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Posts posted by labstuffs

  1. Using electrolysis make hydrogen from clean H2O thus imagine the water power vehicle is feasible might have a long way to go before it became reality, I still remembered the fuss about the plastic cars a while ago which was not materialized. I believe there is a lot of technical challenge, maybe solar car would be a bit more practical in my opinion.

  2. I used Firefox most of the time, but I did get into quite some troubles with Firefox, for example can not print PDF files, web page load problem etc. I would vote for Internet explorer since it's very popular and seems to have the best compatibility. Oprea is very good on my smartphone though, much better than IE.

  3. Well as long as you are nice to yordan, hold off on the plagiarising and hold off on the double posting then he should lift the warning :P

    Ever since I got the warning, I have stopped posting anything which would remotely raise any doubt. Like I said I already sent the mode (in this case yordan I believe or is he the one which oversess all board) a PM, yet to wait to see if I can get a fast response. Keep my fingers crossed will report back like if anyone cares.

    8ennett I was just wondering what do you mean by "as long as you are nice to yordan"?

  4. Here's the update if anyone is interested: I got a response from support by saying the reason I got myCENTS in steady state is because my account has warning, I have to get warning removed so the billing support can remove the steady state from MyCENTS earning, then myCENTS can be converted to credits. I have since send a PM to the moderator who issued my warning and see if my warning can be removed so I can get the CENTS converted to credit. Will report back again if this get fixed. But the take home message is you can not geet any earnings into credit if you get a warning. I did not find this info anywhere.

  5. Solar power is way to go.

    Solar energy is the energy derived from the sun through the form of solar radiation. Solar powered electrical generation relies on photovoltaics and heat engines. A partial list of other solar applications includes space heating and cooling through solar architecture, daylighting, solar hot water, solar cooking, and high temperature process heat for industrial purposes.
    Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar techniques include the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing properties, and designing spaces that naturally circulate air.

    But The future of solar power depends in large part on its cost. Critics of renewable energy complain in large part that coal and other fossil fuels are much cheaper. In fact, some utilities even claim that they cannot, in good conscience, raise rates for their customers in order to use solar power because they have a duty to provide the least expensive energy.

    Solar power currently accounts for 0.5 percent of total electricity supplies, but this will need to rise if cuts in carbon emissions are to be achieved, according to the IEA.

    Solar power is expected to provide almost a quarter of the world's electricity supplies by 2050, according to a new report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Anything copied must be quoted.

  6. To convert your myCents to $ for your hosting simply login to the billing and support section on the menu on the left

    When you login, you do see the credit converted from myCENTS, but you don't have any option to convert by yourself. It supposed to be done automatically by the system like mentioned in the email you received when you get your credit converted.

    Something seems messed up with my account that's my guess, I have since opened a support ticket ask for help in the Xisto - Support. I'll see when I can get a response. Will report back if problem fixed.


  7. Out of all the people I know maybe there is only 1 guy who doesn't have a mobile phone. the reason is he is not that social and he does not see a need for it, plus I think he is a bit cheap as well. But the question for how old should you have a mobile phone?What age should you get a mobile phone is a personal decision. There is some parents who are not comfortable not knowing and being able to track where their kids are, and they need to keep contact all the time. Also there are parents who feel very comfortable when they children are away from them.I grew up without a phone. Gone are the days when all the children played outdoors while the adults on the block talked and laughed and kept an eye on the kids. We now live in a world of Amber alerts. I respect the parents who say my kids don't need a cell phone and I respect the parents who say my kids do need a cell phone.I do wish I did have one as a teenager so I can keep connecting with all my family and friends all the time.The most important thing as a parent is to determine your comfort level, and make your decision regarding your children with your comfort level in mind. There is no right or wrong age for a child to have a cell phone. My children don't use their phones often to call their friends. Between the three of us, we don't go over our minutes and we have 500 minutes per month. They pay for their downloads from their allowance, so they know how to restrain themselves. I know who they're talking to from looking at the phone bill. The bottom line: the whole family is at ease.

  8. I have search for the free hosting, it seems Byethost fits into the bill, but it seems they ceased to accept application until 2/1/11. But I have googled the review on the net, it seems a lot of controversal comments. Some have real good experience, but other complainging lost of account, lost of database. I guess it really depends upon your expectations, it's a feehost. Here's are 2 example's of the review:Bad first:"Steer clear of this awful host.I'm with their paid hosting. I've used many different hosts in all my years and never have I taken the time to write a review. But they are the absolute worst host on the net and are causing me substantial loss of business. My account has been suspended for server load, they refer to me as one of the "bad customers", but in actual fact my site was only getting about 10-15 visitors a day and I have no forums or anything else that would cause excessive server load. And because they suspended my account for a couple days, my google page rank went from #2, to not even being in the top 100 now. I think the shared hosting has such low resources as a ploy to get you to upgrade to a VPS server, a scam I want no part of. I was even thinking of upgrading to a reseller account before this mess happened, good thing I didn't jump into that right away. If you're running a business off your website and rely on it to make a living, then this is NOT the host for you. But if you're ok with crappy service and don't mind having your account suspended for days at a time then go for it."Good one here:"Byethost.com is the best host ever! ratingI am using their free plan & everything is just like paid hosting but i am getting tired of the vista panel they are offering in my opinion they should upgrade it! I do not means that the vista panel is bad its good and easy to use ;) now i am going to upgrade to a premium plan surely to monthly standard after it i will upgrade to monthly ultimate! & also the great thing of this company is that they never terminate any account without giving a backup & if they closed your account without any backup then you can get backup by submiting support ticket! this makes byet the no.1 choice. So if you wants a reliability,speed,value then choose byethost.com as your permanent host! Byet keep it up we all are very happy with you~"Personally I will signup for a free host to see how good or bad itis!

  9. I just signed up here at Xisto forum, but I already have signed up in Xisto forum and earned myCENTS there, I was wondering if I post here, will myCENTs merge with the ones I earned there or not?While I just checked seems the cents are not merge into each other, here it shows my post is No. 1 with no myCENTS showed up.

  10. My experience is I got myCENTs showed up pretty fast meaning the same day, but after you get more than 100 myCENTS you are supposed to get cents converted to credit which you can use later, the time for the conversion varies, I got the first 1 or 2 pretty fast, but no luck recently. I thought the system should automatically check and update per email. But seems that's not the case.

  11. I was wondering when will the Xisto - Support account be credited with your myCENTs. It seems the system did not update for the past 3 days. Or maybe is it just for my account. I got credit back on 1/24 with an email notification.This is the email I got from "Credit System" <noreply@Xisto.com> on 1/24:"Your forum myCENT balance will be checked and updated again after 24 hours :-). To collect more myCENTs, we suggest being up-to-date with the latest topics and also using our Feeds to stay alerted."Ever since then I posted again and waited to see if I will get any credit, seems I am earning and accumulating the myCENTS, but no converting to credit. Maybe I should be more patient.

    Notice from Yordan:
    I cleared your warning. However, please, stop posting copied texts, else you will be warned again.

  12. Please remember if you are going to plagiarise content from other websites then wrap it in quote tags, it's against the rules here at Xisto.


    Also the previous comment about how it's a waste of time posting in these forums, I strongly dissagree. The entire point of these forums and the ones over at KS are to expand the amount of helpful knowledge there is stored on the web which is freely available for anyone to view which is also a reason why guests are allowed to reply to posts as well. People who merely "water down" the forums will usually have their posts removed so only helpful and relevant information is left over. For me especially it's not so much about the myCents (although it is a bonus) but helping to add to a database already full of useful and interesting information.


    Opaque has created something good here, not many other people would strive for the exchange and ready availability of knowledge the way he(/she?) has at cost to themself.

    If providing information directly from Godaddy site about a promotion is considering Plagirism, then I would assume a majority of post on the internet would fits into that category.


    JUst like if I want say "Xisto strives to be one of the best professional free web hosting service providers. We have targeted this site to provide the Best free web hosting solutions for ", I have to make sure I am not going to be accused for pligarism because this is from astshost.com website. This is purely absurd in some sense.


    But how can you argue with a moderator, now you won't, that's the rule for a forum board. Like i said I am not far from banned here, good for the forum and good for me as well I gusee.


    This is what I am saying to my self loudly, " Why would you want to be active in a not so active forum, maybe trying to ear something or trying to get a free lunch, you deserve it." That's the conclusion.

  13. There are many different types of virus, all serving their own purpose. Adware is a type of a virus that causes your computer to display annoying pop-up ads to get you to buy something. Spyware is another type of virus that infiltrates your computer and silently spies on everything you do so that it can send valuable information such as social security and credit card numbers to its owner. Its presence also makes your computer a little slower than usual. And then there are the other types such as trojans, worms, etc.., that get into your computer and corrupt personal and system files. The corruption of system files causes your computer to act erratically. Depending on the severity of corruption and the importance of files corrupted, you can either escape with some error messages and a slower computer, or have your system be put in a completely irreparable state.Worst ones can get into your system and change your tregistry file. I have experienced some real bad virus to the point I have to backup my data and reformat my HD to get my system back.

  14. This is niot free , but I think paying less than $2 for a domain is pretty good deal.

    Godaddy is having a NEW promotion for $1.49 domains...

    Register or transfer any available .COM, .US, .MOBI, .BIZ, .NET, .ORG, .CA, .CO.UK and .IN domain for just $1.49!*Applies to the first year only of new or transfer registrations. This offer may not be used for renewals, bulk registrations, premium domains or Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations. Limited to one order per customer, expiring after 10,000 redemptions or at 11:59 PM on February 16, 2011 (whichever comes first). Discount will be reflected in your shopping cart; cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Customers may not use gift cards, PayPalÂŽ or AliPay to redeem this offer.
    * Plus ICANN fee of 18 cents per domain year when applicable.


    OR USE WINTER149 at checkout.

    Notice from yordan:
    please stop posting copied text without quotes. Remember that plagiarism can lead to a ban

  15. I used AVG free version before, than I changed to CA antivirus for another 6 month, finally switched to Kaspersky internet security suite, and I recommend the kaspersky. But since I already got a copy of trend micro internet security , I will give it a try since it seems gained popularity in enterprise envvironment.Also avast Free Antivirus is another choice if you dopn't want to spend on the software. It claims often outperforms our competitors´ paid products and is the minimum protection you should have — it provides great protection against viruses and spyware. But for best protection against the latest and constantly changing internet threats, upgrade to avast! Internet Security.AVAST Software to Offer Free Virtualization which seems a big boost??!!Anyone has good experience with it.

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