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Posts posted by Knox

  1. The new season 4 of Red vs. Blue has begun! If you haven't seen it, it's definently worth checking out. Very funny stuff! you can find thier videos to download at redvsblue.com.


    There is adult language used, so be advised. The newest episode is #58, or you can download old episodes that are on a weekly rotation. Become a sponsor (like me) and you can get any of the videos whenever you want.


    What is it? Basicly an animated sit-com, but instead of using cartoons or CGI, they use Halo and Halo 2 multiplayer to animate thier characters. Then add voices which really make the series shine. This is was got me into Halo in the first place.

  2. I have tried investing in these online surveys to make some extra cash. This is NOT worth the money you pay initially, and I'll explain why.First you have to register with dozens of different companies, which takes some time even if you're using an auto-fill program. Once you have, you'll get either of these results:1. you will recieve e-mail invites to participate in a survey. 95% of the time you will either not qualify for the survey or the survey will have already reached it's quota.2. you will get caught in a never-ending loop of "free" offers, half of which are not free.The only way I have made money online is by playing tournament games like worldwinner and tournamentgames, but you have to be pretty good. I've made about $60 doing these.

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