass by - not to mention how fun it is (not that you loose your data or productivity, that's in fact a very serious issue, but it's funny to think that there's actually people who believe that the MS products are THE ONLY/BEST OF THE BEST or even decent solutions)...

    Well, I'll see you around and if anyone has already tried this PE Builder thing please let me know your thoughts so I can save some time, instead of installing and reviewing this utility...

  8. First of all, and for the record... I really LOOOVE the Xisto concept, I've had access to the internet for a while, and NEVER before I had been active in a message board or Forum or anything like I have been here. While most of it was just because I'm a little lazy on the writing, I have to admit that I had never had an incentive to participate. While here I get 2:1.- Free Webhosting (Which is awesome, no banners, no ads, and yet a large space, bandwidth and a lots of limitation-free useful utilities) 2.- I'm actually learning new stuff and meeting, which means, this is not the typical message board where all you find is garbage, or useless immature arguments about something completly lame.On the other hand, up to know I have had 2 problems with Xisto...1.- Every so often I can't reach the server, which means that, when trying to access it firefox returns the 'Cannot find - or connect, can't remember right now - to Xisto.com'. When this happens then not only I can't get access to the message board but I can't get access to my website as well. I've figured out that maybe, because Xisto is a free server with so many users and websites, it's not that the server is down, but (here comes one of my crazy ideas here) the route can't be resolved because there's too much traffic coming from the server and/or I'm too far away (I live in the Caribbean right now - no clue on where Xisto is located)... OR an alternative to this is (I think this is not so crazy as the first one) that, some of the astahosts servers (not only HTTP but DNS and so on) are full and can't resolve the address... Bottomline, every day since I joined I have been unable to connect to Xisto (either message board or my website) in an average of 2 to 4 times a day. (I try to be as active as I can now to accumulate points for the near future when I WILL way to busy to be as active as I'm now, so I want "buffer" points hehehe).2.- This has happened only once, and is during this session as I'm writing this post (Sat Sept 10, 2005 8.35 GMT-4), for somem reason I'm being ask to login EVERY time I click on a link to go into a topic... Am I alone here? has this happened to someone else? I'd like to know, because, I just installed some extensions in my firefox... So if I'm alone with this, it means something is wrong with my browser...Well, please let me know if you had experienced any of these 2 problems (or any other technical difficulties) with Xisto. The way I see it, this sort of things could happen even with a paid host, so I'm not blaiming Xisto for anything, actually is the other way around... I'd like to know if I'm creating my own problems (which are not more than just a couple of minor tech difficulties)Anyway, I'll be expecting your experiences to determine if I'm alone in the dark or not... See you all around...

  9. Hi everyone, The reason I trouble all you today is because when I studied Java I never got the JS section of my book, so this a whole new unexplored world for me.I handle the basics a little, but I'm really screwed up with a couple of assigments that I require, if anyone can help with this I'd really appreciate it.1.- I need a way to format the text that's being inputed on a textbox in such a way that it inserts separators for the thousands values (meaning that as it's being inputed it shows 1.000.000,00 for a million)2.- It's the fashion or something, but now one of my clients wants dynamic or pop-up menus on the navigation bar (you know this nice fashion links that appear when you rollover a button or a text in the nav bar). I've made some research on this and all I find is a big bunch, I mean HUGE scripts, just for a couple of buttons.I was never interested on client side scripting (which is why I never got to the JS section), so if there's anyother way of doing this WITHOUT JS (meaning that if there's an alternative in HTML or something like that) I'd really appreciate it if you mention a source where I could find it. But, if there's not, please guide me on this task that I have no clue on how to start...Thanks in advance...

  10. Does anybody know a GOOD disk defragmenter for windows? I need a good house/small office solution (and by that I mean in the Free/cheap area). Does anyone know any???Well to be honest if you don't know any free/cheap at least a good one, even if it's a little pricey since I have some sensitive data on my PC that I can't afford to lose. And the windows one is so... useless... I mean does anyone remember when in the old days you ran defrag from the DOS command line and all the little squares ACTUALLY got together, now on windows, for reasons that I can't imagine there's always this HUGE gap in the midle of the data... My personal opinion, you defrag with it and everything is basically the same... I can't see any (and I mean ANY) improvement on the performance, not with the disk full, half empty or almost empty, you defrag and it's like wasting an hour of your life.Either way I used to use Norton's (I think the last time I used it was on 2002), I've thinking on going back to symantec (your that aspect not for NAV) but as I'm already here I thought "What the hell... let me ask"So either way, thanks for any suggestion that you may have...

  11. Well, my 1-2 punch is based on Spybot S&D as well, but in my case I complet the second strike with ad-aware, either way I've heard of spywareblaster before, so I'm willing to give it a try.I also heard the Microsoft's Utility (I don't even know the name) is actually very good... anyone has a word on this?

  12. Oh, btw, is the grill thing in front of the speaker broken too?


    And a great way to increase the volume and clarity of the sound is to cup you hands around the speakers, and kinda angle the sound twoards you.


    Of course my zd8000, tank size laptop, has great harman kardon speakers in the front, which don't work to well if it is on your lap, but if you put this thing on your lap, your likely to burn off something you will miss later.


    No nothing is phisically broken (Not that I can see). The hand technique to deflect the sounds towars you always works ;) But it's simply not the same with one side dead.


    My Dell heats a lot too, Sometimes I think I can use my laptop to iron my shirts ;) hahaha.


    Anyways, HP used to have great service, but now I get some foreign guy (I don't have anything against them, but I liked to talk to people in the US better) who I can't understand, and instead of knowing the answer, looks it up in the corporate database.

    Oh give foreign guys (like me) a chance, besides, if you're getting a foreign person thant means we (or NOT-US natural people in general) are making a job as good as an American person would... but cheaper. (SAD) Besides, he's probably just following procedures that might say something like: "You do not think, you live to tell the costumer what we have already writen in the Database, otherwise we wouldn't have taken the time to write it there. I doesn't matter if you know a more efficient way, you live to be ruled by that datase (or "procedure"), and this is the only truth of your life" (Believe me when I've seening procedures imply that without saying it so straightforward...


    I really like this notebook. Other than it having a lower grade processor (AMD Sempron instead of K6),

    I'm not an expert on AMD but I wonder if with k6 you mean athlon (As I recall k6 is a very OLD processor)


    I don't know anything about HP notebooks ... but I'm running a Compaq notebook, which is *sort of* like having an HP. (They're incessantly tied together, at least when you try to check out their Web sites or order replacement parts and such.)

    I see you don't know, but yeap, I think it was on fall 2001, HP bought Compaq.


    On the other hand, something I had forgotten to mention when I first wrote this topic, when my speaker died, I tried to dissasamble the laptop myself and see if it's a loose cable or something like that, I have handled Hardware for a long while now, but, soon enough I discovered that there are great differences between a laptop and a desktop when it comes to assambly.


    Either way, the thing is that now I have a small secondary flaw, when my PC goes to LOW-RES instead of streaching everything, it shrinks the screen, I don't have any clue on what could've caused this since I didn't even dissasamble the whole thing, I just kind of opened it, took a peek into the speaker section and closed it, when I switched it on again, the DELL booting screen was small and the information on my BIOS was taken back to factory default...


    Now I don't care if the DELL and the XP booting screens look nastily small, but when I want to use my TV out the computer screen turns small and makes it almost impossible to use the computer while watching something through the TV out, anybody has a suggestion on how to fix this???

  13. Where I live, there are no casinos or anything and poker itself it's not really popular, however, I play (for free) on pokerstars.net... Either or, just by watching the WPT and the WSOP you know that it's not the real deal (Starting on the fact that when the chips are free people make VERY stupid bets that they would NEVER do on a game where there was money on the line.Either way, I've got some friends together and every once in a while we play a couple of hands for quite smaill amounts of money. So... you are not alone the only poker lover around here... :-)

  14. Why isn't this more popular, I mean, everyone uses google, and I have never even heard of this before. Google needs to advertise this stuff better.


    I believe it's mandatory that you have a gmail account in order to be able to log on to Google Talk. If this is so then there are 2 reasons for why it's not more popular:


    1- Gmail accounts are not completly free... yes you don't have to pay for them, but you need a person who has a gmail account (and has invitations left) to invite you to test gmail.


    2- I believe Gmail and Talk are both under either continuous developments or on their final beta releases... Assuming this is true, they must be waiting for a final release before going on a publicity campaign


    I am not sure if these statements are true, but they're at least what I've heard

  15. It's pretty cool that there's a place where we can do this already, but, it's kind of hidden, so My suggestion here is: Why not put a link to that site on a more visible place (like the welcome page) and encourage people to use it. I mean it's ok that is not a mandatory thing to be published there, but I really think it's a really great way to increase traffic to our webs

  16. I was wondering... wouldn't it be cool to have a little space with a sort of directory where anyone who wants the other members of Xisto forums to visit their website could just post the address and a little reference of what it is about?

    I mean, it's quite difficult (as I've learned during my short career as a webmaster) to increase the traffic of our websites via search engines (those little spiders won't come to them). So why not advertise ourselves?

    It could just be forum or topic pinned on this or any other section of the site, or something like that...

    Anyway, I'll hand mine (although I haven't had a chance to work on my own website, and the only thing it contains right now is an "Under Construction" Page). I don't think this is (I certainly hope it's not) spam (I mean is self publicity and if I don't do it, then who?).

    My website is about a group of Venezuelan IT guys who provide technologic (Computing - HW and SW, Electronic and Electric) solutions, the group itself is being established right now. We're incorporated with other companies from aroud the world (mainly the UK and Trinidad & Tobago). So after I've worked on it enough I'll be having tips on IT, offering our services, and publishing other kind of information (IT related and 'just for fun' information as well).

    There are 2 ways to get to my page... through My Xisto domain name or through my own domain name (which will hopefully preveal for a LOOONG while) Great IT Solutions dot com please be gentle, since not even the logo is ready yet :S ... I'd suggest to visit in a couple of weeks until I've finished a major project that I've got and it's top priority, and I have had the chance to write at least 1 or 2 pages on HTML...

    Either way, I'll love to check out your babies as well, and I'm looking forward to see MANY replies here...

  17. I would recommend SuSE, but if u really want customization go for Gentoo. SuSE is great, it has everything you need, in 1 DVD or 5


    I had thought of SuSE, but have never used it... at all ;) (not even the live cd's they had).


    Can you please talk to me a little more in detail about SuSE or any other distro that you'll like to recommend to me?


    I like Debian, because I've tried it (most of my experience with it has been through Knoppix, although, I installed it once in a computer I had back at home). Solaris is simply because I like java, I've never tried it before...

  18. Linux all the way, you don't get many stability problems that you get for free with XP (and if you happen to mistakenly get rid of the inestability, don't worry, MS will soon produce a big pack of errors and call it Service Pack)... Pathetic...Besides, you get complete and total control of your computer, get probably better software than the one that comes out for Windoz and most likely it'll be for free, and as a bonus as, linux is an open system so it's very unlikely that you don't get support IF any problems comes up.I pity myself because I have to be using windows all the time (the computer I have right now needs to have windows, since most of the software that my company uses is not linux compatible. That, and the fact that the company won't let me install linux in it to make it a dual boot system ;) )... THANK GOD FOR LIVE CD's (My knoppix CD is like my American Express... Never leave home without it). ;)

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