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Posts posted by Anarchy5000

  1. Yes we could live in a world with no money, the only thing is money allows people to have more then someone else. So who decides who gets the prime beach front property with money out of the equation anyone could have it. Don't get me wrong I think it would be a grand thing if we got past the money mind set. There would be a lot less sick and staving people in the world. Also do we have the fore thought and will power not to waste more because things become free? What would we do when one still has to work in the fields while the other works in a office building? It is a great idea but I don't think the mass mindset is ready for that one just yet. It may suck but the money system forces some in society to contribute who may not other wise. Maybe some day our minds will evolve to where we could embrace a no money society but until then as a movie quote goes: free will it's a B@tch! lol

  2. Well in the robot form thats still a little ways off but in the daily life thats all ready here. When we have another power grid failure seeing that it really hasn't been upgrade to handle large solar flare up like the one in the 1800's. The scientist have said it is not if but when it will happen again, also when the grid goes down it would take many months if not yrs to get the grid up again. No power , no store open for supplies, no tv, no Internet, no fuel, no banks, no communication systems. All if these in a large part are control by computers in this day and age with out them we are just sent back to the 1500's. ah a good cowboy hat and horse and your good. lol

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