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Everything posted by DXFan

  1. Darn. Wish I had an edit feature. If I do, I don't see it. Apologies for any typing errors. Like-withdraws = withdrawals, poor sentence structure etc. Tired.
  2. Most of the information you want will be found in my post, above. Check out the links. My limited but probably accurate understanding: Basically, it's most often described as a sort of "risk free" "forex". You trade e-currencies for profit, just like forex. Except, you're really exchanging within a network. So, you always have as much money as you started with, and you profit up to 14-15% on exchanges that your perform manually and you have a "portfolio" value which generates up to about 4% per week based on supply and demand of the "network". Manual exchanges is like a job, because you have to do it manually. Because of the network, you always have requests for exchange to fill, as long as there is demand and there seems to always be enough demand. Let alone, you could fabricate demand. You are only limited by the amount of fund you have to exchange with people. You cannot exchange 100$ with somebody if you only have 25$. Passive income comes from your "portfolio", as your money is used for exchanges somehow which I do not exactly know of yet. Kind of like how banks hold your money and there is always an available balance, but they circulate your money and invest it. As advertised as I have comprehended it thus far, nobody ever loses money at all, no bs, because it is actually impossible since you are exchanging and you use automatic escrow services. Apparently, DXInOne network is hyped up to be heading for a "take over the world" type venture. I suppose they hope that e-currencies will be as widely accepted as a visa credit card and that they will have most and or all of the users of e-currency in their network. It seems to be nothing but a success story. BUT, there is a lot of speculation about the forecast for DX. Apparently, some people think the best of DX is done. They think that it won't get any more popular and activity will decrease and profits won't be made nearly as well as before. I know I am also missing a lot of information as I just studied it for a while, yesterday. Apparently, "outxchanges" seem to be "withdraws" or sorts and they are taking longer and longer to process, sort of like a failing cycler and or ponzi. Some people speculate that some aspects of the business are run as a ponzi. I don't know enough about the system to make any judgements. More concerns seem to be that although some people say that DX is a reputable brick and mortar company with excellent founders and leadership and is set up to expand globally via brick and mortar, they seem to be very secrective and they may just "pack up and run" sometime. That's what I gather thus far. Maybe Simon will pop back in and explain more.
  3. Thanks for the info Simon. I'd seen stuff about DX for many months, but I always passed up trying to really learn anything about it. I've been doing introductory research today. Through Simon's site, I found my way to these helpful links: http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.ecurrencybiz.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2348283779057022 Left click that and listen to the 5 minute intro by "DX Guru" Dave Bennett and then follow it up by scrolling down and listening to the recorded call stream which is much better than paying for the call to 212-461-2994 . Then, have a look at this demo intro of DX: http://imptestrm.com/rg-erdr.php?_dnm=www.ecurrencybiz.com&_cfrg=1&_drid=as-drid-2348283779057022 . Having experienced and or studied much or at least some of just about every type of business available on and off the internet, I have to say that I am a fan of DX at this point, hence the username. But, I still have a lot of research to do to satisfy me. I'd definitely like to get a lot of corporate info about the actual companies that support this DX system and the "Market Maker" group that it is. I know that some people have been alleging that DX will fail fairly soon, that it is a ponzi somehow, that certain aspects of it have deteriorate immensely since the fairly recent rise of it's popularity. However, to my current limited knowledge, I have no information that supports that and it seems like it may be as legitimate as the Forex market and may rival it quite profoundly eventually if e-currencies become more and more widely accepted forms of payment.... which is very possible. Look at ebay, look at all the online banking and cashless society sprouting up. This could be a fantastic opportunity. There is certainly a lot to study about it though. Knowing the business in and out seems to be the key. This is apparently why the business is just now becoming so popular. Apparently, it's downfall is that people are intimidated by the initial complexity of the entire dynamic of the business. However, Dave's 16 hours worth of audio and video tutorials gave people the knowledge they needed to feel really confident about the system and now it is spreading like wildfire. If you want to buy tutorials, I suggest buying the ones made by Dave and sold by Simon at http://www.dynamic-xchange.com/online-currge-training.php .... and or .... a cheaper alternative to afford and or diversify with, being: http://w.learn-ecurrency-exchange.com/ . As Forest Gump said so eloquently: "That's all I have to say about that. " Take care.
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