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Posts posted by shady772

  1. Starcraft BW and Diablo 2 LOD only. I enojy playing on bnet and enojy thos games, I also own WC3 TFT but I am very unhappy with that game's gameplay style. I would much rather see them come out with a starcraft expansion or even a sequal. I brought the game hoping to have fun and all, but turned out to be a drag....I even thought If i played on bnet wit friends, i would eventually get use to it and enjoy it...well i am used to it now..but i continue to hate it. It is the worst Blizzard title there is. Diablo 2 LOD u are able to PvP, Quest, Trade, whatever you want, (probably why I like it). And in starcraft you get to contol your own base, build your own units. I love that game, It is and ALWAYS will be a classic in my eyes. I am hoping to play World Of Warcraft in the future.

  2. I am looking forward to playing WoW in the future. I seen pics and such from many sites around the internet and been hearing good reviews. I only hope that it is better than Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne. I dont know, mayb its beacause I never gave it to much time to get into ti, or mayb its because I suck but o dont like it at all. I Would rather play a good old fasion Starcraft Broodwar game anyday. So yea I'm only hoping that it isnt like W3 - TFT. If it is it will be a real dissapointment. I plan on purchasing WoW in the near future, and try it out on the 10-day free trial thing. If i like it during that trial, You can look foward to seeing me on it ;)

  3. I am actually a fan Of Microsoft....Been with them for a Long time now, Before 95. I only have experienenced Apple (i.e. IMAC). I have heard positivie as well as negative responses for Linux. I have never actually seen Lunix or Unix in person. I plan to get Windows Vista when it comes out. I am very satisfied with Windows XP so in my opionion Windows Vista can only improve from XP ;)

  4. Thats jus sad if you ask me. A guy thats that addicted to a game..wow. I feel sorry for his family. I actually heard he did take a few 20 minutes breaks to sleep on a couch in the louge. Wow lol this is asad stroy but it did make me laugh. Did he eat anything? They didnt say what game it was, Im guessin World Of Warcraft lol....Korea is where they are more into games anyhow..so it aint really a big surprise to hear this news from coming from oveer there.

  5. Ive been hearing alot of talk about this...Ive recently read somewhere (forget exactly wheere at) that Blizzard has recently Shut down Blizzard North Office. May i remind u blizzard North is the part of teh Company responsible for great titles such as the classic Starcarft and Diablo II. Many of the employees working there were giving relocation packages and all, but a few, a elect few were told to stay, and they will continue wokring on a "Unanounced Project". Blizz gave no detail about what this prject is or even wil be. But many people are speculating that it is eaither a conitueation of Starcraft (Starcraft 2) or Diablo II (Diablo III ?). I forget exactly where i saw this, but i believe it was Gamespot. Diablo III is ***IN*** the works, and the only information or details about it is the Publisher is Blizzard and Release Date: TBA 2006. Now if they are working on a sequel to the RPG Diablo II, they must have enough common sense to make Starcraft II....That my opionion :)

  6. We are years and years away from that ever happening. Im sure Sony has been testing with this tecnology for awhile, but theyd have to do a hell of alot of testing, lwt alone get approval from FDA or wherever u get approval for that kind of stuff at..lol even though id like to see it, i d b surprised if i even saw it before my lifetime

  7. Man i member that Playstation 1....wow that was a long time ago i had that...only game on PS2 i really like is GTA San Andreas...but i use it for dvd alot anyway so i keep it -_-. But PS1 damn been so long since i played that. I remember i used to play Hot Shots golf..lmfao it was so fun at the time (wit mah cuzins of course) ...but nowadays..me thinkin of playin it seems pointless lol, but hey thats just my opionion :P

  8. I personally dont like Nortonat all. However i curently have it, but preffered McAfee when the free trial was goin on -_-....But Norton is ok i guess, i mean it keeps virus's away, and i never pay a DAMN thing to get it....im cool like that lol...A downside of Norton is the virus scan, sometimes it can take an incredibly long time for it, and even if it does find something, 70% of the time Norton says it cant remove it, I dont kno why but im not complaining, as long as i got security for free lol

  9. I gotta Nextel Motorola i860....I LOVE this fone in every way...Alot of people says its fragile and easy to break n all, but its been fine for me, and its been a year now. I upload my own Mp3 ringtones and wallpaper (-_-) so that saves me $$ It has a huge display screen and a nice camera...It was $250 a year ago when i brought it with a plan...but it FINALLY went down to $200 if u buy it with a plan now..lol

  10. I've been playin Diablo II LOD for awhile now, mostly on and off though. I currently have a Lvl 93 Palladin and 83 Assasin, (Trap and Hammy). Ive always like this game but after awhile u run out of things to do, and it can get boring. I switch over to Starcraft alot of the time because, in my opionion that game is a CLASSIC and ALWAYS will be. Blizzard has always came out with good games. I recently brough Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, but i cant get the hang of it :/....Is World Of Warcraft anything like WC3: TFT? If it is i dont think imma get it...LOl but anyway back on topic.....The only things i really like doing is dueling with my assasin....but recently the Ladder reset for the 1.11 patch and most people are on there STILL trying to get to 99. Since patch 1.11 took out all the mh's and bots (so far) people actually have to play the game the way it was meant to be played...So i give kudos to Blizz for that...In my book Diablo II:LOD gets a 9 out of 10.

  11. My sister swears she saw an alien when she was younger. In florida she was out walking with a friend and another sister, when she said they saw a green light coming from teh woods. I kno that sounds VERY fake and all but let me inish. She said it was mid day so they decided to go get a sneak at what the light could be. While walkin, before they even stepped into the woods she said they saw a Green *man*? waiving to them..jus siting there and waiving. They ran like h3ll away. I honeslty remember her coming home exhausted and hysterical...I kno how fake that sounds, heck it could of even been a painter with a bag accident...but it sure did convince me.

  12. I say it was both. I mean this question leads to How was the first bits of life cells created? Water mixed with stone? lol No that couldnt be it. It would require something BIG if u sask me..and wha is sumthing that BIG? god lol. I believe that God created cells and eventually way down the line Monkeys evolved from those bits of cells and Humans eventually in retutrn evolved from monkeys. Simple as that lol

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