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Posts posted by bmxpunker2005

  1. I like alot of different types of Rock, use to be all punker, but now I love trivium!!! I like the distillers, godsmack, drowning pool, (the first album with the first guy before he dies) mettalica, system of a down, etc just naming a few off my head. sometimes i like classical and oldies, but i hate R and B, and dont care for Rap/hip hop, or country, or techno, but thats just me.

  2. I think its a wonderfull that they offer this, Its great for me, sharing videos, stuff for myt website etc, And best of all theres no limits on file size and how much videos you can upload, they only disadvantage is that to view the files you must also download the google video viewer, which most people viewing your site wouldnt want to do. I wish they let you use windows media, quictime, or anything to view the videos with. But its still usefull.

  3. I dont know what Comic Sans are, but I totally agree with your thoughts on the little animations, I hate those things. Or even on peoples myspace's. Everyone has some music video, or even videos, that take forever to load and slow you down, some peoples Myspace has so much stuff on there like animated gifts, adpot a pet, custom scroll bars, videos etc, that my computer will lock up. On websites its just as annoying. I think having a nice simple layout, with good content is ideal. Like I prefer google's look over yahoo's. Or aj.com is simple and kind to the eyes as well. Anyhow thats just my opinion. PeaceJason.

  4. YES!!!! I finally got my site working, I made it in notepad this time and it worked, It aint that great at all yet, but at least it works, Thank you all for your support and help. It's so cool how many people help noobs like me here. One day I can return the favor and that's what its all about. I really like the way this site is run. It took me a little while to get it working and It will probably take even longer to get the site all pretty. Ha well thanks again everybody Peace.

  5. nanicherry cool page, rvalkass cool idea i like that ;) and no I havent got the site running yet, I did put my template which I named index.html in my public_html folder, I have had alot of good help from many cool people on here, I must have deleted something I wasn't supposed to. Anyhow I requested to get my account reset, Thankyou all for your help and support. One of these days I'll get my site working. Jason

  6. Baki the Grappler is about this 13 year old kid named Baki, trying to become the greatest fight in the world. Its a great anime, And there is a lot of different types of martials arts in the Anime, jui jitsu, muay thai, boxing, pro wrestling, karate, etc. It's real funny how the anime use's real life people, Like one guy in there : Dickson from Rio De jinero Brazil, over 700 fights and no losses, Brazilain jui jitsu, cracks me up, Would you too if you knew about Rickson, a Brazilain jui jitsu guy from Rio De jinero Brazil, with over 400 fights and no losses, Anyhow it's a great anime. I beleive they only have one season out in English, However you can pick up the japanese versions with subtitles if you dont mind that.

  7. have any of you guys heard about cash back buddy, Man I think this little thing is the spyware that just somehow always finds a home on My PC without me ever knowing about it untill it's too late, This is the most annoying thing ever,I would beat the snot out of whoever made this thing, I get all kinds of junk on my PC, And evenutally have to reformat, somehow Spybot and norton dont pick it up. Its a sneaky little devil that cash back buddy is, and he gets his buddies on your PC and its over, I will find a way to stop this demon, lol, Well im done venting my rage about this, I actually feel better now :)

  8. ok so Ive been using Norton and Spybot like 5 times a day, guess what happend today, yup you guessed it, that makes 5 times this month that my computer has died, I just keep the Windows Xp disk on top of my desk now days, I use it all the time. Man what a piece, And whats worse is I didnt get a chance to save my files to disk, My computer would not let me do crap, ctrl alt del had no effect, Im such a lucky guy right, So now I dont have my website files, the site never worked anyhow, so I requested it to be reset, buffalohelp has been alot of help, and many other people on here as well, Thank you all, It has been alot of fun learning about computers and anything and everything here, I love these forums. And need credits for my reset request. Until I get my computer skills up, the only help I think i can be is if any of you want to learn about health and fitness or martial arts, you can hit me up on AIM at bmxpunker2005 or MSN at bray_64@hotmail.com And someday my site :) well thanks for reading Peace out everyone.

  9. ok so I've been trying everything to get my site working, a few people have been trying to help and thats much appreciated, My site is braybrothers.trap17.com no matter what i do my template will not work, i made one in Dreamweaver and another in web page maker V2, at first the site showed some of my templates information it was just messed up without the pics, now the page just wont be displayed, I first thought it might be the Xisto servers, Man i really want to work on my site and make it cool, but I cant even get the basic home page to work, If anyone can help that would be much appreciated, thanksJason

  10. Thank you guys for the help, Its time to get norton again, Man yesterday I had like 13 credits now I have 1.73 days left to be active? So anyways my application was accepted and I registered my site, everything was going great, I made a template off of dreamweaver and thats when trouble struck, I tried to save my work as index.html then put it in public_html well it said it worked, but my site went from the defualt, to this page cannot be displayed, I dont know what happened, this is my first time making a site, I guess it's alot harder than i expected, i guess I'll try more tomorrow. And thanks to everyone who has been helping me, it is much appreciated.Jason

  11. Man this is the 4th time I had to reboot this month, I have spybot Norton etc, I dont look at porn on the internet, and I dont download alot, Somehow I still get alot of Gay advertsing stuff on my PC, GRRRRRRR!!!! Well Im buying a mac soon maybe I'll have better luck with that.

  12. whoa man thats crazy, I would put fake tatoos on me for a little while for money, I'd sacrifice my pet haha, but on your forehead thats just crazy!!


    Notice from cmatcmextra:
    Merged double posts (that were 23 minutes apart)


    Edit: Lol, forgot to delete the duplicated content

  13. hello, Ive been lifting for a little while now, I love it, anyhow as far as exercise form here are some great free resouces, list of exercise instructionals and misc bodybuilding tips: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/fitshow.htm
    some bill grant videos http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/gastelu15.htm
    and a little more on the 58 year old beast http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/gastelu18.htm

    PS. just because these guys are huge dont mean your gonna get like them real fast dont worry about getting too big, It dont happen over night, just keep training and educate yourself as much as possible,

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