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Posts posted by kikapoo

  1. Hey, glad it helped.


    Blender does come with its own internal renderer, and there are open source projects that tries to integrate V-Ray into blender. There are links on their website that you can check out.


    External Renderers for Blender


    More-ever, blender often has many development projects that tie in directly to the development of Blender. In other words, the team at blender and a group of professional artists work together on a production, developing blender to fufill the production needs and integrating the changes into upcoming releases.


    There are some open source projects such as:

    Elephant's Dream

    Big Buck Bunny



    Blender Open Source Movies


    As you can see from the productions above, all of them are rendered using Blender's internal renderer, and it is constantly improving with each revision. One reason I can think of that the youtube videos does not go in depth into the render engine in Blender might be linked to the downside of Blender is that with every revision, there are usually major changes and so it is usually quite hard to keep up with the revisions, although version 2.6 would be the Final version.


    Although I have not gone in depth into rendering in blender, but in my opinion, the blender engine, although not as beginner friendly as I hoped it will be, it has much potential to be explored and definitely will improve leaps and bounds in the near future to come.


    The one advice would be to head to Blender's forum and be part of the community there. The people there are helpful and they would be the best people that I can direct you to get help from all aspects of blender.


    Blender Forums


    Just scroll down and on the left there are a huge number of blender forums and resources.


    Hope that answers your questions!


    *Update: It took me 2 hours to post this reply! Darn forums keep logging me off whenever I click post reply and I had to resort to using Proxies to access my account and post this. Cookies or whatsoever not solutions didn't help either! I blame the forum >:(. If you're seeing this Nate, that meant I succeeded though :).

  2. Nowadays, many hosts are using the captchas that helps to translate books. I forgot what the parent company was called thought.Therefore sometimes the captchas they offer are really ridiculous. And IIRC, they often show 2 words, 1 is the word that they want you to translate, the other is the control, so even if your translated captcha is wrong, as long as your control word is correct, they'll let you through.With that said, half the time, the translation captcha word is unreadable, probably due to the way the books projects it and with further distortion from the system, it's just a pile of mud sometimes. <_< This reminds me of the audio captchas that are accompanied with the text ones. There was once I couldn't get the text version to load so crazy me went ahead and switched on the audio one. It was music to my dogs. Robo cop can do better. I couldn't get 5 letters out of the 10 that was blabbered, so I gave up trying to sign up for the forum hahaha :lol:

  3. I've been through one of these "TAKE-OVERS" and it was many years ago when I still used IRC. Not wanting to bore you guys with the full story so here's the small details.I was a helper in one of the channel for a online game and I dare say I did my part as a operator, even more so than the owner who had created the channel. Well after sometime, due to a channel take over, I made a sub channel that became the trading channel in the later part of the "Saga".Well, the old owner didn't see it in her to allow another similar channel that fought for the same target audiences and therefore went behind my back and took over the entire channel. It even got a global operator involved and in the end, even though I had the channel back, I decided to give it up and direct the traffic to where the old owner was, mainly because I didn't wanted another argument to happen over it and because of all the fighting, channel joins decreased, all in all, bad for everyone.Oh well, someone has to give in sometimes, in the case I told myself to be the better man and stepped away from all these.*6 months later, the owner gave up the channel too I heard because apart from me, no one else was helping much and after I left, It just went straight into the gutter. :unsure: "

  4. Personally I think Time is a very subjective matter. Mankind has always thought that we can keep time in check but I think what mankind has done is create clocks that tell time in their own perspective. Have you ever thought about why a second is a second and an hour is 60 minutes. All these are just guidelines that man ourselves have put into place to keep time in check so that we can base our lives on it. We are very much restricted by "TIME" and so a better way in my opinion to define "TIME" is by quality of time.Example 01:You're doing something mundane and boring, the 30 minutes to the end of work never comes.Example 02:You're having fun with the stuff you're doing and before you know it, 30 minutes is up.I believe everyone has been through that definitely in your lives. Therefore in my opinion, time is defined by the quality of experience that the user is going through and has been put through.Well, sounded like an essay doesnt it hahahaha :lol:

  5. Hey, glad to see you starting out in the 3D hobby.I'm in no way a professional but I'll tell you what I've learnt so far from my own experiences.I see that you've started out on Blender3D and I agree with you, it is definitely a intimidating program to pick up at first since the available resources in terms of tutorials and guides are not so much saturated than ones like Autodesk Maya and Autodesk 3Ds max.I myself am using Maya, with school being the biggest influence but it cost a bomb. If you're really into it though, there are student licenses available and it costs much more reasonable and can be purchased just with a student password / matriculation number.Blender however IMHO will be the upcoming force of the 3D industry, due to the fact that it's free of course and there are feature sets that are not even readily tested and available in expensive 3D packages. I'm currently picking up blender too and it was a tough process for me initially mainly due to the fact that Blender's interface are "Sky and Ground" apart from Maya's and having used Maya for a couple of years, getting thrown into the ever changing Blender interface was daunting to say the least.To answer your question, Youtube might be a good way to look for blender tutorials and since it is a free software, people are more willing to devote sometime to share their knowledge and I myself have come across some tutorials about Blender and it did help me get a step ahead in blender. I hope I'm not droning too much and hope that I'm pointing you towards the right direction. Always remember to have fun and that is what will pull you through the hardest stages in learning a new software package.

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