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Posts posted by frazz86

  1. If you need links for download google xamppLinux XAMPPWindow's XAMPPMac OS XAMPPSolaris XAMPPAfter the download has finished it should automatic come up with its setup if it does not come up with a set up follow these instructions:Step1: Go to where you Installed the filesStep2:Click Setup_XAMPPStep3:Follow its stepsStep4 Your back to where you should be!Now click XAMPP_start and wait for it to loadORClick XAMPP_control This also serves the same purpose as XAMPP_startOnce you have opened the control then click start on Apache and MysqlOnce (xampp start) has finished loading and auto closeOnce (xampp control) you have started Apache and MysqlYou can now start making PHP files Oh YEY!once you have made a php file you can test it Put the php file in your XAMPP folder Under HT_Docs And then type in your browser LOCALHOST/phpfilename/

    And your Php file will load !!Have fun

  2. Undergraduate entry
    [edit]The application process

    The United Kingdom has a centralised system of admissions to higher education at undergraduate level, UCAS. In general, students are not admitted to universities and colleges as a whole, but to particular courses of study.During the first few months (September to December) of the final year of school or sixth form college (age 17/18) or after having left school, applicants register on the UCAS website and select five courses at higher education institutes (fewer choices are permitted for the more competitive subjects such as medicine and veterinary medicine). If the applicant is still at school, his or her teachers will give him or her predicted grades for their A-level, Highers or IB subjects, which are then used for the application. If the applicant has already left school, he or she applies with results already obtained. The applicant must provide a personal statement describing in their own words why they want to study that particular subject and why they would be a committed student,[5] and their school must provide an academic reference.[6] Some universities (e.g. Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College or University College London) and some disciplines (e.g. medicine) routinely require shortlisted candidates to attend an interview and/or complete special admissions tests[7] before deciding whether to make an offer. In the absence of tests and interviews, the personal statement and reference can be decisive, as many students are likely to apply to competitive courses with similar predicted and actual grades.
    In general, applications must be received mid-January for courses that start the following Autumn. However the deadline is three months earlier, in mid-October, where the application includes a medical, dentistry or veterinary course, or any course at Oxbridge.[8]
    For each course applied for, the applicant receives a response from the institution: rejection, conditional offer or unconditional offer. If a conditional offer is received, the student can only take up the place on the course if they later fulfil the stated conditions: normally the achievement of specific grades in their forthcoming exams. If no offers are received following the initial application, or the applicant does not wish to take up any of their offers,[citation needed] UCAS+ can be used. Applicants can then apply to one course at a time in order to try to find a suitable offer.
    Following the receipt of offers, whether after the initial application, or through UCAS+, the applicant chooses two courses for which offers have been made: a first choice and a second choice. If the conditions of the first choice offer are later met, the applicant may attend this course. If the applicant does not fulfil the conditions of their first choice, but does fulfil the conditions of their second "insurance" choice, they can attend their second choice course. If they fail to meet the conditions of both offers, they may choose to go through "clearing". This involves ringing up or sending their application to different universities in the hope of finding a place on another course. Many students do successfully find places through this route.
    [edit]Factors affecting admission
    Whether to admit an applicant to a course is entirely the decision of each individual university. They will base their decision on a variety of factors, but primarily the grades predicted or already received in school leaver examinations. As more and more applicants are attaining higher and higher grades in the A level examinations, most universities also use secondary admissions criteria. These may include results at GCSE or Standard grade examinations (or equivalent), the references provided on the application and the information provided on the personal statement. The personal statement can often be the deciding factor between two similar candidates so a small industry has sprung up offering false personal statements for a fee. UCAS uses "similarity detection" software to detect personal statements that have been written by third parties or copied from other sources, and universities can reject applications for this reason.[9]
    The personal statements generally describe why the applicant wants to study the subject they have applied for, what makes them suitable to study that subject, what makes them suitable to study at degree level generally, any relevant work experience they have gained, their extracurricular activities and any other relevant factors. This is the only way admissions tutors can normally get an impression of what a candidate is really like and assess the applicant's commitment to the subject.
    In addition to the information provided on the UCAS form, some universities ask candidates to attend an interview. Oxford and Cambridge almost always interview applicants, unless, based on the UCAS form and/or admissions tests, they do not believe the applicant has any chance of admission. Other universities may choose to interview, though only in some subjects and on a much smaller scale, having already filtered out the majority of candidates. The interview gives the admissions tutors another chance to assess the candidate's suitability for the course.
    Universities are increasingly being put under pressure from central Government to admit people from a wider range of social backgrounds. Social background can only be assessed by the type of school attended, as no information about income or background is otherwise required on the UCAS form.
    Another important determinant of whether an offer is to be made is the amount of competition for admission to that course. The more competitive the course, the less likely an offer will be made and, therefore, the stronger the application must be. Applicants for medicine are often expected to have undertaken extensive work experience in a relevant field in order to show their commitment to the course. For the most competitive courses, less than 10% of applications may result in admission, whereas at the less competitive universities, practically all applicants may receive an offer of admission.
    Ultimately, however, no matter how many extra-curricular activities and work experience have been undertaken, if the admissions tutor does not believe, based on the submitted exam results, the candidate is academically capable of completing the course, he or she will not be admitted.
    A well qualified candidate applying under UCAS for five competitive courses to each of which only 10% of well qualified candidates could be accepted would have only a 40% chance of receiving at least one offer of acceptance. Alternatively, if five less competitive courses each having a 33% acceptance rate are chosen, the chance of receiving at least one offer is more than 85%. This implies that a strategy for improving the chance of receiving at least one offer, to perhaps 70%, is indicated even to well qualified candidates.
    [edit]Postgraduate entry
    All applications are made directly to the university or college, with no limit on the number of courses that can be applied for.

    Notice from Yordan:
    Please do not post copied text in our forum. Posting copied is text is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban. :)

  3. I would just say Get rid of internet explorer alltogether its rubbish slow horrible design no add-ons at all it's windows default and its a waste of time every computer/laptop i get i go on internet exlorer and download chrome/firefox <-- the best!! lol i used to use internet explorer but it is just awful! I think they really should dump that browser im sure no one likes it in comparison to other browsers!

  4. I have used PhpBB2 it very good as it is free (i like free stuff :D) and it works fine but obviously with free things there is always gonna be problems...But PhpBB2 is fine it works good i don't see any huge problems but i have not used discuz so i cannot compare the 2 :) Well why dont you create to *test* websites and mess around with it a bit and see which you are more comfotable using and which has a better Genaral User Interface.

  5. I would look though the forums for 8ennetts tutorial its a great tutorial really eaasy to follow its a piece of cake and its free insted of paying for that rubbish mccodes which is full of bugs expensive and a waste of money its impossible to follow it does not help you learn ANYTHING at all it's a pile of .... so don't even attempt MCCODES other wise your gonna be pissed of with your self for wasting your money on something that just will not help you AT all trust me i have tried V2 the most expensive and i haven't got any further until im now following 8ennetts tutorial and its so fun and easy to learn and im getting a decent game out of it in my own style !hope this helps

    Notice from Yordan:
    Please avoid double-posting. Even if you love 8ennet's tutorial, say it only once.

  6. Heres the top 15 brands1 | Creative 830 2 | Logitech 247 3 | A4 Tech 96 4 | Sony 62 5 | Philips 38 6 | Microsoft 38 7 | Labtec 34 8 | Linksys 32 9 | Axis 28 10| D-Link 26 11| IBM 24 | 12| Panasonic| 22 13| Ezonics | 20 14| Trendnet |16 15| Trust 16 | Lol go these off a website it says these are the best the numbers down the side is for votes and i have used creative and logitech logitech are expensive but definitly worth what you pay also with creative i would say if you are going to get any web cam Choose logitech or creative they are the best brands for them but they will come at a cost!!I do not use webcams any more but i used to use creative and they were very good and worth every bit i paid.

  7. I have looked on the web i don't know any free programs if there are any can you post here please, i think i should invest into getting photoshop is it worth it though? i don't know but i think Adobe are trustworthy well i think i may just have to buy it and be done with it well what are your reviews on it?

  8. I have windows 7 its very handy and annoying at the same time but its good i guess i think i has some nice features and yes it is very like vista i don't really know the difference lol so yea windows 7 vista pretty much the same and also i think windows 7 blocks people from hacking some games like i play warrock in windows 7 and it blocks hacks thank you windows :) because the process changes when in windows lol its some proceses turn in Process *32 XD

  9. What sofware do you guys use to make images backgrounds and so on for you website i don't really know any so im looking for some suggestions and why there good because i don't really know much about them and have any accept paint which is next to useless laugh out loud because im going into website making with no decent designing software so which is the best?

  10. Also what colour theme do you use custom or setup ones tried my own but the just look weird so tried some of theres they are pretty good so i just settle on them, so what colours do you use? default or not?

  11. Context is not to bad. I am using it. It is easy. You can change the colors for different languages.

    Yes Notepad++ is very good for that the features are very handy for editing small files, and so easy to use i kinda prefer it to dreamweaver lol its my dreamweave substitute it has nice ideas and the part selecting which language you prefer is pretty cool
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