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Posts posted by Errordotocx

  1. Cool, thanks Mayank. It's been about a month since I bought the site, and all the new has worn off and I have had time to think about it. I think i'll keep stuff a lot smaller than I had intended. So I think Wordpress will definitely suit my needs. Also, I see where you all are coming from when talking about the bandwidth, and yeah if the website was ever to grow large it would be a problem. But i'll cross that bridge, if and whenever the time is needed. Thanks a lot guys. :)

  2. Awesome, thanks for the reply! I'll start of with saying that my website is only about a week old, so some of that stuff is there for testing. Regarding the maps, official 1.6 or source or any other valve game maps come packaged with the game when you buy them. So you are right, there would be no need to offer them for download. Games such as those have a community that thrives on custom content such as custom maps, models, game modes, scripts...etc which aren't available from their website. That being said, some place has to offer them for download, but what you said does remind me that there are other well established websites that already provide the custom content, and would be hard to ever compete and I really don't intend to. Most of the current downloads on the website right now are creations from me and my friends for those games. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with the website, but at this time I don't plan on ever going big with it. It will still remain a personal website where I offer a few downloads, both mine and other peoples, for anyone that is interested. So a larger VPS probably won't be needed at this time. But I'm glad you did mention it as now I have an idea for the future if things need to go such way.Also, I gave WordPress a try awhile back but didn't mess around with it much. From what you have told me it seems like it actually might be a great idea for what I am looking for, especially with that download manager. As for the forums, I have looked into the paid ones and what they offer is great, but I would probably consider those more if I ever do decide to grow. Phpbb3 will probably suit me just fine for now.Thanks for all your help. :)

  3. I'm new here so I would like to start off by saying HI! :)

    I am in need of some assistance in finding a website or structure that suits my needs. A few weeks ago I got myself a website over at Bluehost.com, and so far the hosting site seems just fine for my needs minus the part where uploaded files cannot be more than 50mb. But my main problem is that I am unsure of a setup or a system that works for my needs. Bluehost has something called "simplescripts", which makes it a lot easier to get certain systems easily running. After going through several different blog setups, CMS setups, some cheap web tool thing and just plain forums. Eventually I ended up using PHPnuke 8.0 that is available through simplescripts. The look of the site, http://www.theocx.com/, isn't too bad and and happy on that end and I like the way it manages the downloads. The other stuff is "ok" I guess but there is some things that don't work the way I believe they should, like trying to link YouTube videos on my news page and the fact that I haven't found a good way of converting the forums to phpbb3 and I can't delete forums that have been made. I feel like what I want to do with my website doesn't really work with the setup.

    Now that I've covered a little bit of where I'm currently at, let me try to describe what I'm looking for. The things I am mainly looking for in the site is first off a blog where I can share whatever happens to be on my mind. Secondly, I like the Download manager, or what have you, that PHP nuke uses. I am a gamer so there are files such as maps, models, scripts...etc that I would like to make available to download. The third major thing is to have forums for my website, most likely phpbb3. Those three are the main focus I would like to have, but having the ability to also add extra pages like an about, reviews, and links when needed. This type of setup would be great for what I need, but I have yet to see anything like this and am needing some help and opinions on what to do.

    Hopefully someone here has an idea of what might work, maybe there is a site structure out there I haven't seen or maybe it would be best to just have one built for me?

    Again, here is my website right now,

    Thanks in advance!

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