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Everything posted by Patrascu

  1. I totally agree with Erdemir. I don't see people slave's of technology as you can't be creating new technologies being that kind of a being. Of course nowadays people have an incredible addiction or better said dependence to technologies such as TV, internets, fancy cars, MP3s, mobile phones and many others since they make our life easier.
  2. I have only used Corel Draw occasionally so I can't state a clear opinion about it. Photoshop is the greatest graphic editing software ever built and Adobe never stops to amaze me with every new version which includes brand new and incredible features. At first Photoshop may be confusing and "hard" to use but after you get to spend some time on it you realise how friendly it is especially with the workspace features. When it comes to performance I think there is nothing to say besides good words. I've used it for about 3 years and I think that it has become a must have for me. Also Photoshop seems to be a bit cheaper than Corel Draw and even more popular. My vote clearly goes for Adobe's puppy!
  3. Hello guys, my name is Andrew and I used to haunt the old Xisto and Xisto like 282 years ago.. well not really but it was quite a while ago. I basically know how the hosting system works worked but if there have been any significant changes please feel free to get me up to date. Soo even though introductions or speaking about myself isn't my favorite part I'll try to pull something out..hehe. I'll start by sharing you my greatest passion which is design/art.. I'm self taught designer and I mainly specialise in graphic and print design, currently trying to improve my CSS and HTML skills. I have done quite a few freelance projects and I have some neat experience but since I have to keep my grades up in school I lack of time when it comes to spending much on this. I study medicine..yeah design and medicine the craziest combo hehe . In my non existent free time I like to go out with my friends, to play basketball and soccer, snowboarding (winter time), surf the nets. I also love watching movies and of course listening to music. Oh yeah I live in Romania (south eastern european country if you didn't knew..the place where the "Dracula" story started) and please excuse me if I sometimes misspell words or use inappropriate verbal temps. What I expect of this community is kindness and many interesting discussion subjects. Aaand I think that's almost all I wanted to say..not quite but if I remember more I'll edit later hehe. Cheers!
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