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Posts posted by johnybravo

  1. Hi all, this is my first post. It might be a bit long so bear with me please =PBasically, i have a crush on this girl with me in college. Ive known her for about a year. Im gonna call her Janna. When we first saw eachother, she used to take short glances and stuff. So i started a conversation with her. From then on, we happened to be in the same courses together (cuz we are both in the same major). Later on, she said that she and her friends think that i am a really funny guy. And once, we were sitting together with a friend of mine, she said: "ur so cuute! can i eat you?" So i got the idea that she likes me. So i decided to ask her out, but a friend of mine asks her out before me. But she refused to go out with him for religous reasons.. And then i see her walking with some other random guy.. (maybe her BF). But she always smiles when she sees me, when we are walking, she walks close to me. Looks into my eyes. She also called me "her kootchie" (as in kootchie cute). So im left confused.. (she's not the player type though). She also asked me if i liked her. And i responded: "maybe". (i like being mysterious)She also has this really close friend, lets just call her X. I know X has a boyfriend and all. But we're pretty good friends. One day X starts asking me about my previous girlfriends and stuff. I answered her and told her that i was single. And she asks me if she could hook me up with someone in the same major as mine.. So i asked her if she was implying that someone in class likes me, and she said that she wasnt implying anything.X also flirts alot with me. She touches me, and also thinks that im a really funny guy. And she also called me cute.. When we sit, our legs touch often and she keeps on moving it up and down my leg, as in: her legs are crossed towards me and she rubs her crossed leg on mine constantly. (maybe shes just being flirty?) On a side note, i have been called cute by a lot of girls. But this one says it differently..She also comments on my statuses from time to time. She also becomes happy when she knows that we are going to take a course together (but she'll also become happy when she knows shes gna take it with my friend also o.0)And yes, i did show her that i was interested by telling her that i tought she was cute..I tend to text her. And i she asks me to call her if i have any questions about a specific subject...But recently, she stopped texting me alltogether. Its been like a week since she texted me (by she, im refering to Janna). If i dont text her, she doesnt initiate the texting.. (maybe she lost interest?)So does Janna like me? She rejected my friend, so thats not really encouraging..Toughts?

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