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Posts posted by PhoenixGFX

  1. hahahahaha I saw this video a long time ago and is hilarious, specially when they start throwing the boxes items, and there was also this video about the real life mario, with a stay home wife princess and a mushroom eater mario :) recommended too!

    Yeah, it's pretty funny... I love videos like that. Real life dramatization of our favorite games.

  2. What are your opinions of Joomla and Wordpress.I'm currently developing a site that Joomla Based and so far have found it easy.I did have a wordpress blog, but from some of my collegues they coaxed me into going Joomla.Is it worth the time, or do you prefer Wordpress.The great thing about my experience is that there are so many extensions available for free and easily customizable.

  3. Why do you say that windows XP is free from Microsoft? Most people I know had to pay for it. Do you really mean that I can go to a shop and say "Please give me a Windows XP distro for free"?I have been told that if I don't like my Vista delivered with my PC and want to install Windows XP, I have to pay for XP, and no guarantee that my CD drive and my sound card will work correctly.

    Actually, You should do some research on it. This is the best alternative there is. It's better than doing the whole Multi OS thing at startup.

  4. I believe that the Free Version of AVG is good. I install it on all of my clients computers who doesn't want to pay for an Antivirus Software. But it's better to actually spend on a good Decent one. You'll be better off in the long run. I personally use Eset Smart Security and haven't had a problem since the initial install.My choice and advice... go with AVG!

  5. I think the easiest way to get your files safely and quick is to log in using Safe Mode. This can be accessible through an option when you hold/press F8 while your system starts.It makes not much sense to use a pirated copy of windows because you'll eventually be harming yourself because you won't have legitimate access to the Updates/patches, etc.

  6. Windows Vista... that's an Operating System that I haven't seen in a while now. There's too much problems with it. Almost everyone I know is running Windows 7 and/or Windows XP. I had Vista installed on my computer when it was first released and after a few days uninstalled it and did a clean install of Windows XP.I'm sure that most people agree that Vista is probably the most crappy operating system ever released... well that and Windows ME...Windows 7 is the way to go, almost everything runs on it and if there is a problem with Hardware Compatibility you can just install and use Windows Xp through Windows XP mode which is free from Microsoft.Just my opinion! :P

  7. I think the myCents idea is good. And also think that the capability of purchasing other items other than domain and webhosting should be added.It's a good way for someone who doesn't have the ability of actually getting their hands on a credit card or wire transferring funds to a host.I'm glad I found this forum. Hope to get my site up and running soon.

  8. I won't suggest the iPhone to anyone. Maybe I'm a bit biased. But I'm a lover of Android Phones!Android Phones has a better User Interface to me. Android is Open Source so this means instead of just 1 company working on the code, an unlimited number of people are able to do so. This has many advantages because open sourced software tends to be more secure than proprietary software because thousands of eyeballs are pouring over the code every day. Holes in the software are quickly found and patched.

  9. If you're looking for a solid drive I suggest the Patriot Xporter XT. There is a 8GB version that gives you speed up to 200x read and works with every single OS because it's driver less.


    It also has a water and shock resistant RUBBERIZED housing so you'll be safe if you someone like me who occasionally drops stuff.


    And it's selling at a good price... you can get if for about $15 to $20 at most stores.


    The bad thing about it is that it has a cover, these things get lost very easily... most of my drives are without them... I'm such a goof!

  10. I really hate locked phones, especially the smart phones. It's better to get an unlocked one and pay the extra.The Android Phones are far better, way more customizable in my opinion. The only downside is the battery life on the Android phones.The Good thing about the Android Platform is that it's open source, Open Source has an unlimited number of people are able to share their knowledge. Open sourced software tends to be more secure than proprietary software because thousands of people are pouring over the code every day. Holes in the software are quickly found and patched.

  11. Seems to be a war between Apple's Iphone OS and Android.For the Battery Life the iPhone beats the Android devices. Don't get me wrong, Android devices comes packed with great feature, but by doing this it looses out on battery Life.Both are great when it comes to multi-tasking. The android is better when it comes to Speech to text but the iPhone has a better release and update consistency. Android devices are more customization and has great integration with Google Apps.When you look at your personal choices, I believe that the Android devices are better suited for everyone. But that's my opinion. Don't want to get on anyone's bad side, especially the iPhone lovers.

  12. Seems that alot of us won't get rid of our cameras for a camera phone. Almost all phones has the feature but it's just a waste of time. Only useful when you're gonna use a Facebook app or similar.You can't sacrifice quality when it's a hobby taking photos. Hey, a friend of mine has a camera phone and the camera specs are great. But he had to shell out alot of money just to get it. There are some pretty awesome ones on the market now. But I'll wait until the prices drops!

  13. Wow, a love triangle. LOL.You just just muster up the guts and tell her how you feel about her.Trust me, I've been in a situation like this before and regretted it.Two thing can happen, she'll probably say she has the same feelings for you can dump the other guy.or she'll think it's awkward and tell you it's better to be friends and she prefers it that way.There's only one way to know... you gotta tell her what's on your mind.You can even give her a letter explaining your feelings if you feel shy... it's a great time too.. Valentine day!

  14. I believe it's a natural habit.Dogs normally lick to show that they trust you and have affection towards the owners and even other dogs. Sometimes dogs overdo it though... this just shows that they need some extra attention and a sign of bad training.It can be seen as soon as a pup is born, mother dogs usually lick to clean their puppies and by doing this create a bond between the pup and it's mother!

  15. I was using dot.tk for one of my sites and came across this forum.I'm hoping to eventually get hosting from Xisto soon and hopefully it's be worth the time. Most of us know that frames are bad for a site. I learnt that too late. It's better to have a top level domain for any website including a Forum as you mentioned. Xisto seems like the real deal and I suggest that you give it a try.

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