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Posts posted by missalex

  1. I would choose college, but that's just me. I mean, if you enlist and join the army it sounds quite exciting, I just wouldn't want people to die. It's a sad thought but then again soilders help our country, so it's basically their job. Your story seems pretty sad and I'm sorry you went through all of that. Referring to your second paragraph, I would also feel weird in that situation. I mean, living with your friend's family? Well, good luck.

  2. At first I did think you were leaving this forum. Bravo! Great poem, I was trying to understand it and yes, you can actually feel the emotion. I don't think you should try pretending to be something you are not feeling, but then again most people keep everything inside.

  3. I liked the green plant sprinkled with water the best. It's summer [for now] and the plant looked quite cool and refreshed. The picture gives a depth in perception where the leaf's stem was bent. Also, kudos on where you left the signature, it went well with the photograph. Keep practicing, your photography will be more improved in the future. Good luck!

  4. Yes, I have many friend that associate in cosplays and conventions. I, on the other hand, have become annoyed with their obsessions. Also isn't this similar to posing? In my opinion posing is bad but I guess it's amusement to some people along with helping their imaginations and self esteem. Also, yes, guys do cosplay as well and sometimes girls and boys cosplay as opposite genders. I think it's somewhat pretty cool but I like halloween better, it's once a year and you get candy as you scare people throughout your neighborhood.

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