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Posts posted by Microsoft

  1. I want to be able to edit/add/delete pages. I've tried out some CMS but I wanted to turn my current website into one. What I'm doing right now is if I wanted to add a 'tutorial' I would copy the html code from the 'How to create a YouTube background' and just edit it.About the navigation I will have a look at the PHP include, should be very helpful.

  2. This is a pretty cool website, but there are some things that should be changed.
    I would not suggest using iframes. They're terrible for search engine optimization and your internal linking isn't as great. Check out this link: https://www.oneupweb.com/.

    Also, using nucleus CMS inside of your website in an iframe is kind of unsightly. It looks like a website in a website. Two banners, two menus, etc.
    The javascript pop-ups on the pages that have not yet been developed is annoying. I would rather see a page that says "Under construction" than the pop-up.

    I'm definitely digging the Challenger on your banner. Too bad it's not a SRT-8! :angel:

    The simpsons layout is absolutely perfect. I would maybe change the font, and size of the text below for the videos. The legality of this website is questionable.. but I'm into all that stuff. Is this why you aren't hosting on Xisto?

    You link to a favicon in your html, however the file it references to doesn't exist. (images/favicon64.ico)

    Good job on an excellent website and I'm looking forward to seeing your improvements in the future.

    About the iframes: I only have to edit one page if I wanted to add/edit/delete a link in the navigation.

    Nucleus: I only wanted something like a blog to inform any types of updates.

    I don't have a favicon as of yet.

    I made a another topic here at Xisto about if it was possible to convert my current website into a CMS, so maybe that would fix the iframe problem?.

    Thanks for your feedback.

  3. Is it possible to convert my current website, which I currently have made myself with all the pages (I use Text Crawler if I need to edit multiple lines), into a CMS (Content Management System)?Anyone suggest a good CMS that I could convert my current website's theme (Address on sig.) into a CMS? I'd be grateful with any suggestions. I was also wondering about RSS feed and how I could implemented on my website. I searched on Google but I couldn't find any direct answer to this. Just trying to improve my website, Dan. :angel:

  4. I currently use Goolge chrome because I love how simple it is. I also use FireFox but I haven't for a while, only for when something doesn't fully 'work' on Chrome. Chrome is supposely on beta stages, so hope it will just get better. I love how I can just search on the address bar. Chrome loads just a split second faster than FireFox but not much of a deal.Anyways those are my thoughts, Dan.

  5. sooo cool, like it so much. i really websites that attract me, i like the big car banner. i like the font you use too. i am looking forward for your posts. good luck.

    Thanks for your feedback. :D


    Hey there Dan. Welcome back to Trappy then mate! :P

    Unfortunately the site doesn't load for me. :angel: Could you check this out? :o

    Are you sure? It's loading for me.




    Here is a "sneak peak" on the Simpsons skin I was working on.


    (70% done)


    Posted Image


    I will be making different themes for different types of TV shows. I will probably just make one theme for movies and different banner/logo for each movie.

  6. Hello everyone, It's been 5 years since I've been here, haha.

    I'd like to introduce everyone to my website http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Created: 3/07/10

    Mostly it's on tutorials on how to do this and that.

    If you have already taken a look, I have mentioned that of some content I'm gonna be adding etc. I plan to add a Movie page to watch movies (embed-ed) and a TV show page to watch tv shows (embed-ed).

    My site was and still is heavily under development and I would highly appreciate some feedback!~

    I plan on adding tuts on how to get hosting for .01 cent first month, and other random ones. I am also developing a Simpsons layout that's turning out real nice, it's like the one I have now, though 3 times better. (For when I make TV page)

    Any suggestions of where I could upload large video files would be very welcome. :angel:

    Also, I need feedback! Thanks for taking the time to read my post and visiting my website.

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