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Posts posted by brawler

  1. I sometimes go to chat rooms just to speak to some people, you know cause i have nothing better to do. So anyway, one day my sister was on the old ninemsn chat rooms and was speaking to this girl who turned out to be a girl that was in my grade at my school. Another time i was in a different chat room, and stated speaking to this girl and asked whereabouts she lived and it turned out that she lives in the same estate as me.And to think that these chat rooms are for people all around the room and i find people that live so close its crazy. If you got any chat room stories like those i like to hear them.

  2. We have 4 computers. The one i use has Windows 95SE (i think) my sisters is WindowsXP, same with my other sister. My really old computer that sits in the cupboard has Windows v3.1 in which you have to select Windows from the "Big Menu" but that computers pretty much just riddled wit games. I plan on getting an ex-gov computer with Windows 2000 (home/professional - dont know). Isn't it just crazy how much microsoft is in my home!

  3. At about 8.30am on the 5th of September i wasn't able to access the Xisto forums. it said there was a active member overload or something. Is this because you have a whole heap of people on at the same time or because you had run over some sort of maximum registered user limit or something because it also said that you had a database error? or is this just some real dodgy coding?

  4. WavePad is pretty basic but good software for music junkies. If you don't like parts of a song then take it out. Want to do mash-ups like on the radio all you have to do is select the part you want then select the part you want it to mix with the click "edit" -> "paste mix". it's really cool. The program itself, i think, is open source, so if you want to change something then you can.This is the second program i tried to mix songs together. The first was Audicity which is availible from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it seems almost exact except i wasn't able to paste mix the songs let alone paste bits of other songs onto another song.

  5. how come there is no "strategy" subforum? you have everything else, even games such as Halo have their own subforums. i think that every subgle genre of game is in this forum EXCEPT "STRATEGY" WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US? don't you think we're special enough to have our own subforum? c'mon all the strategy game players let's all complain until they add in what should rightfully be in this forum.STRATEGY GAMES FOR EVER

  6. I'm not sure whether i should have posted this here, but anyway. I am making an email-like system. I have a table that reads the "id", "subject", "author" and "date" off a mysql table. let's say that there are 15 messages in the table, but when i delete all the messages using a php script then post a new message the "id" sets itself to 16 instead of 1, the only way i have figured out is to Truncate the table and just fake it for now, and not allow deleting. I think i have to add in an update mysql table or something - how do i do this? if you would like to see inbox page its at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and if you want to view the code just post back.

  7. Ghetto Gospel by 2 Pac and Elton John, it's a biit wierd having Elon John singing in a 2 Pac song but it's damn good. My other fav's have got to be Faint-Toxic it's a mix up of Brittany Spears' Toxic and Likin Park's Faint. If your in Brisbane, Australia the best stuff comes out of NOVA where they do their own Mash-ups! I'm trying to do my own, might post some on my site if i make any good ones.

  8. I don't know what's up with internet cartoon comics. they're pretty dodgy. stuff like Black Ninga i don't find very appealing. But if i were to choose an internet cartoon it would have to be Handsome Harry. Hadndsome Harry it's about a guy named Harry who's sooo handsome that he has to wear a paper bag over his head. There's a couple of funny ones, others aren't so great. Simpsons would have to be best TV cartoon except i don't quite understand why they are yellow.

  9. Oooh, I like this question, it's great!
    I think I would also put my money in a bank with high interest so that I can get more money in the future.

    As for me, i am gonna buy an island ....... my own country -- the island...

    Believe it or not, this is actually illegal, you can't buy a natural island, but you can have one made, for example in Dubai they are building islands in cool shapes.

    It's not illegal to buy an island, it's just like buying any piece of land. For more information go to http://www.privateislandsonline.com/

  10. Demo: http://www.fantastictutorials.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t
    ..and: http://www.fantastictutorials.com/rg-erdr.php?_rpo=t

    This tutorial is based on the code I used for this avatar generator.

    This tutorial is for people that are reasonably comfortable with php. I have went to a lot of work making it as simple as possible so even if you are a beginer you shouldn't have problems.

    After writing the tutorial, I realised how difficult it is to read when the source and tutorial seperately ... so I commented the tutorial into the source of the php. First have a look at the ZIP file, and when you open it up (ava.php) the code is quite well commented. Everything should be pretty well explained.

    It took a couple of hours (I had most of ava.php made, but I made index.php and a few others to make it more appealing as a tutorial), so, all Feedback/Questions is appreciated..


  11. The person is standing about a foot away from the two foot post. the person is six foot and larger than the post. If the person wasn't standing there the post would have a shadow but the person is standing there. and the posts shadow is still there, so why is the posts shadow still there?

  12. Are you allowed to cancel out numbers?Example: 101-102=1 cancel out the 1and0 from both= 1-2=1That isn't the whole answer i just want to know whether i'm on the right track

    Notice from BuffaloHELP:
    Merged double posts. Please refrain from making double posts.

  13. Oh you must feel special. Why don't you try my Brain Teaser? Brainteaser: Shadow(the links in my sig). And what do you mean by "its absolutly true brain teaser and works..." mine works, just has no real logical answer.I will get back to you with the answer.By the way: because of my ignorance i just got 30 hosting credits allowing me to start with the default package. I repeat again I WILL GET BACK TO YOU WITH THE ANSWER!!!

  14. The best hosting here is obviously the Default Hosting Package but it take a while to get all those credits just to be able to get the hosting.


    My fantasy or Most Desired hosting package would be:

    * Free

    * 500MB - 1GIG space

    * Unlimited or 8GIG transfer

    * No Ads

    * PHP supported

    * CPanel 9.X.X

    * Unlimited MySQL

    * Unlimited E-mail

    * NO Post-to-Host

    * 99.99% - 100% server uptime

    * Fantastico

    * An even bigger collection of one click-install scripts


    That package would be soooo goood that they would then make you pay for it. Arww *Drools**Drools**Drools*

  15. I think Ajax is great technology. It helps out alot at work you know having to scrub them counters and stuff, it really cuts through the stains and stuff so there is no need for hard scrubbing. OH, you mean te other Ajax, oh right.Well Ajax was a great man, isn't he he one that holds up earth? Oh no that's Atlas, that's why they called Atlas's Atlas's (if that makes sense) because Atlas has so much to do with the Earth and stuff.Anyway back on to Ajax - he was really strong, see that's why the really strong cleaning agent is called Ajax - because they're both really strong!By The Way: I don't know anything about this new Ajax fella made up of other guys. Sounds complex.

  16. Andre` Agasi and Federererere (however you spell his name) played a game of tennis in Dubbai 175ft (or something like that) in the air. The court extended out of an extremely tall tower and was safe enough for them to play tennis. The pictures are absolutly crazy. When i get my web hosting i will post the link so everyone can have a look. P.S. You may be able to find hem on the net somewhere - i'm not sure

  17. I've asked a few people but still no one can give me an answer!

    BTW: I can up with this myself. It's an easy complication but a complex answer - if there is one!


    Brainteaser: Shadow


    Laws of Physics (i guess)

    If a single post stands in the light it will create a shadow.

    If there is no light a shadow can not be created.


    The Situation

    A person stands in the light and a post is in the person's shadow.


    The Question

    What object creates the shadow that is protruding from the post?



    It can't be the persons because thier shadow is on the post.

    It can't be the posts because the post has no light on it therefore can not create a shadow.


    I will be very surprised if you can come up with an answer for that!

    If you can figure it out i will give you some hosting credits!


    P.S. I don't know the answer, I came up with the brainteaser and will accept any reasonable, logical answers.

  18. On weekdays it's usually from 10(ish)-7(ish) which is nine hours sleep. On the weekends i try to maintain the same thing from about 11/12 - 8/8.30 - nine hours(ish). What's crazy is that on Friday night my computer stuffed up so i wentto sleep at about 10/11 and got up at 10.20 about 11 hours sleep. I mus have been *BLEEP* tired to sleep so long.

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