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Posts posted by cmdphreak

  1. Rain Drops and Capillary Actions remain in science -- not economics Reagan, we all know how your deficit ruined the FED; Bush- we all know you are scared of science and numbers;Truman - you are as lame as Franklin;Obama - listen to your scientific advisor - it isn't a lose-lose, you are just ignorant (i.e. 2008);Gore - talk in smaller words, and bigger words - depending on your audience - and think smaller;Clinton - sorry your wife was so cold - but stop emulating JFK and RFK;Arizona - that senator is crazy because of the war, not all of the cops are racist;Mexico and the Middle East - We are sick of helping you when you don't even help yourself;Canada - speak American-- I mean English;France - We need more people visiting us -- we are just as rude and have cheaper food that is just as bad for you...UK - you are awesome, and your TV is better than ours now (how did that happen?) -- Enough feathers ruffled?I hate Politics, and Obamanomics, Regeanomics, Bushanomics, and I am not a Tea Partier, Libertairian, Democrat, or Republican, (I am smart, and believe in Smarts, not political parties, other than the Modern Whigs.) :P And America is dumber than it ever was with how it spends state and federal money --I need more Architecture bids, and no: I will not draft house plans for you for $50... It costs $3k min.we have high overhead because of our software (over 20k a year just for the simple stuff) and years and years and years of training (we are much smarter than you, and don't deserve to be treated like this) $250 mil from Obama: that is what I call a November Rush, and a good start -- Two years late, but better later than never.Screw yourself Bush Senior, and Junior, and Jeb. (Cheney too)You messed up everything worse than Reagan.... that takes dedication.cheapskates.aaahhh that felt good.

  2. Not to get uber-historical, or technical on you, BUTHacking is using the tools at hand to create something new.Cracking is being a jerk and breaking into something for malicious intent.First Gen v Third Gen via Steven Levy.Or you can cite Kevin Mitnick, Robert T. Morris, or any of the other great role models out there.NOT the lame LOD, or Kevin Poulson.I am a whitehat = fixing problems when I find them(and sometimes a greyhat) :ph34r:

  3. Hey Guys, CmdPHREAK here.aka fsckMS ;) This is a well done forum, and perfect for an insomniac like me.I work in Architecture, and Engineering (real Architecture, not the fake IT, waste management, or middle management kind), Computer Programming, Reverse Engineering(by concept), Fractal Design, Management, Reprographics, Building Information Modeling, Computer Aided Drafting and Design, Research and Development, Technical Drafting (classically trained), and free hand sketches, music composition, computer languages, computer theory, flash animation, website design, drupal tagging, databasing,.... etc.I also play drums, percussion, guitar, and bass guitar.take an average persons IQ double it, add some crazy due to crazy clients, and there you go; Me in a nutshell.Leave me alone. I don't answer stupid questions, I get enough of that IRL :D Just Kidding.I love answering stuff.ask away, I might answer - but be warned: I am more of a jerk than most moderators if you ask something dumb, like how does 2+2=5, or name pi out til you can't, or say something in japanese, english, 1337speak, or can you sing too? (no I stink at singing, but do it anyways at open mics, otherwise I am the guy in the back of the band - making sure it rocks, and plays on beat)Just here to say I'm the only living boy in NY. B)

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