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Everything posted by AVguy

  1. You can get AVG, Not the best out there but good enough. It's updatable really easily through a USB and you can download the files on the site. You can shedule scans and cleans too. If the computer is going to be offline all the time don't buy an antivirus, get AVG Free, it doensn't come with a firewall, and since you won't use the internet you won't need the extra protection. Not best heuristics.Avira has update files too. It has good detection but horrible UI. Good Heuristics.MSE SUCKS and probably and also has defenition files.Slowish. Good Heuristics.Avast might have this too but I'm not sure. ESET DOESN'T. Good Heuristics. Only updatable online.You will probably find many that do have definition update files but It's no worth spending to much time on an offline computer, just make a backup of your important files, maybe your OS, get any AVG Free (Or Avira) and forget about the license expiration, hacks, trial period reseters, and all that crap. After all your not going to update it EVERYDAY, just like once a month or stuff like that. In any case, MSE and AVIRA have REALLY GOOD Scores on Heuristics, better than AVG. Tell me what you chose.
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