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Posts posted by sagoral

  1. I learnt PHP by looking phpBB codes. It was an advanced level but i was trying to understand them.. I was searchin all of the functions from php.net and if i had any question i asked them in the forums.. This continued about 3 or 4 months. The I started to write my first script...Now i think i can do lots of thinq with PHP.. I love PHP and still learning PHP :)

  2. I'm a fan of PHP too.. Sometimes I hate PHP because i get unidentified errors a lot especially on mysql queries.. Maybe the problem is phpmyadmin.. What can i say i dont know..I started with PHP4 and waiting PHP6.. Lets see what will happen in the future,Regards

  3. You have to check with isset() that the post has sent? And then you can check the fields width empty() function..
    You can use more advanaced algorythm future.. But start with this.. Then develop this ;)

    You can find a lot of source about Ajax Vaidation on the Google.Com... I have wrote an article on Ajax Validation but you wont understand it.. Its in Turkish :)

    I want to tell why its not working

    <?phpinclude("global.php");$username = $_POST["username"];[b]$dsiplayName[/b] = $_POST["displayName"];$pass = $_POST["password"];$pass2 = $_POST["password2"];$age = $_POST["age"];if($username==NULL || $[b]diplayName[/b](you wrote $dsiplayName)==NULL || $pass==NULL || $pass2==NULL || $age==NULL){        echo "Fine"; // You said that if the fields are empty echo "Fine". So, you should change the conditions place }else{        echo "Username not entered";}?>

    Notice from rvalkass:

    Posts merged and code tags added around code.

  4. You can get the last id by using the mysql function mysql_insert_id "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/getting-unique-id.html;
    Here is a sample code using the function.

    <?php$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'mysql_user', 'mysql_password');if (!$link) {    die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());}mysql_select_db('mydb');mysql_query("INSERT INTO mytable (product) values ('kossu')");echo mysql_insert_id();?>

    This is what i want exactly.. But i want to ask a question about using this function: Do we need to name column as "id"?
    or never mind i will try it then i'll see :)

    Thank you,
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