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Posts posted by Causative

  1. Lately I have heard a lot of noise on how expensive education is, probably because I live so close to Berkley. I have also heard a lot of people complaining about how much money is being spent on welfare. So, would it not be cost effective for the government to setup servers where people can go and get at least a bachelors degree online and testing is conducted at public libraries or state universities with a proctor. It would also be advantageous to have anyone who receives government assistance to go through a Myers Briggs personality test to help the welfare recipient find a career that would best suit them. I mean isn't someone with bachelors degree more likely to get hired for a job, and also get paid more? If people who fail to take or pass classes while on welfare the checks they receive are less, which would motivate them to study and understand the coarse material. Also have the people who have passed a class work as tutors if needed to those who need help with coarse material. Now I am sure I am not the first to come up with this idea and I know many of people out on the internet can criticize this idea, so I welcome that, I also welcome the more intelligent of you to add to this idea as to what would be needed to make this succeed.

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