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About ajey
Newbie [Level 1]
this program is four this: if you get the idea! it is fourstar observacion end math planning of star moval
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Notice from cmatcmextra: Copied from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Ajey, please use quote tags when copying. Please thumbnail large images or alternatively post links to them. Removed large screenshot image.
am always in the market to check out any racing game that comes along...and while some are good enough to garnish a pretty good review... I was absolutely impressed with this dmeo and game coming out this fall ( October '05' )In most racing demos you seem to only be able to use keyboards as your control option as they usually save this feature for the full game, but not here.The interface and options and all you can setup and add is not only nice and clean and works well, but it does not leave out much at all if anything..so I think this will please most everybody out there,as the variety of choices all work well also.I just got done playing only a small test of it...enoguh for me to say thats good.... and I will get this game sometime for sure.It recognizes your gamepad and even rumble pads right off and lists it and lets you configure it in the game options menu choices...and that is rare.The game itself runs very nice and one thing you'lll otice is the sond and effects are very well done ..and very realistic..much more so in the way the car behaves than in most I have played....The graphics can be set for many differnt modes and even allows for total advanced setup for graphics..in differing modes.. it looked good enough for me...A link is really not needed as it is offered at most sites now... ( Fileplanet,3Dgamers, or other )by ajey
have recently started using COSMOMC for carrying out parameter estimation and found it extremely useful and versatile. However, there are few things I am unable to understand and am facing some problems. Kindly give me some suggestions.1) I would like to do a COSMOMC run with only the WMAP TT data excluding the TE data which as I understand means putting "num_cls" equal to 1. Accordingly I changed the value of "num_cls" (wherever it exists) but it gives an error "MCMC could not start after 1000 tries....." What is going wrong? Am I missing something!2) I would also like to run COSMOMC but with a scale invariant power spectrum fixing the spectral index, ns (=1). I tried fixing the value in power_tilt.f90 as well as fixing ns parameter values to 1 in 'params.ini' but none of them worked.3) I would like to change the CAMB part to use my own set of inflationary parameters so as I understand I have to replace the power_tilt.f90 routine with my own routine (primarily the scalar and tensor power parts of it). Which are the other files which need modifications. Also I would like to know where in the CAMB part do you fix (or you vary) the value of scalar to tensor power amplitude. I have read the FAQs and readme sections as well.Kindly give inputs/suggestions. Thanks.
I released v3.0 of cmbeasy today. The main changes are in the graphical user interface: plotting and printing of confidence regions (both one and two dimensional) is now much more sophisticated. Some minor flaws in the scientific part have also been corrected (mostly concerning some specific dark energy implementations). I did write a general fluid perturbation class but didn't include it yet. If some people are interested let me know then I'll know if it's worth polishing the class for a release or not. You can find the packages on http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
i have 2 book's ent one is asus it wa 1/2 prise of dell en it works bether then dell, i dont know why but I dont think that I wil buy another dell! Notice from cmatcmextra: There is no need to quote the previous post. It's just a waste of space!
A true story of LIES, DECIEPT and UNDERHANDEDNESS by DELL Lets see where to begin.... I get my new dell laptop (inspiron 6000) 20 days after they promise it would be there within 7 - 10 days. I pour more than 10 gigs of personal data into it from my work computer, configure it to work like I like it etc and within two days of it's arrival, the computer dies! just powers down and won't turn on, not a pulse left in this little dell. I spent two hours with tech support in INDIA, the lady is not exactly a nice person like you would expect. The lady had me take the entire computer apart hard drive, DVD player, RAM, keyboard and some other stuff I don't even know. By the end of it all , the machine still won't work. I ask for my money back and she says that the computer has to be sent back in working condition to get my money back so they have to send me a new one and then I could send it back for my money back, I'm so tired by now, I just agree with them. So the new laptop arrives as expected 5 days LATE! Then I call them to return the machine and she says it has been over a month since I ordered it so I can't return it for my money back, while their policy clearly says that it's 30 days from the time I recieve it, I bring that to her attention and now she says I received it 33 days ago, when I know I only recieved it 25 days ago!! So there is the first LIE. Then she says they will make an exception in my case but since there's nothing wrong with the computer, I have to pay for shipping and handling! thats over $150 CDN. Now I'm pissed, turns out if I had asked for my money back the first time (like I had) I wouldn't have had to pay shipping. So I tell her what the Indian lady said to me but this woman doesn't believe me! then she appologizes for being misled and lied to but she can't do anything about it! I tried over and over again to explain to her the whole story, but all she can tell me is to sell the computer to someone else to get my money back! is this chick for real? Is DELL for real? I now know that the only way they make money is by selling cheap machines that don't last and by LYING AND CHEATING their customers. So the moral of the story is DON'T EVER BUY A DELL! if you do, don't say you haven't been warned. Thanks for listening to me rant and rave.. hope this didn't happen to you to. Greetz
My harddrive just died. I heard the death sound of the click, click, and the harddrive spin down. Not to worry, there was nothing important that I cannot replace on the harddrive. What is sad is that harddrive was the largest harddrive I had 124GB of space. I basically used it to store ripped movies and downloaded TV shows. Now that I no longer have that harddrive for storage space, I need another. Fine. I have another harddrive that has 147GB of space, one of those new SATA drives. Sometime in transit while moving last month, the pins on the SATA harddrive became bent and a few torn off the drive itself. Basically, I seem to be un-able to access the contents of the harddrive. Now, my questions, finally. 1. When a harddrive is dead, what exactly is not working: the platters and bearings stop (spinning), the logic board is no longer functional, or the connexion between the logic board and the platters discs non-functional? 2. If only the platters and bearings stop working, then can I extract the platters from the SATA harddrive and transplant to replace the platters of the dead harddrive?I'd be glad for all the answers...
I have a brand new computer running Windows XP 512 MB RAM, Compaq Presario 1.4Ghz Celeron. I am connected to the internet with Comcast in Fremont. Web sites pages are slow to open up. The performance problem occurs on many different sites, so I suspect the problem is on my end -- either the computer or my internet connection. It often takes several seconds to open up a link. What can I do to fix this? I am not one to be picky about speed, but net browsing is so slow that I don't feel like using the computer any more. I've heard some people say that anti-virus sw can slow down net browsing. The computer was pre-loaded with Norton Internet Security, but I don't know if that is the problem. I don't think I have a virus since it is a brand new computer which has always been running the virus protection software.Thank for all the answers!
Well, my favorite game is probably age of empires 2. It combines great playability and it works also on older computers. I played this game all my childhood and maybe this is one of the reasons too. But ofcourse there are many other good games on our planet like Americas Army, which i free and can be downloaded from their website. thats what i think!!